# automaticDiscountNodes - admin - QUERY
Version: 2025-01

## Description
Returns a list of [automatic discounts](https://help.shopify.com/manual/discounts/discount-types#automatic-discounts).

### Access Scopes
Apps must have `read_discounts` access scope.

## Arguments
* [after](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/String): String - The elements that come after the specified [cursor](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/pagination-graphql).
* [before](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/String): String - The elements that come before the specified [cursor](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/pagination-graphql).
* [first](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Int): Int - The first `n` elements from the [paginated list](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/pagination-graphql).
* [last](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Int): Int - The last `n` elements from the [paginated list](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/pagination-graphql).
* [query](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/String): String - A filter made up of terms, connectives, modifiers, and comparators.
| name | type | description | acceptable_values | default_value | example_use |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| default | string | Filter by a case-insensitive search of multiple fields in a document. | | | - `query=Bob Norman`<br/> - `query=title:green hoodie` |
| id | id | Filter by `id` range. | | | - `id:1234`<br/> - `id:>=1234`<br/> - `id:<=1234` |
| status | string | Filter by the discount status. | - `active`<br/> - `expired`<br/> - `scheduled` | | - `status:scheduled` |
| type | string | Filter by the [discount type](https://help.shopify.com/manual/discounts/discount-types). | - `all`<br/> - `all_with_app`<br/> - `app`<br/> - `bxgy`<br/> - `fixed_amount`<br/> - `percentage` | | - `type:bxgy` |
You can apply one or more filters to a query. Learn more about [Shopify API search syntax](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/search-syntax).

* [reverse](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean - Reverse the order of the underlying list.
* [savedSearchId](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/ID): ID - The ID of a [saved search](https://shopify.dev/api/admin-graphql/latest/objects/savedsearch#field-id).
The search’s query string is used as the query argument.
* [sortKey](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/enums/AutomaticDiscountSortKeys): AutomaticDiscountSortKeys - Sort the underlying list using a key. If your query is slow or returns an error, then [try specifying a sort key that matches the field used in the search](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/pagination-graphql#search-performance-considerations).

## Returns
* [edges](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/objects/DiscountAutomaticNodeEdge): DiscountAutomaticNodeEdge! The connection between the node and its parent. Each edge contains a minimum of the edge's cursor and the node.
* [nodes](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/objects/DiscountAutomaticNode): DiscountAutomaticNode! A list of nodes that are contained in DiscountAutomaticNodeEdge. You can fetch data about an individual node, or you can follow the edges to fetch data about a collection of related nodes. At each node, you specify the fields that you want to retrieve.
* [pageInfo](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/objects/PageInfo): PageInfo! An object that’s used to retrieve [cursor information](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/pagination-graphql) about the current page.

## Examples
### Query a list of automatic discounts
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/admin/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: {access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query { automaticDiscountNodes(first: 2) { edges { node { id automaticDiscount { ... on DiscountAutomaticBasic { title status } ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy { title status } } } } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Graphql({session});\nconst data = await client.query({\n  data: `query {\n    automaticDiscountNodes(first: 2) {\n      edges {\n        node {\n          id\n          automaticDiscount {\n            ... on DiscountAutomaticBasic {\n              title\n              status\n            }\n            ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n              title\n              status\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: "session = ShopifyAPI::Auth::Session.new(\n  shop: \"your-development-store.myshopify.com\",\n  access_token: access_token\n)\nclient = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Graphql::Admin.new(\n  session: session\n)\n\nquery = <<~QUERY\n  query {\n    automaticDiscountNodes(first: 2) {\n      edges {\n        node {\n          id\n          automaticDiscount {\n            ... on DiscountAutomaticBasic {\n              title\n              status\n            }\n            ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n              title\n              status\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\nQUERY\n\nresponse = client.query(query: query)\n" 
Remix example: "const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request);\n\nconst response = await admin.graphql(\n  `#graphql\n  query {\n    automaticDiscountNodes(first: 2) {\n      edges {\n        node {\n          id\n          automaticDiscount {\n            ... on DiscountAutomaticBasic {\n              title\n              status\n            }\n            ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n              title\n              status\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query {\n  automaticDiscountNodes(first: 2) {\n    edges {\n      node {\n        id\n        automaticDiscount {\n          ... on DiscountAutomaticBasic {\n            title\n            status\n          }\n          ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n            title\n            status\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
  "data": {
    "automaticDiscountNodes": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "id": "gid://shopify/DiscountAutomaticNode/1057371287",
            "automaticDiscount": {
              "title": "Automatic BXGY",
              "status": "ACTIVE"
          "node": {
            "id": "gid://shopify/DiscountAutomaticNode/1057371288",
            "automaticDiscount": {
              "title": "Basic Discount",
              "status": "ACTIVE"

### Query automatic discounts with pagination and filtering
Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/admin/api/2025-01/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: {access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"query { automaticDiscountNodes(first: 1, query: \\\"status:active\\\") { nodes { id automaticDiscount { ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy { title status } } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } }\"\n}'\n"
Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Graphql({session});\nconst data = await client.query({\n  data: `query {\n    automaticDiscountNodes(first: 1, query: \"status:active\") {\n      nodes {\n        id\n        automaticDiscount {\n          ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n            title\n            status\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      pageInfo {\n        hasNextPage\n        endCursor\n      }\n    }\n  }`,\n});\n"
Ruby example: "session = ShopifyAPI::Auth::Session.new(\n  shop: \"your-development-store.myshopify.com\",\n  access_token: access_token\n)\nclient = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Graphql::Admin.new(\n  session: session\n)\n\nquery = <<~QUERY\n  query {\n    automaticDiscountNodes(first: 1, query: \"status:active\") {\n      nodes {\n        id\n        automaticDiscount {\n          ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n            title\n            status\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      pageInfo {\n        hasNextPage\n        endCursor\n      }\n    }\n  }\nQUERY\n\nresponse = client.query(query: query)\n" 
Remix example: "const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request);\n\nconst response = await admin.graphql(\n  `#graphql\n  query {\n    automaticDiscountNodes(first: 1, query: \"status:active\") {\n      nodes {\n        id\n        automaticDiscount {\n          ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n            title\n            status\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      pageInfo {\n        hasNextPage\n        endCursor\n      }\n    }\n  }`,\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n"
Graphql query: "query {\n  automaticDiscountNodes(first: 1, query: \"status:active\") {\n    nodes {\n      id\n      automaticDiscount {\n        ... on DiscountAutomaticBxgy {\n          title\n          status\n        }\n      }\n    }\n    pageInfo {\n      hasNextPage\n      endCursor\n    }\n  }\n}"
#### Graphql Input
#### Graphql Response
  "data": {
    "automaticDiscountNodes": {
      "nodes": [
          "id": "gid://shopify/DiscountAutomaticNode/1057371286",
          "automaticDiscount": {
            "title": "Active BXGY",
            "status": "ACTIVE"
      "pageInfo": {
        "hasNextPage": false,
        "endCursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjoxMDU3MzcxMjg2LCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjoiMTA1NzM3MTI4NiJ9"