A [target](/docs/apps/app-extensions/configuration#targets) represents where your admin UI extension will appear. You register targets in your `shopify.extension.toml` and inside the Javascript file denoted by your toml's `module` property.
This page shows information about a single abandoned checkout. The `admin.abandoned-checkout-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.abandoned-checkout-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single catalog. The `admin.catalog-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.catalog-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single collection. The `admin.collection-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.collection-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple collections. The `admin.collection-index.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.collection-index.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single company. The `admin.company-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.company-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single customer. The `admin.customer-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.customer-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple customers. The `admin.customer-index.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.customer-index.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple customers. The `admin.customer-index.selection-action.render` target is available on this page when multiple customers are selected. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.customer-index.selection-action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single customer segment. The `admin.customer-segment-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.customer-segment-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single discount. The `admin.discount-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.discount-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple discounts. The `admin.discount-index.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.discount-index.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single draft order. The `admin.draft-order-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.draft-order-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple draft orders. The `admin.draft-order-index.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.draft-order-index.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple draft orders. The `admin.draft-order-index.selection-action.render` target is available on this page when multiple draft orders are selected. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.draft-order-index.selection-action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single gift card. The `admin.gift-card-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.gift-card-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single order. The `admin.order-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.order-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single order, including a card showing the fulfillment details. The `admin.order-fulfilled-card.action.render` target is available on this page, but only if your app is selected as the fulfillment app for that order. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.order-fulfilled-card.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple orders. The `admin.order-index.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.order-index.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple orders. The `admin.order-index.selection-action.render` target is available on this page when multiple orders are selected. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.order-index.selection-action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single product. The `admin.product-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.product-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple products. The `admin.product-index.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.product-index.action.should-render` target.
This page shows a table of multiple products. The `admin.product-index.selection-action.render` target is available on this page when multiple products are selected. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.product-index.selection-action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single product variant. The `admin.product-variant-details.action.render` target is available on this page. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.product-variant-details.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single product, including a card showing purchase options. The `admin.product-purchase-option.action.render` target is available on this page when selling plans exists. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.product-purchase-option.action.should-render` target.
This page shows information about a single product variant, including a card showing purchase options. The `admin.product-variant-purchase-option.action.render` target is available on this page when selling plans exists. You can control the visibility of the action by using the `admin.product-variant-purchase-option.action.should-render` target.
Admin action extensions appear on resource pages throughout the admin. Learn more about [admin actions](/docs/apps/admin/admin-actions-and-blocks#admin-actions). Each target has a companion target that supports [controlling the visibility of the admin action menu item](/docs/apps/build/admin/actions-blocks/hide-extensions?extension=react).
This page shows information about a single abandoned checkout. The `admin.abandoned-checkout-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single catalog. The `admin.catalog-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single collection. The `admin.collection-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single company. The `admin.company-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a location for a company. The `admin.company-location-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single customer. The `admin.customer-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single draft order. The `admin.draft-order-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single gift card. The `admin.gift-card-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single discount. The `admin.discount-details.function-settings.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single order. The `admin.order-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single product. The `admin.product-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single product variant. The `admin.product-variant-details.block.render` target is available on this page.
Admin block extensions appear on resource detail pages throughout the admin. Learn more about [admin blocks](/docs/apps/admin/admin-actions-and-blocks#admin-blocks).
This page shows information about a single order. The `admin.order-details.print-action.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows information about a single product. The `admin.product-details.print-action.render` target is available on this page.
This page shows a table of multiple orders. The `admin.order-index.selection-print-action.render` target is available on this page when multiple orders are selected.
This page shows a table of multiple products. The `admin.product-index.selection-print-action.render` target is available on this page when multiple products are selected.
Admin print action extensions appear on order and product pages in the admin.
This page shows information about a single abandoned checkout. The `admin.abandoned-checkout-details.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows information about a single collection. The `admin.collection-details.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple collections. The `admin.collection-index.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows information about a single customer. The `admin.customer-details.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple customers. The `admin.customer-index.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple customers. The `admin.customer-index.selection-action.link` target is available on this page when multiple customers are selected.
This page shows a table of multiple discounts. The `admin.discount-index.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows information about a single draft order. The `admin.draft-order-details.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple draft orders. The `admin.draft-order-index.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple draft orders. The `admin.draft-order-index.selection-action.link` target is available on this page when multiple draft orders are selected.
This page shows information about a single order. The `admin.order-details.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple orders. The `admin.order-index.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple orders. The `admin.order-index.selection-action.link` target is available on this page when multiple orders are selected.
This page shows information about a single product. The `admin.product-details.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple products. The `admin.product-index.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
This page shows a table of multiple products. The `admin.product-index.selection-action.link` target is available on this page when multiple products are selected.
This page shows information about a single product variant. The `admin.product-variant-details.action.link` target is available in the "More actions" on the page.
Admin link extensions appear on resource pages throughout the admin. Learn more about [admin actions](/docs/apps/admin/admin-actions-and-blocks#admin-actions).
Customer segmentation extensions appear in the [customer segment editor](https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/customers/customer-segmentation/create-customer-segments). Learn more about [customer segmentation](/docs/apps/marketing/customer-segments).
Product configuration extensions appear on the product details and product variant details pages, and allow configuration of product bundles. Learn more about [product configuration](/docs/apps/selling-strategies/bundles/product-config).
Validation settings extensions appear in the checkout rules section of the settings page. They allow merchants to configure validation rules for their checkout. Learn more about [validation settings](/docs/apps/checkout/validation).