# Grid Grid is used to lay out content in a matrix of rows and columns. ### Basic Grid ```tsx import { reactExtension, Grid, View, } from '@shopify/ui-extensions-react/checkout'; export default reactExtension( 'purchase.checkout.block.render', () => <Extension />, ); function Extension() { return ( <Grid columns={['20%', 'fill', 'auto']} rows={[300, 'auto']} spacing="loose" > <View border="base" padding="base"> 20% / 300 </View> <View border="base" padding="base"> fill / 300 </View> <View border="base" padding="base"> auto / 300 </View> <View border="base" padding="base"> 20% / auto </View> <View border="base" padding="base"> fill / auto </View> <View border="base" padding="base"> auto / auto </View> </Grid> ); } ``` ```js import {extension, Grid, View} from '@shopify/ui-extensions/checkout'; export default extension('purchase.checkout.block.render', (root) => { const grid = root.createComponent( Grid, { columns: ['20%', 'fill', 'auto'], rows: [300, 'auto'], }, [ root.createComponent( View, {border: 'base', padding: 'base'}, '20% / 300', ), root.createComponent( View, {border: 'base', padding: 'base'}, 'fill / 300', ), root.createComponent( View, {border: 'base', padding: 'base'}, 'auto / 300', ), root.createComponent( View, {border: 'base', padding: 'base'}, '20% / auto', ), root.createComponent( View, {border: 'base', padding: 'base'}, 'fill / auto', ), root.createComponent( View, {border: 'base', padding: 'base'}, 'auto / auto', ), ], ); root.appendChild(grid); }); ``` ## GridProps ### GridProps ### columns Sizes for each column of the layout. `auto`: intrinsic size of the content. `fill`: fills the remaining available space. When multiple columns are set to `fill`, the remaining space is shared equally. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `` `${number}fr` ``: size in fractions. `number`: size in pixels. - When the sum of the defined sizes is larger than the available space, elements will shrink to avoid overflow. - Except when in scrollview, where the grid will fill the space with the defined sizes. - When only one size is set and outside of an array, the grid will have one column of that size. ### rows Sizes for each row of the layout. `auto`: intrinsic size of the content. `fill`: fills the remaining available space. When multiple rows are set to `fill`, the remaining space is shared equally. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `` `${number}fr` ``: size in fractions. `number`: size in pixels. - When the sum of the defined sizes is larger than the available space, elements will shrink to avoid overflow. - When only one size is set and outside of an array, the grid will have one row of that size. ### spacing Adjust spacing between children. - `base` means the space between rows and columns is `base`. - [`base`, `none`] means the space between rows is `base`, space between columns is `none`. ### blockAlignment Position children along the cross axis. ### inlineAlignment Position children along the main axis. ### accessibilityRole Sets the semantic meaning of the component’s content. When set, the role will be used by assistive technologies to help buyers navigate the page. For example: - In an HTML host a `['listItem', 'separator']` tuple will render: `
  • ` - In an HTML host a `listItem` string will render: `
  • ` ### accessibilityLabel A label that describes the purpose or contents of the element. When set, it will be announced to buyers using assistive technologies and will provide them with more context. ### id A unique identifier for the component. ### overflow Sets the overflow behavior of the element. `hidden`: clips the content when it is larger than the element’s container. The element will not be scrollable and the users will not be able to access the clipped content by dragging or using a scroll wheel. `visible`: the content that extends beyond the element’s container is visible. ### border Adjust the border style. To shorten the code, it is possible to specify all the border style properties in one property. For example: - `base` means blockStart, inlineEnd, blockEnd and inlineStart border styles are `base` - `['base', 'none']` means blockStart and blockEnd border styles are `base`, inlineStart and inlineEnd border styles are `none` - `['base', 'none', 'dotted', 'base']` means blockStart border style is `base`, inlineEnd border style is `none`, blockEnd border style is `dotted` and blockStart border style is `base` ### borderWidth Adjust the border width. To shorten the code, it is possible to specify all the border width properties in one property. For example: - `base` means blockStart, inlineEnd, blockEnd and inlineStart border widths are `base` - `['base', 'medium']` means blockStart and blockEnd border widths are `base`, inlineStart and inlineEnd border widths are `medium` - `['base', 'medium', 'medium', 'base']` means blockStart border width is `base`, inlineEnd border width is `medium`, blockEnd border width is `medium` and blockStart border width is `base` ### borderRadius ### cornerRadius Adjust the corner radius. Provide a single value to apply the same corner radius to all four corners, two values to apply different corner radii to opposing corners, or four values to apply different corner radii to each individual corner. For example: - `base` means all 4 corner radii are `base` - `['base', 'none']` means the StartStart and EndEnd corner radii are `base`, StartEnd and EndStart corner radii are `none`. When the context’s language direction is left to right, StartStart and EndEnd corners are the top left and bottom right corners while StartEnd and EndStart corners are the top right and bottom left corners. - `['base', 'none', 'small', 'base']` means StartStart corner radius is `base`, StartEnd corner radius is `none`, EndEnd corner radius is `small` and EndStart corner radius is `base` A `borderRadius` alias is available for this property. When both are specified, `cornerRadius` takes precedence. ### maxBlockSize Adjust the maximum block size. `number`: size in pixels. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `fill`: takes all the available space. ### maxInlineSize Adjust the maximum inline size. `number`: size in pixels. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `fill`: takes all the available space. ### minInlineSize Adjust the minimum inline size. `number`: size in pixels. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `fill`: takes all the available space. ### minBlockSize Adjust the block size. `number`: size in pixels. `` `${number}%` ``: size in percentages. `fill`: takes all the available space. ### padding Adjust the padding. To shorten the code, it is possible to specify all the padding properties in one property. Examples: - `base` means blockStart, inlineEnd, blockEnd and inlineStart paddings are `base` - [`base`, `none`] means blockStart and blockEnd paddings are `base`, inlineStart and inlineEnd paddings are `none` - [`base`, `none`, `large200`, `small200`] means blockStart padding is `base`, inlineEnd padding is `none`, blockEnd padding is `large200` and blockStart padding is `small200` ### MaybeResponsiveConditionalStyle A type that represents a value that can be a conditional style. The conditions are based on the viewport size. We highly recommend using the `Style` helper which simplifies the creation of conditional styles. To learn more check out the [conditional styles](/api/checkout-ui-extensions/components/utilities/stylehelper) documentation. T | ConditionalStyle ### ConditionalStyle ### default The default value applied when none of the conditional values specified in `conditionals` are met. ### conditionals An array of conditional values. ### ConditionalValue ### conditions The conditions that must be met for the value to be applied. At least one condition must be specified. ### value The value that will be applied if the conditions are met. ### ViewportSizeCondition ### viewportInlineSize ### ViewportInlineSize 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' ### Columns GridItemSize[] | GridItemSize ### GridItemSize 'auto' | 'fill' | number | `${number}fr` | `${number}%` ### Rows GridItemSize[] | GridItemSize ### Spacing 'none' | 'small500' | 'small400' | 'small300' | 'small200' | 'small100' | 'base' | 'large100' | 'large200' | 'large300' | 'large400' | 'large500' | SpacingDeprecated ### SpacingDeprecated 'extraTight' | 'tight' | 'loose' | 'extraLoose' ### BlockAlignment Alignment | 'baseline' ### Alignment 'start' | 'center' | 'end' ### InlineAlignment 'start' | 'center' | 'end' ### ViewLikeAccessibilityRole NonPresentationalAccessibilityRole | [NonPresentationalAccessibilityRole, NonPresentationalAccessibilityRole] ### NonPresentationalAccessibilityRole 'main' | 'header' | 'footer' | 'section' | 'complementary' | 'navigation' | 'orderedList' | 'listItem' | 'unorderedList' | 'separator' | 'status' | 'alert' ### MaybeShorthandProperty T | ShorthandProperty ### ShorthandProperty [T, T] | [T, T, T, T] ### BorderStyle 'base' | 'dotted' | 'none' ### BorderWidth 'base' | 'medium' ### CornerRadius 'base' | 'small' | 'large' | 'fullyRounded' | 'none' | CornerRadiusDeprecated ### CornerRadiusDeprecated 'tight' | 'loose' ## Related - [GridItem](grid)