# FileUpdateInput - admin-graphql - INPUT_OBJECT Version: 2024-07 ## Description The input fields that are required to update a file object. ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [alt](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/String): String - The alternative text description of the file. * [filename](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/String): String - The name of the file including its extension. * [id](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/ID): ID! - The ID of the file to be updated. * [originalSource](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/String): String - The source from which to update a media image or generic file. An external URL (for images only) or a [staged upload URL](https://shopify.dev/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/stageduploadscreate). * [previewImageSource](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/String): String - The source from which to update the media preview image. May be an external URL or a [staged upload URL](https://shopify.dev/api/admin-graphql/latest/mutations/stageduploadscreate). * [referencesToAdd](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/ID): ID - The IDs of the references to add to the file. Currently only accepts product IDs. * [referencesToRemove](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/ID): ID - The IDs of the references to remove from the file. Currently only accepts product IDs. ## Input objects with this input object * [fileUpdate](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/mutations/fileUpdate) ## Examples