URL! -
The location of the original image as a URL.
If there are any existing transformations in the original source URL, they will remain and not be stripped.
URL! -
The location of the transformed image as a URL.
All transformation arguments are considered "best-effort". If they can be applied to an image, they will be.
Otherwise any transformations which an image type doesn't support will be ignored.
URL! -
The location of the image as a URL.
If no transform options are specified, then the original image will be preserved including any pre-applied transforms.
All transformation options are considered "best-effort". Any transformation that the original image type doesn't support will be ignored.
If you need multiple variations of the same image, then you can use [GraphQL aliases](https://graphql.org/learn/queries/#aliases).
Int -
The original width of the image in pixels. Returns `null` if the image isn't hosted by Shopify.
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