# Enhancements to range and select input settings — Shopify developer changelog --- ## Enhancements to range and select input settings New quality of life updates are here for the range and select input settings! Featuring enhancements to the design and functionality of these settings, these two changes will improve the theme editing experience. We have introduced a new input box as part of the range setting updates. Merchants now have two ways to set their range value, either by using the existing slider or by typing in a value, which offers more flexibility and precision when setting values. The select setting can now present itself in one of two ways, either as a dropdown list, or as a new segmented control. Depending on the options passed in, the setting will apply the ideal visual treatment accordingly. Learn more about the [range setting](https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/architecture/settings/input-settings#range) and [select setting](https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/architecture/settings/input-settings#select) changes in our developer documentation. *Published: September 22, 2023* Tags: Themes, Update Link: https://shopify.dev/changelog/enhancements-to-range-and-select-input-settings ---