# DiscountAmount - admin-graphql - OBJECT Version: 2024-07 ## Description The fixed amount value of a discount, and whether the amount is applied to each entitled item or spread evenly across the entitled items. ### Access Scopes Apps must have `read_discounts` access scope. ## Fields * [amount](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The value of the discount. * [appliesOnEachItem](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - If true, then the discount is applied to each of the entitled items. If false, then the amount is split across all of the entitled items. ## Connections ## Related queries ## Related mutations ## Related Unions * [DiscountCustomerGetsValue](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/unions/DiscountCustomerGetsValue) The type of the discount value and how it will be applied. For example, it might be a percentage discount on a fixed number of items. Alternatively, it might be a fixed amount evenly distributed across all items or on each individual item. A third example is a percentage discount on all items. * [DiscountEffect](/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-07/unions/DiscountEffect) The type of discount that will be applied. Currently, only a percentage discount is supported. ## Examples