You can use standard web techniques to handle errors in [checkout UI extensions](/api/checkout-ui-extensions/) but you may need to account for how they run inside of a [Web Worker](
Add an `unhandledrejection` listener for promise rejections or an `error` listener for other exceptions like Javascript runtime errors or failures to load a resource.
// For unhandled promise rejections
(error) => {
'event unhandledrejection',
// For other exceptions
self.addEventListener('error', (error) => {
console.warn('event error', error);
You can use error reporting libraries like [Bugsnag]( or [Sentry]( However, they might require extra configuration because UI extensions run inside of a [Web Worker]( > Tip: > You must request [network access](/api/checkout-ui-extensions/configuration#network-access) to transmit errors to a third party service.
Initialize Sentry following their [Web Worker guide]( We recommend disabling the default integrations to be sure it will run within a Web Worker. You'll need to add event listeners manually. If you are writing your UI extension in React, you can follow Sentry's [React integration guide]( to get additional context on errors thrown while rendering your components. Integrations like tracing do not currently run in Web Workers ([issue](
import {
} from '@shopify/checkout-ui-extensions-react';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
dsn: '',
defaultIntegrations: false,
(error) => {
new Error(error.reason.stack),
self.addEventListener('error', (error) => {
new Error(error.reason.stack),
// Your normal extension code.
render('Checkout::Dynamic::Render', () => (
function Extension() {
return Your extension ;
Follow [Bugsnag's documentation]( to install it for your extension. Bugsnag adds event listeners by default so there's no need to add them manually. If you use the [CDN version](, you'll need to add polyfill code (see example) before importing Bugsnag because it tries to access some variables that are not available in Web Workers ([details]( If you are writing your UI extension in React, you can follow Bugsnag's [React integration guide]( to get additional context on errors thrown while rendering your components.
* The CDN version of Bugsnag requires this polyfill.
(() => {
const document = {
documentElement: {
outerHTML: '',
createElement: () => ({}),
clientWidth: 0,
clientHeight: 0,
addEventListener: () => {},
const history = {};
const window = self;
self.window = window;
window.document = document;
window.history = history;