Anchor to section titled 'undefined'


Requires read_mobile_platform_applications access scope. Please contact Shopify Support to enable this scope for your app.

Return a mobile platform application by its ID.

Anchor to id

ID of the mobile platform app.

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Anchor to MobilePlatformApplication
Access requirements

You can use the MobilePlatformApplication resource to enable shared web credentials for Shopify iOS apps, as well as to create iOS universal link or Android app link verification endpoints for merchant Shopify iOS or Android apps. Shared web credentials let iOS users access a native app after logging into the respective website in Safari without re-entering their username and password. If a user changes their credentials in the app, then those changes are reflected in Safari. You must use a custom domain to integrate shared web credentials with Shopify. With each platform's link system, users can tap a link to a shop's website and get seamlessly redirected to a merchant's installed app without going through a browser or manually selecting an app.

For full configuration instructions on iOS shared web credentials, see the associated domains setup technical documentation.

For full configuration instructions on iOS universal links or Android App Links, see the respective iOS universal link or Android app link technical documentation.

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