# FulfillmentEvent

          The FulfillmentEvent resource represents tracking events that belong to a
          <a href="/docs/admin-api/rest/reference/shipping-and-fulfillment/fulfillment">fulfillment</a> of one or
          more items in an <a href="/docs/admin-api/rest/reference/orders/order">order</a>. Fulfillment events are displayed on the
          <a href="https://help.shopify.com/manual/orders/status-tracking">order status page</a> to update customers on the status of their shipment.</p>

## Resource Properties

### FulfillmentEvent

* address1: The street address where the fulfillment event occurred.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "3575 Boul. Saint-Laurent"
* city: The city where the fulfillment event occurred.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "Montreal"
* country: The country where the fulfillment event occurred.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "Canada"
* created_at: The date and time (<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601' target="_blank">ISO 8601</a> format) when the fulfillment event was created.

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "2012-03-13T16:09:54-04:00"
* estimated_delivery_at: The estimated delivery date based on the fulfillment's tracking number, as long as it's provided by one of the following carriers: USPS, FedEx, UPS, or Canada Post (Canada only). Value is <code>null</code> if no tracking number is available or if the tracking number is from an unsupported carrier. This property is available only when <a href="https://help.shopify.com/manual/shipping/rates-and-methods/custom-calculated-rates">carrier calculated rates</a> are in use.'

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "2014-04-13T16:09:54-04:00"
* fulfillment_id: An ID for the fulfillment that's associated with the fulfillment event.

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 450789469
* happened_at: The date and time (<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601' target="_blank">ISO 8601</a> format)  when the fulfillment event occurred.

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "2012-03-13T16:09:54-04:00"
* id: An ID for the fulfillment event.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 255858046
* latitude: A geographic coordinate specifying the latitude of the fulfillment event.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 45.5017
* longitude: A geographic coordinate specifying the longitude of the fulfillment event.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 73.5673
* message: An arbitrary message describing the status. Can be provided by a shipping carrier.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "IN_TRANSIT"
* order_id: The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment event.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 3183479
* province: The province where the fulfillment event occurred.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "QC"
* shop_id: An ID for the shop that's associated with the fulfillment event.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: 255858046
* status:           <p>The status of the fulfillment event. Valid values:</p>
            <li><strong>attempted_delivery</strong>: Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed.</li>
            <li><strong>carrier_picked_up</strong>: A carrier picked up the shipment.</li>
            <li><strong>confirmed</strong>: The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet.</li>
            <li><strong>delayed</strong>: The shipment is delayed.</li>
            <li><strong>delivered</strong>: The shipment was successfully delivered.</li>
            <li><strong>failure</strong>: Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment. For example, the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.</li>
            <li><strong>in_transit</strong>: The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.</li>
            <li><strong>label_printed</strong>: A label for the shipment was purchased and printed.</li>
            <li><strong>label_purchased</strong>: A label for the shipment was purchased, but not printed.</li>
            <li><strong>out_for_delivery</strong>: The shipment is being delivered to its final destination.</li>
            <li><strong>picked_up</strong>: The shipment was successfully picked up.</li>
            <li><strong>ready_for_pickup</strong>: The shipment is ready for pickup.</li>

  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "in_transit"
* updated_at: The date and time (<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601' target="_blank">ISO 8601</a> format) when the fulfillment event was updated.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "2012-03-15T16:09:54-04:00"
* zip: The zip code of the location where the fulfillment event occurred.
  * Type: x-string
  * Example: "H2X 2R7"
## Retrieves a list of fulfillment events for a specific fulfillment

Retrieves a list of fulfillment events for a specific fulfillment

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillments/{fulfillment_id}/events.json (GET)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* fulfillment_id (required): 
* order_id (required): 
* fulfillment_id: The ID of the fulfillment that's associated with the fulfillment event.
* order_id: The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment event.

### Responses
#### 200
Retrieves a list of fulfillment events for a specific fulfillment

##### Retrieve a list of all the fulfillment events that are associated with a specific fulfillment
GET /admin/api/unstable/orders/450789469/fulfillments/255858046/events.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
## Creates a fulfillment event

Creates a fulfillment event

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillments/{fulfillment_id}/events.json (POST)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* fulfillment_id (required): 
* order_id (required): 

### Responses
#### 201
Creates a fulfillment event

##### Create a fulfillment event
POST /admin/api/unstable/orders/450789469/fulfillments/255858046/events.json

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
## Retrieves a specific fulfillment event

Retrieves a specific fulfillment event

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillments/{fulfillment_id}/events/{event_id}.json (GET)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* event_id (required): 
* fulfillment_id (required): 
* order_id (required): 
* event_id: The ID of the fulfillment event.

### Responses
#### 200
Retrieves a specific fulfillment event

##### Retrieve a specific fulfillment event
GET /admin/api/unstable/orders/450789469/fulfillments/255858046/events/944956391.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
## Deletes a fulfillment event

Deletes a fulfillment event

### Endpoint
/admin/api/#{api_version}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillments/{fulfillment_id}/events/{event_id}.json (DELETE)

### Parameters
* api_version (required): 
* event_id (required): 
* fulfillment_id (required): 
* order_id (required): 

### Responses
#### 200
Deletes a fulfillment event

##### Delete a fulfillment event
DELETE /admin/api/unstable/orders/450789469/fulfillments/255858046/events/944956393.json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK