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Remove Tailwind


Hydrogen 2.0 is out now. These archival Hydrogen 1.0 docs are provided only to assist developers during their upgrade process. Please migrate to Hydrogen 2.0 as soon as possible.

If you don't want to build with Tailwind's library and instead want to write your own CSS, then you can remove Tailwind:

  1. Delete all the code in src/index.css.
  2. Remove Tailwind from package.json.
  3. Remove Tailwind from postcss.config.js.
  4. Run the following commands:
```bash?filename: 'Terminal', title: 'npm'
// Switch to your app's directory
cd <directory>

// Install dependencies
npm i

// Start the development server
npm run dev

```bash?filename: 'Terminal', title: 'Yarn'
// Switch to your app's directory
cd <directory>

// Install dependencies

// Start the development server
yarn dev