# orderCreateMandatePayment - admin - MUTATION
Version: 2024-04

## Description
Creates a payment for an order by mandate.

### Access Scopes
`write_payment_mandate` access scope. Also: The user must have `pay_orders_by_vaulted_card` permission. The API client must be installed on a Shopify Plus store to use the amount field.

## Arguments
* [amount](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/input-objects/MoneyInput): MoneyInput - The payment amount to collect.
* [autoCapture](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/scalars/Boolean): Boolean - Whether the payment should be authorized or captured. If `false`, then the authorization of
            the payment is triggered.
* [id](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/scalars/ID): ID! - The ID of the order to collect the balance for.
* [idempotencyKey](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/scalars/String): String! - A unique key to identify the payment request.
* [mandateId](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/scalars/ID): ID! - The mandate ID used for payment.
* [paymentScheduleId](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/scalars/ID): ID - The ID of the payment schedule to collect the balance for.

## Returns
* [job](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/objects/Job): Job The async job used for charging the payment.
* [paymentReferenceId](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/scalars/String): String The Unique ID for the created payment.
* [userErrors](/docs/api/admin/2024-04/objects/OrderCreateMandatePaymentUserError): OrderCreateMandatePaymentUserError! The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.

## Examples