# draftOrderCalculate - admin - MUTATION Version: 2024-04 ## Description Calculates the properties of a draft order. Useful for determining information such as total taxes or price without actually creating a draft order. ### Access Scopes `write_draft_orders` access scope. ## Arguments * [input](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/input-objects/DraftOrderInput): DraftOrderInput! - The fields for the draft order. ## Returns * [calculatedDraftOrder](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/objects/CalculatedDraftOrder): CalculatedDraftOrder The calculated properties for a draft order. * [userErrors](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/objects/UserError): UserError! The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation. ## Examples ### Calculate properties of a draft order Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: {access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) { draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) { calculatedDraftOrder { customer { id email firstName numberOfOrders defaultAddress { id firstName lastName address1 address2 city provinceCode zip countryCodeV2 } taxExempt } billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress totalPriceSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } lineItems { appliedDiscount { amountSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } value valueType description } discountedTotalSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } product { id title } quantity requiresShipping sku taxable title variantTitle variant { id } weight { value unit } } totalTaxSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } totalDiscountsSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } shippingLine { id custom shippingRateHandle title originalPriceSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } } presentmentCurrencyCode } userErrors { field message } } }\",\n \"variables\": {\n \"input\": {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Loyalty\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"billingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"123 Amoebobacterieae St\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"Ottawa\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Bobsen\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"ON\",\n \"zip\": \"K2P0V6\"\n },\n \"customerId\": \"gid://shopify/Customer/544365967\",\n \"lineItems\": [\n {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Promo\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"customAttributes\": [],\n \"originalUnitPrice\": 10,\n \"quantity\": 1,\n \"requiresShipping\": true,\n \"sku\": \"draft-151\",\n \"taxable\": true,\n \"title\": \"151cm\",\n \"variantId\": \"gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43729076\",\n \"weight\": {\n \"unit\": \"KILOGRAMS\",\n \"value\": 1\n }\n },\n {\n \"appliedDiscount\": null,\n \"customAttributes\": [],\n \"originalUnitPrice\": \"10.0\",\n \"quantity\": 2,\n \"requiresShipping\": true,\n \"sku\": null,\n \"taxable\": true,\n \"title\": \"Spring Promo Item\",\n \"variantId\": null,\n \"weight\": {\n \"unit\": \"KILOGRAMS\",\n \"value\": 1.2\n }\n }\n ],\n \"presentmentCurrencyCode\": \"CAD\",\n \"shippingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Smith\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"AB\",\n \"zip\": \"\"\n },\n \"shippingLine\": {\n \"price\": \"0.0\",\n \"title\": \"Free shipping\"\n },\n \"taxExempt\": false\n }\n }\n}'\n" Node example: "const client = new shopify.clients.Graphql({session});\nconst data = await client.query({\n data: {\n \"query\": `mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) {\n draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) {\n calculatedDraftOrder {\n customer {\n id\n email\n firstName\n numberOfOrders\n defaultAddress {\n id\n firstName\n lastName\n address1\n address2\n city\n provinceCode\n zip\n countryCodeV2\n }\n taxExempt\n }\n billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress\n totalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n lineItems {\n appliedDiscount {\n amountSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n value\n valueType\n description\n }\n discountedTotalSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n product {\n id\n title\n }\n quantity\n requiresShipping\n sku\n taxable\n title\n variantTitle\n variant {\n id\n }\n weight {\n value\n unit\n }\n }\n totalTaxSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n totalDiscountsSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n shippingLine {\n id\n custom\n shippingRateHandle\n title\n originalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n }\n presentmentCurrencyCode\n }\n userErrors {\n field\n message\n }\n }\n }`,\n \"variables\": {\n \"input\": {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Loyalty\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"billingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"123 Amoebobacterieae St\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"Ottawa\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Bobsen\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"ON\",\n \"zip\": \"K2P0V6\"\n },\n \"customerId\": \"gid://shopify/Customer/544365967\",\n \"lineItems\": [\n {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Promo\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"customAttributes\": [],\n \"originalUnitPrice\": 10,\n \"quantity\": 1,\n \"requiresShipping\": true,\n \"sku\": \"draft-151\",\n \"taxable\": true,\n \"title\": \"151cm\",\n \"variantId\": \"gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43729076\",\n \"weight\": {\n \"unit\": \"KILOGRAMS\",\n \"value\": 1\n }\n },\n {\n \"appliedDiscount\": null,\n \"customAttributes\": [],\n \"originalUnitPrice\": \"10.0\",\n \"quantity\": 2,\n \"requiresShipping\": true,\n \"sku\": null,\n \"taxable\": true,\n \"title\": \"Spring Promo Item\",\n \"variantId\": null,\n \"weight\": {\n \"unit\": \"KILOGRAMS\",\n \"value\": 1.2\n }\n }\n ],\n \"presentmentCurrencyCode\": \"CAD\",\n \"shippingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Smith\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"AB\",\n \"zip\": \"\"\n },\n \"shippingLine\": {\n \"price\": \"0.0\",\n \"title\": \"Free shipping\"\n },\n \"taxExempt\": false\n }\n },\n },\n});\n" Ruby example: "session = ShopifyAPI::Auth::Session.new(\n shop: \"your-development-store.myshopify.com\",\n access_token: access_token\n)\nclient = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Graphql::Admin.new(\n session: session\n)\n\nquery = <<~QUERY\n mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) {\n draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) {\n calculatedDraftOrder {\n customer {\n id\n email\n firstName\n numberOfOrders\n defaultAddress {\n id\n firstName\n lastName\n address1\n address2\n city\n provinceCode\n zip\n countryCodeV2\n }\n taxExempt\n }\n billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress\n totalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n lineItems {\n appliedDiscount {\n amountSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n value\n valueType\n description\n }\n discountedTotalSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n product {\n id\n title\n }\n quantity\n requiresShipping\n sku\n taxable\n title\n variantTitle\n variant {\n id\n }\n weight {\n value\n unit\n }\n }\n totalTaxSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n totalDiscountsSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n shippingLine {\n id\n custom\n shippingRateHandle\n title\n originalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n }\n presentmentCurrencyCode\n }\n userErrors {\n field\n message\n }\n }\n }\nQUERY\n\nvariables = {\n \"input\": {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Loyalty\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"billingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"123 Amoebobacterieae St\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"Ottawa\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Bobsen\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"ON\",\n \"zip\": \"K2P0V6\"\n },\n \"customerId\": \"gid://shopify/Customer/544365967\",\n \"lineItems\": [{\"appliedDiscount\"=>{\"description\"=>\"Promo\", \"value\"=>5, \"valueType\"=>\"FIXED_AMOUNT\"}, \"customAttributes\"=>[], \"originalUnitPrice\"=>10, \"quantity\"=>1, \"requiresShipping\"=>true, \"sku\"=>\"draft-151\", \"taxable\"=>true, \"title\"=>\"151cm\", \"variantId\"=>\"gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43729076\", \"weight\"=>{\"unit\"=>\"KILOGRAMS\", \"value\"=>1}}, {\"appliedDiscount\"=>nil, \"customAttributes\"=>[], \"originalUnitPrice\"=>\"10.0\", \"quantity\"=>2, \"requiresShipping\"=>true, \"sku\"=>nil, \"taxable\"=>true, \"title\"=>\"Spring Promo Item\", \"variantId\"=>nil, \"weight\"=>{\"unit\"=>\"KILOGRAMS\", \"value\"=>1.2}}],\n \"presentmentCurrencyCode\": \"CAD\",\n \"shippingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Smith\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"AB\",\n \"zip\": \"\"\n },\n \"shippingLine\": {\n \"price\": \"0.0\",\n \"title\": \"Free shipping\"\n },\n \"taxExempt\": false\n }\n}\n\nresponse = client.query(query: query, variables: variables)\n" Remix example: "const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request);\n\nconst response = await admin.graphql(\n `#graphql\n mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) {\n draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) {\n calculatedDraftOrder {\n customer {\n id\n email\n firstName\n numberOfOrders\n defaultAddress {\n id\n firstName\n lastName\n address1\n address2\n city\n provinceCode\n zip\n countryCodeV2\n }\n taxExempt\n }\n billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress\n totalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n lineItems {\n appliedDiscount {\n amountSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n value\n valueType\n description\n }\n discountedTotalSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n product {\n id\n title\n }\n quantity\n requiresShipping\n sku\n taxable\n title\n variantTitle\n variant {\n id\n }\n weight {\n value\n unit\n }\n }\n totalTaxSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n totalDiscountsSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n shippingLine {\n id\n custom\n shippingRateHandle\n title\n originalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n }\n presentmentCurrencyCode\n }\n userErrors {\n field\n message\n }\n }\n }`,\n {\n variables: {\n \"input\": {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Loyalty\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"billingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"123 Amoebobacterieae St\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"Ottawa\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Bobsen\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"ON\",\n \"zip\": \"K2P0V6\"\n },\n \"customerId\": \"gid://shopify/Customer/544365967\",\n \"lineItems\": [\n {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Promo\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"customAttributes\": [],\n \"originalUnitPrice\": 10,\n \"quantity\": 1,\n \"requiresShipping\": true,\n \"sku\": \"draft-151\",\n \"taxable\": true,\n \"title\": \"151cm\",\n \"variantId\": \"gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43729076\",\n \"weight\": {\n \"unit\": \"KILOGRAMS\",\n \"value\": 1\n }\n },\n {\n \"appliedDiscount\": null,\n \"customAttributes\": [],\n \"originalUnitPrice\": \"10.0\",\n \"quantity\": 2,\n \"requiresShipping\": true,\n \"sku\": null,\n \"taxable\": true,\n \"title\": \"Spring Promo Item\",\n \"variantId\": null,\n \"weight\": {\n \"unit\": \"KILOGRAMS\",\n \"value\": 1.2\n }\n }\n ],\n \"presentmentCurrencyCode\": \"CAD\",\n \"shippingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Smith\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"AB\",\n \"zip\": \"\"\n },\n \"shippingLine\": {\n \"price\": \"0.0\",\n \"title\": \"Free shipping\"\n },\n \"taxExempt\": false\n }\n },\n },\n);\n\nconst data = await response.json();\n" Graphql query: "mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) {\n draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) {\n calculatedDraftOrder {\n customer {\n id\n email\n firstName\n numberOfOrders\n defaultAddress {\n id\n firstName\n lastName\n address1\n address2\n city\n provinceCode\n zip\n countryCodeV2\n }\n taxExempt\n }\n billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress\n totalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n lineItems {\n appliedDiscount {\n amountSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n value\n valueType\n description\n }\n discountedTotalSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n product {\n id\n title\n }\n quantity\n requiresShipping\n sku\n taxable\n title\n variantTitle\n variant {\n id\n }\n weight {\n value\n unit\n }\n }\n totalTaxSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n 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"title": "151cm", "variantId": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43729076", "weight": { "unit": "KILOGRAMS", "value": 1 } }, { "appliedDiscount": null, "customAttributes": [], "originalUnitPrice": "10.0", "quantity": 2, "requiresShipping": true, "sku": null, "taxable": true, "title": "Spring Promo Item", "variantId": null, "weight": { "unit": "KILOGRAMS", "value": 1.2 } } ], "presentmentCurrencyCode": "CAD", "shippingAddress": { "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "", "company": "", "countryCode": "CA", "firstName": "Bob", "lastName": "Smith", "phone": "", "provinceCode": "AB", "zip": "" }, "shippingLine": { "price": "0.0", "title": "Free shipping" }, "taxExempt": false } } #### Graphql Response { "data": { "draftOrderCalculate": { "calculatedDraftOrder": { "customer": { "id": "gid://shopify/Customer/544365967", "email": "bob@example.com", "firstName": "Bob", "numberOfOrders": "25", "defaultAddress": { "id": "gid://shopify/MailingAddress/544365967?model_name=CustomerAddress", 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"id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43729076" }, "weight": { "value": 1.0, "unit": "KILOGRAMS" } }, { "appliedDiscount": null, "discountedTotalSet": { "presentmentMoney": { "amount": "25.98", "currencyCode": "CAD" }, "shopMoney": { "amount": "20.78", "currencyCode": "USD" } }, "product": null, "quantity": 2, "requiresShipping": true, "sku": null, "taxable": true, "title": "Spring Promo Item", "variantTitle": null, "variant": null, "weight": { "value": 1.2, "unit": "KILOGRAMS" } } ], "totalTaxSet": { "presentmentMoney": { "amount": "1.84", "currencyCode": "CAD" }, "shopMoney": { "amount": "1.47", "currencyCode": "USD" } }, "totalDiscountsSet": { "presentmentMoney": { "amount": "12.76", "currencyCode": "CAD" }, "shopMoney": { "amount": "10.21", "currencyCode": "USD" } }, "shippingLine": { "id": null, "custom": true, "shippingRateHandle": null, "title": "Free shipping", "originalPriceSet": { "presentmentMoney": { "amount": "0.0", "currencyCode": "CAD" }, "shopMoney": { "amount": "0.0", "currencyCode": "USD" } } }, "presentmentCurrencyCode": "CAD" }, "userErrors": [] } } } ### Calculate properties of a draft order with markets context Curl example: "curl -X POST \\\nhttps://your-development-store.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: {access_token}' \\\n-d '{\n\"query\": \"mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) { draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) { calculatedDraftOrder { purchasingEntity { ... on Customer { firstName } } totalPriceSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } lineItems { appliedDiscount { amountSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } value valueType description } discountedTotalSet { presentmentMoney { amount currencyCode } shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } product { id title } quantity requiresShipping sku taxable title variantTitle variant { id } weight { value unit } } 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{\n \"query\": `mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) {\n draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) {\n calculatedDraftOrder {\n purchasingEntity {\n ... on Customer {\n firstName\n }\n }\n totalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n lineItems {\n appliedDiscount {\n amountSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n value\n valueType\n description\n }\n discountedTotalSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n product {\n id\n title\n }\n quantity\n requiresShipping\n sku\n taxable\n title\n variantTitle\n variant {\n id\n }\n weight {\n value\n unit\n }\n }\n totalTaxSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n totalDiscountsSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n 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DraftOrderInput!) {\n draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) {\n calculatedDraftOrder {\n purchasingEntity {\n ... on Customer {\n firstName\n }\n }\n totalPriceSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n lineItems {\n appliedDiscount {\n amountSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n value\n valueType\n description\n }\n discountedTotalSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n product {\n id\n title\n }\n quantity\n requiresShipping\n sku\n taxable\n title\n variantTitle\n variant {\n id\n }\n weight {\n value\n unit\n }\n }\n totalTaxSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n totalDiscountsSet {\n presentmentMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n shopMoney {\n amount\n currencyCode\n }\n }\n presentmentCurrencyCode\n }\n userErrors {\n field\n 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= ShopifyAPI::Auth::Session.new(\n shop: \"your-development-store.myshopify.com\",\n access_token: access_token\n)\nclient = ShopifyAPI::Clients::Graphql::Admin.new(\n session: session\n)\n\nquery = <<~QUERY\n mutation CalculateDraftOrder($input: DraftOrderInput!) {\n draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) {\n userErrors {\n field\n message\n }\n }\n }\nQUERY\n\nvariables = {\n \"input\": {\n \"appliedDiscount\": {\n \"description\": \"Loyalty\",\n \"value\": 5,\n \"valueType\": \"FIXED_AMOUNT\"\n },\n \"billingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": \"Smith\",\n \"phone\": \"\",\n \"provinceCode\": \"AB\",\n \"zip\": \"\"\n },\n \"lineItems\": [],\n \"presentmentCurrencyCode\": \"CAD\",\n \"shippingAddress\": {\n \"address1\": \"\",\n \"address2\": \"\",\n \"city\": \"\",\n \"company\": \"\",\n \"countryCode\": \"CA\",\n \"firstName\": \"Bob\",\n \"lastName\": 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