Popovers are similar to tooltips. They are small overlays that open on demand after a user interaction. The difference is that the popover can contain more content, without cluttering the page. They must be specified inside the `overlay` prop of an activator component (`Button`, `Link` or `Pressable`). The library takes care of applying the WAI-ARIA Popover Widget pattern automatically for the activator and the popover content.
import {
} from '@shopify/checkout-ui-extensions-react';
render('Checkout::Dynamic::Render', () => );
function Extension() {
return (
A thoughtful way to pay
Tap don’t type
Shop Pay remembers your important details, so you can fill carts,
not forms. And everything is encrypted so you can speed safely
through checkout.
More info
import {
} from '@shopify/checkout-ui-extensions';
extend('Checkout::Dynamic::Render', (root) => {
const popoverFragment = root.createFragment();
const popover = root.createComponent(Popover, {}, [
root.createComponent(View, {maxInlineSize: 200, padding: 'base'}, [
root.createComponent(TextBlock, {}, 'A thoughtful way to pay'),
root.createComponent(TextBlock, {}, 'Tap don’t type'),
'Shop Pay remembers your important details, so you can fill carts, not forms. And everything is encrypted so you can speed safely through checkout.',
const pressable = root.createComponent(
{overlay: popoverFragment},
'More info',
Position the Popover relative to the activator.
Align the Popover in the axis determined by the position.
Callback to run when the Popover is opened
Callback to run when the Popover is closed
A unique identifier for the component.
Adjust the maximum inline size. `number`: size in pixels. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `fill`: takes all the available space.
Adjust the minimum inline size. `number`: size in pixels. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `fill`: takes all the available space.
Adjust the padding. To shorten the code, it is possible to specify all the padding properties in one property. Examples: - `base` means blockStart, inlineEnd, blockEnd and inlineStart paddings are `base` - [`base`, `none`] means blockStart and blockEnd paddings are `base`, inlineStart and inlineEnd paddings are `none` - [`base`, `none`, `loose`, `tight`] means blockStart padding is `base`, inlineEnd padding is `none`, blockEnd padding is `loose` and blockStart padding is `tight`
'inlineStart' | 'inlineEnd' | 'blockStart' | 'blockEnd'
'start' | 'center' | 'end'
A type that represents a value that can be a conditional style. The conditions are based on the viewport size. We highly recommend using the `Style` helper which simplifies the creation of conditional styles. To learn more check out the [conditional styles](/api/checkout-ui-extensions/components/utilities/stylehelper) documentation.
T | ConditionalStyle<T, ViewportSizeCondition>
The default value applied when none of the conditional values specified in `conditionals` are met.
An array of conditional values.
The conditions that must be met for the value to be applied. At least one condition must be specified.
The value that will be applied if the conditions are met.
'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
T | ShorthandProperty<T>
[T, T] | [T, T, T, T]
'none' | 'base' | 'extraTight' | 'tight' | 'loose' | 'extraLoose'