Provides access to the cart object.
import {CartProvider, useCart} from '@shopify/hydrogen-react';
export function App() {
onLineAdd={() => {
console.log('a line is being added');
onLineAddComplete={() => {
console.log('a line has been added');
<CartComponent />
function CartComponent() {
const {linesAdd, status} = useCart();
const merchandise = {merchandiseId: '{id-here}'};
return (
Cart Status: {status}
<button onClick={() => linesAdd([merchandise])}>Add Line</button>
import {CartProvider, useCart} from '@shopify/hydrogen-react';
import type {CartLineInput} from '@shopify/hydrogen-react/storefront-api-types';
export function App() {
onLineAdd={() => {
console.log('a line is being added');
onLineAddComplete={() => {
console.log('a line has been added');
<CartComponent />
function CartComponent() {
const {linesAdd, status} = useCart();
const merchandise: CartLineInput = {merchandiseId: '{id-here}'};
return (
Cart Status: {status}
<button onClick={() => linesAdd([merchandise])}>Add Line</button>
`useCart` hook must be a descendent of a `CartProvider` component.
type UseCartDocs = () => CartWithActionsDocs;
The cart's attributes.
The cart's buyer identity.
A callback that updates the buyer identity in the cart. Expects the same `buyerIdentity` input that you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartBuyerIdentityUpdate` mutation.
A callback that updates the cart attributes. Expects the same `attributes` input that you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartAttributesUpdate` mutation.
A callback that creates a cart. Expects the same input you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartCreate` mutation.
The fragment used to query the cart object for all queries and mutations.
A boolean indicating if the cart is ready to be interacted with.
The checkout URL for the cart, if the cart has been created in the Storefront API.
The cost for the cart, including the subtotal, total, taxes, and duties.
The discount codes applied to the cart.
A callback that updates the cart's discount codes. Expects the same `codes` input that you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartDiscountCodesUpdate` mutation.
If an error occurred on the previous cart action, then `error` will exist and `cart` will be put back into the last valid status it was in.
The cart's ID if it has been created through the Storefront API.
The cart lines.
A callback that adds lines to the cart. Expects the same `lines` input that you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartLinesAdd` mutation. If a cart doesn't already exist, then it will create the cart for you.
A callback that removes lines from the cart. Expects the same `lines` input that you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartLinesRemove` mutation. Only lines that are included in the `lines` parameter will be in the cart afterwards.
A callback that updates lines in the cart. Expects the same `lines` input that you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartLinesUpdate` mutation. If a line item is not included in the `lines` parameter, it will still exist in the cart and will not be changed.
The cart's note.
A callback that updates the note in the cart. Expects the same `note` input that you would provide to the Storefront API's `cartNoteUpdate` mutation.
The status of the cart. This returns `uninitialized` when the cart is not yet created, `creating` when the cart is being created, `fetching` when an existing cart is being fetched, `updating` when the cart is updating, and `idle` when the cart isn't being created or updated.
The total number of items in the cart, across all lines. If there are no lines, then the value is 0.
{status: 'uninitialized'; error?: string} | {status: 'fetching'} | {status: 'creating'} | {status: 'updating'; cart: Cart; lastValidCart: Cart} | {status: 'idle'; cart: Cart; error?: string}
PartialDeep<CartBase, {recurseIntoArrays: true}>