# Config
The <code>config</code> API stores the initial configuration information for your app and lets you synchronously retrieve it.
### Shop

// =&gt; 'your-shop-name.myshopify.com'


## Config
The `config` API is available on the `shopify` global. It stores the initial configuration information for your app and shop.
### AppBridgeConfig

### apiKey
The client ID provided for your application in the Partner Dashboard.

This needs to be provided by the app developer.
### appOrigins
An allowlist of origins that your app can send authenticated fetch requests to.

This is useful if your app needs to make authenticated requests to a different domain that you control.
### debug
Configuration options for enabling debug features within the app. Includes options for monitoring performance metrics, such as web vitals.

Recommended for use during development and debugging to aid in identifying and resolving performance issues.

Generally not recommended for long-term use in production environments.
### disabledFeatures
The features to disable in your app.

This allows app developers to opt-out of features such as <code>fetch</code>.
### experimentalFeatures
The experimental features to enable in your app.

This allows app developers to opt-in to experiement features.
### host
The base64-encoded host of the shop that's embedding your app.

This does not need to be provided by the app developer.
### locale
The locale of the shop that's embedding your app.

This does not need to be provided by the app developer.
### shop
The shop origin of the shop that's embedding your app.

This does not need to be provided by the app developer.
### DebugOptions

### webVitals
Enables or disables the logging of web performance metrics (Web Vitals) in the browser's console.

When set to `true`, the app will log Core Web Vitals (such as LCP, INP, and CLS) and other relevant performance metrics to help developers understand the real-world performance of their app. This can be useful for debugging performance issues during development or in a staging environment.

This field is optional and defaults to `false`, meaning that web vitals logging is disabled by default to avoid performance overhead and unnecessary console output in production environments.
## Examples
The <code>config</code> API stores the initial configuration information for your app and lets you synchronously retrieve it.
### Retrieving config values

### shop

// =&gt; 'your-shop-name.myshopify.com'


### host



### locale



### apiKey



### disabledFeatures



### appOrigins



### debug

// =&gt; { webVitals: false }


### Setting config values

### apiKey

  &lt;meta name="shopify-api-key" content="%SHOPIFY_API_KEY%" /&gt;

  &lt;script src="https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/app-bridge.js" /&gt;


### disabledFeatures

  &lt;meta name="shopify-disabled-features" content="fetch" /&gt;

  &lt;meta name="shopify-api-key" content="%SHOPIFY_API_KEY%" /&gt;
  &lt;script src="https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/app-bridge.js" /&gt;


  &lt;meta name="shopify-disabled-features" content="fetch, auto-redirect" /&gt;

  &lt;meta name="shopify-api-key" content="%SHOPIFY_API_KEY%" /&gt;
  &lt;script src="https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/app-bridge.js" /&gt;


### appOrigins

  &lt;meta name="shopify-app-origins" content="https://example.com" /&gt;

  &lt;meta name="shopify-api-key" content="%SHOPIFY_API_KEY%" /&gt;
  &lt;script src="https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/app-bridge.js" /&gt;



  &lt;meta name="shopify-api-key" content="%SHOPIFY_API_KEY%" /&gt;
  &lt;script src="https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/app-bridge.js" /&gt;


### debug

  &lt;meta name="shopify-debug" content="web-vitals" /&gt;

  &lt;meta name="shopify-api-key" content="%SHOPIFY_API_KEY%" /&gt;
  &lt;script src="https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/app-bridge.js" /&gt;
