# Asset

        <div class="note">
          <p>Starting with Admin API 2023-04, if an app distributed through the Shopify App Store uses the Asset resource to create, edit or delete a theme's asset, you need to request the required protected access scope. In most cases, you shouldn't use the Asset resource. To learn more about when you can use the Asset resource, and how to migrate, refer to the <a href="/docs/apps/online-store/other-integration-methods/asset">Asset resource</a>.</p>

        <p>Theme assets are the individual files that make up a shop's theme.</p>
        {{ '/api/reference/asset.png' | image }}
        <p>A theme's assets include its templates, images, stylesheets, and extra snippets of code. They are arranged among the theme's directories, such as <strong>layout</strong>, <strong>templates</strong>, and <strong>assets</strong>. You can use the Asset resource to add, change, or remove asset files from a shop's theme. For a complete list of theme directories, refer to <a href="/themes/architecture"><em>Theme architecture</em></a>.</p>
        <p>To learn how to create your own theme, see <a href="/concepts/themes"><em>Building themes</em></a>.</p>

## Resource Properties

### Asset

* attachment: A base64-encoded image.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5Ow==\n"
* checksum: The <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5">MD5</a> representation of the content, consisting of a string of 32 hexadecimal digits. May be null if an asset has not been updated recently.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "f69db2c563b5be32648ac7367557c09c"
* content_type: The <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type">MIME</a> representation of the content, consisting of the type and subtype of the asset.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "image/gif"
* created_at: The date and time (<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601' target="_blank">ISO 8601</a> format) when the asset was created.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "2010-07-12T15:31:50-04:00"
* key: The path to the asset within a theme. It consists of the file's directory and filename. For example, the asset <code>assets/bg-body-green.gif</code> is in the <strong>assets</strong> directory, so its key is <code>assets/bg-body-green.gif</code>.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "assets/bg-body-green.gif"
* public_url: The public-facing URL of the asset.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "http://static.shopify.com/assets/bg.gif?1"
* size: The asset size in bytes.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 1542
* theme_id: The ID for the theme that an asset belongs to.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 828155753
* updated_at: The date and time (<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601' target="_blank">ISO 8601</a> format) when an asset was last updated.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "2010-07-12T15:31:50-04:00"
* value: The text content of the asset, such as the HTML and Liquid markup of a template file.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "<div id=\"page\">\n<h1>404 Page not found</h1>\n<p>We couldn't find the page you were looking for.</p>\n</div>"
## Retrieves a list of assets for a theme

<p>Retrieves a list of assets for a theme.</p>
          <p><strong>Note:</strong> Retrieving a list of assets returns only metadata about each asset. To retrieve an asset's content, you need to retrieve the asset individually.</p>

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/themes/{theme_id}/assets.json (GET)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* theme_id (required): 
* fields: Specify which fields to show using a comma-separated list of field names.

### Responses
#### 200
Retrieves a list of assets for a theme

##### Retrieve a list of all assets for a theme
GET /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
## Creates or updates an asset for a theme

<p>Creates or updates an asset for a theme.</p>
          <p>In the PUT request, you can include the <code>src</code> or <code>source_key</code> property to create the asset from an existing file.</p>

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/themes/{theme_id}/assets.json (PUT)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* theme_id (required): 
* source_key: The path within the theme to an existing asset. Include in the body of the PUT request to create a duplicate asset.
* src: The source URL of an image. Include in the body of the PUT request to upload the image to Shopify.

### Responses
#### 200
Creates or updates an asset for a theme

##### Change an existing Liquid template's value
PUT /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json
{"asset":{"key":"templates/index.liquid","value":"<img src='backsoon-postit.png'><p>We are busy updating the store for you and will be back within the hour.</p>"}}

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
##### Create an image asset by providing a base64-encoded attachment
PUT /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
##### Create an image asset by providing a source URL from which to upload the image
PUT /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
##### Duplicate an existing asset by providing a source key
PUT /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
## Retrieves a single asset for a theme

<p>Retrieves a single asset for a theme by its key.</p>
          <p>To retrieve a single asset, include <code>asset[key]=#{asset_key}</code> as a request parameter. For example, to retrieve the asset with a key of <code>templates/index.liquid</code>, the request might be <code>/admin/themes/828155753/assets.json?asset[key]=templates/index.liquid</code>.</p>
          <p>For more information on the <code>key</code> property, refer to Asset properties.</p>

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/themes/{theme_id}/assets.json?asset[key]=templates/index.liquid (GET)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* asset[key] (required): Retrieves a single asset for a theme by specifying the asset's key. 
* theme_id (required): 
* fields: Specify which fields to show using a comma-separated list of field names.

### Responses
#### 200
Retrieves a single asset for a theme

##### Retrieve a Liquid template
GET /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"asset":{"key":"templates/index.liquid","public_url":null,"value":"<!-- LIST 3 PER ROW -->\n<h2>Featured Products</h2>\n<table id=\"products\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n  {% tablerow product in collections.frontpage.products cols:3 %}\n    <a href=\"{{product.url}}\">{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'small' | img_tag }}</a>\n    <h3><a href=\"{{product.url}}\">{{product.title}}</a></h3>\n    <ul class=\"attributes\">\n      <li><span class=\"money\">{{product.price_min | money}}</span></li>\n    </ul>\n  {% endtablerow %}\n</table>\n<!-- /LIST 3 PER ROW -->\n\n{{ content_for_index }}\n\n<div id=\"articles\">\n  {% assign article = pages.frontpage %}\n  <div class=\"article\">\n    {% if article.content != \"\" %}\n      <h3>{{ article.title }}</h3>\n      <div class=\"article-body textile\">\n        {{ article.content }}\n      </div>\n    {% else %}\n      <div class=\"article-body textile\">\n        In <em>Admin &gt; Blogs &amp; Pages</em>, create a page with the handle <strong><code>frontpage</code></strong> and it will show up here.\n        <br />\n        {{ \"Learn more about handles\" | link_to \"http://wiki.shopify.com/Handle\" }}\n      </div>\n    {% endif %}\n  </div>\n</div>\n","created_at":"2010-07-12T15:31:50-04:00","updated_at":"2010-07-12T15:31:50-04:00","content_type":"application/x-liquid","size":1068,"checksum":null,"theme_id":828155753}}
## Deletes an asset from a theme

Deletes an asset from a theme.

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/themes/{theme_id}/assets.json?asset[key]=assets/bg-body.gif (DELETE)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* asset[key] (required): Deletes a single asset from a theme by specifying the asset's key. 
* theme_id (required): 

### Responses
#### 200
Deletes an asset from a theme

##### Delete an image from a theme
DELETE /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"message":"assets/bg-body.gif was successfully deleted"}
#### 403
Deletes an asset from a theme

##### Deleting an asset required by the theme fails with an error
DELETE /admin/api/unstable/themes/828155753/assets.json

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
{"message":"layout/theme.liquid could not be deleted"}