# FulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickupUserError - admin - OBJECT
Version: 2025-01

## Description
An error that occurs during the execution of `FulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickup`.

### Access Scopes

## Fields
* [code](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/enums/FulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickupUserErrorCode): FulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickupUserErrorCode - The error code.
* [field](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/String): String - The path to the input field that caused the error.
* [message](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/String): String! - The error message.

## Connections

## Related queries

## Related mutations
* [fulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickup](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/mutations/fulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickup) Mark line items associated with a fulfillment order as being ready for pickup by a customer.

Sends a Ready For Pickup notification to the customer to let them know that their order is ready
to be picked up.

## Related Unions

## Examples