# ShippingZone
You can use the ShippingZone resource to view shipping zones and their countries, provinces, and shipping rates. A shipping zone belongs to a delivery profile, which provides shops with the ability to create shipping rates per product variant and per location. For example, the merchant might want to use a shipping rate that applies only to fragile products. When querying the ShippingZone resource, each shipping zone is returned with its corresponding profile ID, location group ID, and countries. Its possible for the same country to exist in multiple shipping zones, if the shipping zones with overlapping countries have different delivery profiles.
## Resource Properties
### ShippingZone
* id: The unique numeric identifier for the shipping zone.
* Type: x-string
* Example: 132
* name: The name of the shipping zone, specified by the user.
* Type: x-string
* Example: "North America"
* profile_id: The ID of the shipping zone's delivery profile. Shipping profiles allow merchants to create product-based or location-based shipping rates.
* Type: string
* Example: "gid://shopify/DeliveryProfile/1234"
* location_group_id: The ID of the shipping zone's location group. Location groups allow merchants to create shipping rates that apply only to the specific locations in the group.
* Type: x-string
* Example: "gid://shopify/DeliveryLocationGroup/32873"
* countries:
A list of countries that belong to the shipping zone.
- id: The unique numeric identifier for the country.
- code: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter country code for the country. The code for a given country will be the same as the code for the same country in another shop.
- shipping_zone_id: The unique numeric identifier for the shipping zone.
- name: The full name of the country, in English.
- tax: The tax value in decimal format.
- tax_name: The name of the tax as it is referred to in the applicable province/state. For example, in Ontario, Canada the tax is referred to as HST.
* Type: x-string
* Example: {"id"=>189, "shipping_zone_id"=>132, "name"=>"Canada", "tax"=>0.5, "code"=>"CA", "tax_name"=>"GST", "provinces"=>[]}
* provinces: The sub-regions of a country. The term provinces also encompasses states.
- code: The two letter province or state code.
- country_id: The unique numeric identifier for the country.
- shipping_zone_id: The unique numeric identifier for the shipping zone.
- id: The unique numeric identifier for the particular province or state.
- name: The name of the province or state.
- tax: The tax value in decimal format.
- tax_name: The name of the tax as it is referred to in the applicable province/state. For example, in Ontario, Canada the tax is referred to as HST.
- tax_type: A tax_type is applied for a compounded sales tax. For example, the Canadian HST is a compounded sales tax of both PST and GST.
- tax_percentage: The tax value in percent format.
* Type: x-string
* Example: {"code"=>"AB", "country_id"=>879921427, "shipping_zone_is"=>132, "id"=>205434194, "name"=>"Alberta", "tax"=>0.08, "tax_name"=>nil, "tax_type"=>nil, "tax_percentage"=>8.0}
* carrier_shipping_rate_providers: Information about carrier shipping providers and the rates used.
* Type: x-string
* Example: []
* price_based_shipping_rates: Information about a price-based shipping rate.
- id: The unique numeric identifier for the shipping rate.
- name: The name of the shipping rate.
- price: The price of the shipping rate.
- shipping_zone_id: The unique numeric identifier for the associated shipping zone.
- min_order_subtotal: The minimum price of an order for it to be eligible for the shipping rate.
- max_order_subtotal: The maximum price of an order for it to be eligible for the shipping rate.
* Type: array
* Example: {"price_based_shipping_rates"=>[{"id"=>882078077, "name"=>"$5 Shipping", "price"=>"5.00", "shipping_zone_id"=>881877113, "min_order_subtotal"=>"40.0", "max_order_subtotal"=>nil}]}
* weight_based_shipping_rates: Information about a weight-based shipping rate.
- id: The unique numeric identifier for the shipping rate.
- name: The name of the shipping rate.
- price: The price of the shipping rate.
- shipping_zone_id: The unique numeric identifier for the associated shipping zone.
- weight_low: The minimum weight of an order for it to be eligible for the shipping rate.
- weight_high: The maximum weight of an order for it to be eligible for the shipping rate.
* Type: array
* Example: {"weight_based_shipping_rates"=>[{"id"=>882078078, "name"=>"Canada Air Shipping", "price"=>"25.00", "shipping_zone_id"=>881877113, "weight_low"=>0.0, "weight_high"=>11.02}]}
## Receive a list of all ShippingZones
Get a list of all shipping zones
### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/shipping_zones.json (GET)
### Parameters
* api_version (required):
* fields: Show only specific fields by providing a comma-separated list of field names.
### Responses
#### 200
Receive a list of all ShippingZones
##### Show list of shipping zones
GET /admin/api/unstable/shipping_zones.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"shipping_zones":[{"id":44570466,"name":"Downtown Ottawa","profile_id":"gid://shopify/DeliveryProfile/690933842","location_group_id":"gid://shopify/DeliveryLocationGroup/694323328","admin_graphql_api_id":"gid://shopify/DeliveryZone/44570466","countries":[{"id":359115488,"name":"Colombia","tax":0.15,"code":"CO","tax_name":"VAT","shipping_zone_id":44570466,"provinces":[]},{"id":879921427,"name":"Canada","tax":0.05,"code":"CA","tax_name":"GST","shipping_zone_id":44570466,"provinces":[{"id":224293623,"country_id":879921427,"name":"Quebec","code":"QC","tax":0.09,"tax_name":"HST","tax_type":"compounded","tax_percentage":9.0,"shipping_zone_id":44570466},{"id":702530425,"country_id":879921427,"name":"Ontario","code":"ON","tax":0.08,"tax_name":null,"tax_type":null,"tax_percentage":8.0,"shipping_zone_id":44570466}]},{"id":817138619,"name":"United States","tax":0.0,"code":"US","tax_name":"Federal Tax","shipping_zone_id":44570466,"provinces":[{"id":9350860,"country_id":817138619,"name":"Massachusetts","code":"MA","tax":0.065,"tax_name":null,"tax_type":null,"tax_percentage":6.5,"shipping_zone_id":44570466},{"id":1013111685,"country_id":817138619,"name":"New York","code":"NY","tax":0.04,"tax_name":null,"tax_type":null,"tax_percentage":4.0,"shipping_zone_id":44570466}]}],"weight_based_shipping_rates":[{"id":522512552,"name":"Free Under 5kg","price":"0.00","shipping_zone_id":44570466,"weight_low":0.0,"weight_high":5.0}],"price_based_shipping_rates":[{"id":64051,"name":"Free Shipping","price":"0.00","shipping_zone_id":44570466,"min_order_subtotal":null,"max_order_subtotal":"450"}],"carrier_shipping_rate_providers":[{"id":615128020,"carrier_service_id":260046840,"flat_modifier":"","percent_modifier":null,"service_filter":{"*":"+"},"shipping_zone_id":44570466}]}]}