# Payment - storefront - OBJECT
Version: 2024-04

## Description
A payment applied to a checkout.

### Access Scopes
`unauthenticated_read_checkouts` access scope.

## Fields
* [amount](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The amount of the payment.
* [amountV2](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The amount of the payment.
* [billingAddress](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/MailingAddress): MailingAddress - The billing address for the payment.
* [checkout](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/Checkout): Checkout! - The checkout to which the payment belongs.
* [creditCard](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/CreditCard): CreditCard - The credit card used for the payment in the case of direct payments.
* [errorMessage](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/String): String - A message describing a processing error during asynchronous processing.
* [id](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/ID): ID! - A globally-unique ID.
* [idempotencyKey](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/String): String - A client-side generated token to identify a payment and perform idempotent operations.
For more information, refer to
[Idempotent requests](https://shopify.dev/api/usage/idempotent-requests).

* [nextActionUrl](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/URL): URL - The URL where the customer needs to be redirected so they can complete the 3D Secure payment flow.
* [ready](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the payment is still processing asynchronously.
* [test](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - A flag to indicate if the payment is to be done in test mode for gateways that support it.
* [transaction](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/Transaction): Transaction - The actual transaction recorded by Shopify after having processed the payment with the gateway.

## Connections

## Related queries

## Related mutations
* [checkoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/mutations/checkoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2) Completes a checkout using a credit card token from Shopify's card vault. Before you can complete checkouts using CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2, you need to  [_request payment processing_](https://shopify.dev/apps/channels/getting-started#request-payment-processing).
* [checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV3](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/mutations/checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV3) Completes a checkout with a tokenized payment.

## Related Unions

## Examples