# Payouts
Payouts represent the movement of money between a Shopify Payments
account balance and a connected bank account.
## Resource Properties
### Payouts
* id: The unique identifier of the payout
* Type: x-string
* Example: 54534554564
* status: The transfer status of the payout. The value will be one of the following:
scheduled: The payout has been created and had transactions assigned to it, but
it has not yet been submitted to the bank.
- in_transit: The payout has been submitted to the bank for processing.
- paid: The payout has been successfully deposited into the bank.
- failed: The payout has been declined by the bank.
- canceled: The payout has been canceled by Shopify.
* Type: x-string
* Example: "scheduled"
* date: The date (ISO 8601 format) when the payout was issued.
* Type: x-string
* Example: "2018-03-22"
* currency: The ISO 4217 currency code of the payout.
* Type: x-string
* Example: "USD"
* amount: The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string.
* Type: x-string
* Example: "102.53"
## Return a list of all payouts
Retrieves a list of all payouts ordered by payout date, with the most recent being first.
Note: This endpoint implements pagination by using links that are provided in the response header. To learn more, refer to Make paginated requests to the REST Admin API.
### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/shopify_payments/payouts.json (GET)
### Parameters
* api_version (required):
* date: Filter the response to payouts made on the specified date.
* date_max: Filter the response to payouts made inclusively before the specified date.
* date_min: Filter the response to payouts made inclusively after the specified date.
* last_id: Filter the response to payouts made before the specified ID.
* since_id: Filter the response to payouts made after the specified ID.
* status: Filter the response to payouts made with the specified status.
### Responses
#### 200
Return a list of all payouts
##### List all payouts ordered newest to oldest
GET /admin/api/unstable/shopify_payments/payouts.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
##### List all payouts up to a specified date
GET /admin/api/unstable/shopify_payments/payouts.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
## Return a single payout
Retrieves a single payout by id.
### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/shopify_payments/payouts/{payout_id}.json (GET)
### Parameters
* api_version (required):
* payout_id (required):
### Responses
#### 200
Return a single payout
##### Retrieves a single payout by id
GET /admin/api/unstable/shopify_payments/payouts/623721858.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK