SkeletonTextBlock is used to provide a low fidelity representation of a block of text before it appears on the page. Optionally you can use any text content inside `SkeletonTextBlock` to be used as a base for the rendered skeleton
import {render, SkeletonTextBlock} from '@shopify/checkout-ui-extensions-react';
render('Checkout::Dynamic::Render', () => );
function Extension() {
return ;
import {extend, SkeletonTextBlock} from '@shopify/checkout-ui-extensions';
extend('Checkout::Dynamic::Render', (root) => {
const skeletonTextBlock = root.createComponent(SkeletonTextBlock);
Number of lines to display when no children are passed.
Size of the text the skeleton replaces.
A unique identifier for the component.
Extract<Size, 'extraSmall' | 'small' | 'base' | 'large' | 'extraLarge'> | 'medium'
'extraSmall' | 'small' | 'base' | 'large' | 'extraLarge' | 'fill'