# AssignedFulfillmentOrder

          A list of all the <a href="/api/admin-rest/latest/resources/fulfillmentorder">fulfillment orders</a>
          that are assigned to an app at the shop level. The list of fulfillment orders can be filtered
          by <a href="/api/admin-rest/latest/resources/location">location</a> and assignment status.
          Assigned fulfillment orders are fulfillment orders that are set to be fulfilled from locations
          managed by
          <a href="/docs/api/admin-rest/latest/resources/fulfillmentservice">fulfillment services</a>
          that are registered by the app.
          One app (api_client) may host multiple fulfillment services on a shop.
          Each fulfillment service manages a dedicated location on a shop.
          Assigned fulfillment orders can have associated
          <a href="/docs/api/admin-rest/latest/resources/fulfillmentrequest">fulfillment requests</a>
          or might currently not be requested to be fulfilled.

## Resource Properties

### AssignedFulfillmentOrder

* assigned_location_id: The ID of the fulfillment order's assigned location. This is the location from which the order is expected to be fulfilled.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 3183479
* destination:         <p>The destination where the items should be sent upon fulfillment.</p>
          <li><strong>id</strong>: The ID of the fulfillment order destination.</li>
          <li><strong>address1</strong>: The first line of the address of the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>address2</strong>: The second line of the address of the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>city</strong>: The city of the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>company</strong>: The company of the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>country</strong>: The country of the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>email</strong>: The email of the customer at the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>first_name</strong>: The first name of the customer at the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>last_name</strong>: The last name of the customer at the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>phone</strong>: The phone number of the customer at the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>province</strong>: The province of the destination.</li>
          <li><strong>zip</strong>: The ZIP code of the destination.</li>

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: {"id"=>54433189, "address1"=>"123 Amoebobacterieae St", "address2"=>"Unit 806", "city"=>"Ottawa", "company"=>"", "country"=>"Canada", "email"=>"bob@example.com", "first_name"=>"Bob", "last_name"=>"Bobsen", "phone"=>"(555)555-5555", "province"=>"Ontario", "zip"=>"K2P0V6"}
* id: The ID of the fulfillment order.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 255858046
* line_items: <p>Represents line items belonging to a fulfillment order:</p>
  <li><strong>id</strong>: The ID of the fulfillment order line item.</li>
  <li><strong>shop_id</strong>: The ID of the shop associated with the fulfillment order line item.</li>
  <li><strong>fulfillment_order_id</strong>: The ID of the fulfillment order associated with this line item.</li>
  <li><strong>line_item_id</strong>: The ID of the line item associated with this fulfillment order line item.</li>
  <li><strong>inventory_item_id</strong>: The ID of the inventory item associated with this fulfillment order line item.</li>
  <li><strong>quantity</strong>: The total number of units to be fulfilled.</li>
  <li><strong>fulfillable_quantity</strong>: The number of units remaining to be fulfilled.</li>

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: [{"id"=>466157049, "shop_id"=>3998762, "fulfillment_order_id"=>1568020, "line_item_id"=>466157049, "inventory_item_id"=>6588097, "quantity"=>1, "fulfillable_quantity"=>1}]
* order_id: The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment order.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 3183479
* request_status:           <p>The request status of the fulfillment order. Valid values:</p>
              The initial request status for the newly-created fulfillment orders. This is the only valid
              request status for fulfillment orders that aren't assigned to a fulfillment service.
              <strong>submitted</strong>: The merchant requested fulfillment for this fulfillment order.
              <strong>accepted</strong>: The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment request.
              <strong>rejected</strong>: The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment request.
              <strong>cancellation_requested</strong>: The merchant requested a cancellation of the fulfillment request for this fulfillment order.
              <strong>cancellation_accepted</strong>: The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request.
              <strong>cancellation_rejected</strong>: The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request.
              <strong>closed</strong>: The fulfillment service closed the fulfillment order without completing it.

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "unsubmitted"
* shop_id: The ID of the shop that's associated with the fulfillment order.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 255858046
* status:           <p>The status of the fulfillment order. Valid values:</p>
              <strong>open</strong>: Default state for newly created fulfillment orders.
              <strong>in_progress</strong>: The fulfillment order is being processed.
              <strong>cancelled</strong>: The fulfillment order has been cancelled by the merchant.
              <strong>incomplete</strong>: The fulfillment order cannot be completed as requested.
              <strong>closed</strong>: The fulfillment order has been completed and closed.

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "open"
## Retrieves a list of fulfillment orders assigned to the shop locations that are owned by the app

<p>Retrieves a list of fulfillment orders assigned to the shop locations that are owned by the app.</p>
            The app must have the <code>read_assigned_fulfillment_orders</code>
            <a href="/docs/api/usage/access-scopes">access scope</a>
            to be able to retrieve fulfillment orders assigned to its locations.
            All assigned fulfillment orders (except those with the <code>CLOSED</code> status)
            will be returned by default.
            Perform filtering with the <code>assignment_status</code> query parameter
            to receive only fulfillment orders that have been requested to be fulfilled.

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/assigned_fulfillment_orders.json?assignment_status=cancellation_requested&location_ids[]=24826418 (GET)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* assignment_status:             The assignment status of the fulfillment orders that should be returned.
            If <code>assignment_status</code> parameter isn't provided, then
            the query will return all assigned fulfillment orders,
            except those with the <code>CLOSED</code> status.

* location_ids:             The IDs of the assigned locations of the fulfillment orders that should be returned.
            If the <code>location_ids</code> parameter isn't provided, then all fulfillment orders assigned
            to the shop locations that are managed by the app will be returned.

### Responses
#### 200
Retrieves a list of fulfillment orders assigned to the shop locations that are owned by the app

##### Retrieve a list of fulfillment orders in cancellation_requested state at a location for an app
GET /admin/api/unstable/assigned_fulfillment_orders.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"fulfillment_orders":[{"id":1046000801,"created_at":"2025-01-02T11:31:47-05:00","updated_at":"2025-01-02T11:31:47-05:00","shop_id":548380009,"order_id":450789469,"assigned_location_id":24826418,"request_status":"cancellation_requested","status":"in_progress","fulfill_at":null,"fulfill_by":null,"supported_actions":["create_fulfillment","cancel_fulfillment_order"],"destination":{"id":1042572133,"address1":"Chestnut Street 92","address2":"","city":"Louisville","company":null,"country":"United States","email":"bob.norman@mail.example.com","first_name":"Bob","last_name":"Norman","phone":"+1(502)-459-2181","province":"Kentucky","zip":"40202"},"line_items":[{"id":1072503297,"shop_id":548380009,"fulfillment_order_id":1046000801,"quantity":1,"line_item_id":518995019,"inventory_item_id":49148385,"fulfillable_quantity":1,"variant_id":49148385}],"outgoing_requests":[],"international_duties":null,"fulfillment_holds":[],"delivery_method":null,"assigned_location":{"address1":null,"address2":null,"city":null,"country_code":"DE","location_id":24826418,"name":"Apple Api Shipwire","phone":null,"province":null,"zip":null}}]}