The Support API allows you to optionally register a custom handler when support requests are made directly through App Bridge. This interaction is triggered when a merchant clicks the get support button at the top of the app. > Tip: > To register a custom support callback, you must define a [Support link extension](/docs/apps/launch/distribution/support-your-customers#custom-support-events) and the link extension must point to a page within your app. This is to ensure consistent behavior when a merchant clicks a support button outside of the app. Without a support link extension, the support callback will be ignored.
// Define the callback function
const handler = () => {
// implement your custom functionality
// Register the callback;
The Support API provides a registerHandler method that registers a handler to call when support is requested. It allows you to provide bespoke, in-app support such as opening a live chat widget.
export type SupportCallback = () => void | Promise<void>;