# customerResetByUrl - storefront - MUTATION
Version: 2025-01

## Description
"Resets a customer’s password with the reset password URL received from a reset password email. You can send a reset password email with the [`customerRecover`](https://shopify.dev/api/storefront/latest/mutations/customerRecover) mutation."

### Access Scopes
`unauthenticated_write_customers` access scope.

## Arguments
* [password](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/String): String! - New password that will be set as part of the reset password process.
* [resetUrl](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/scalars/URL): URL! - The customer's reset password url.

## Returns
* [customer](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/Customer): Customer The customer object which was reset.
* [customerAccessToken](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/CustomerAccessToken): CustomerAccessToken A newly created customer access token object for the customer.
* [customerUserErrors](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/CustomerUserError): CustomerUserError! The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.
* [userErrors](/docs/api/storefront/2025-01/objects/UserError): UserError! The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.

## Examples