The API for interacting with addresses.
The base API object provided to `purchase`, and `customer-account.order-status` extension targets.
These types are used to generate the documentation for the API and decipher which properties are available for which APIs. If you are adding a new property and you'd like it to be documented in the API section, then you'll need to specify the property in the appropriate interface below. Note: These are not exported as part of the package, they are only used for documentation purposes.
The proposed buyer shipping address. During the information step, the address updates when the field is committed (on change) rather than every keystroke. An address value is only present if delivery is required. Otherwise, the subscribable value is undefined. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The proposed buyer billing address. The address updates when the field is committed (on change) rather than every keystroke. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's full name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's first name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's last name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's company name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 1 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The first line of the buyer's address, including street name and number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The second line of the buyer's address, like apartment number, suite, etc. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's city. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's postal or ZIP code. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format for the buyer's country. Refer to {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's province code, such as state, province, prefecture, or region. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's phone number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
'AC' | 'AD' | 'AE' | 'AF' | 'AG' | 'AI' | 'AL' | 'AM' | 'AN' | 'AO' | 'AR' | 'AT' | 'AU' | 'AW' | 'AX' | 'AZ' | 'BA' | 'BB' | 'BD' | 'BE' | 'BF' | 'BG' | 'BH' | 'BI' | 'BJ' | 'BL' | 'BM' | 'BN' | 'BO' | 'BQ' | 'BR' | 'BS' | 'BT' | 'BV' | 'BW' | 'BY' | 'BZ' | 'CA' | 'CC' | 'CD' | 'CF' | 'CG' | 'CH' | 'CI' | 'CK' | 'CL' | 'CM' | 'CN' | 'CO' | 'CR' | 'CU' | 'CV' | 'CW' | 'CX' | 'CY' | 'CZ' | 'DE' | 'DJ' | 'DK' | 'DM' | 'DO' | 'DZ' | 'EC' | 'EE' | 'EG' | 'EH' | 'ER' | 'ES' | 'ET' | 'FI' | 'FJ' | 'FK' | 'FO' | 'FR' | 'GA' | 'GB' | 'GD' | 'GE' | 'GF' | 'GG' | 'GH' | 'GI' | 'GL' | 'GM' | 'GN' | 'GP' | 'GQ' | 'GR' | 'GS' | 'GT' | 'GW' | 'GY' | 'HK' | 'HM' | 'HN' | 'HR' | 'HT' | 'HU' | 'ID' | 'IE' | 'IL' | 'IM' | 'IN' | 'IO' | 'IQ' | 'IR' | 'IS' | 'IT' | 'JE' | 'JM' | 'JO' | 'JP' | 'KE' | 'KG' | 'KH' | 'KI' | 'KM' | 'KN' | 'KP' | 'KR' | 'KW' | 'KY' | 'KZ' | 'LA' | 'LB' | 'LC' | 'LI' | 'LK' | 'LR' | 'LS' | 'LT' | 'LU' | 'LV' | 'LY' | 'MA' | 'MC' | 'MD' | 'ME' | 'MF' | 'MG' | 'MK' | 'ML' | 'MM' | 'MN' | 'MO' | 'MQ' | 'MR' | 'MS' | 'MT' | 'MU' | 'MV' | 'MW' | 'MX' | 'MY' | 'MZ' | 'NA' | 'NC' | 'NE' | 'NF' | 'NG' | 'NI' | 'NL' | 'NO' | 'NP' | 'NR' | 'NU' | 'NZ' | 'OM' | 'PA' | 'PE' | 'PF' | 'PG' | 'PH' | 'PK' | 'PL' | 'PM' | 'PN' | 'PS' | 'PT' | 'PY' | 'QA' | 'RE' | 'RO' | 'RS' | 'RU' | 'RW' | 'SA' | 'SB' | 'SC' | 'SD' | 'SE' | 'SG' | 'SH' | 'SI' | 'SJ' | 'SK' | 'SL' | 'SM' | 'SN' | 'SO' | 'SR' | 'SS' | 'ST' | 'SV' | 'SX' | 'SY' | 'SZ' | 'TA' | 'TC' | 'TD' | 'TF' | 'TG' | 'TH' | 'TJ' | 'TK' | 'TL' | 'TM' | 'TN' | 'TO' | 'TR' | 'TT' | 'TV' | 'TW' | 'TZ' | 'UA' | 'UG' | 'UM' | 'US' | 'UY' | 'UZ' | 'VA' | 'VC' | 'VE' | 'VG' | 'VN' | 'VU' | 'WF' | 'WS' | 'XK' | 'YE' | 'YT' | 'ZA' | 'ZM' | 'ZW' | 'ZZ'
The API object provided to `purchase.checkout` extension targets.
Performs an update of the shipping address. Shipping address changes will completely overwrite the existing shipping address added by the user without any prompts. If successful, this mutation results in an update to the value retrieved through the `shippingAddress` property. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The type of the `ShippingAddressUpdateChange` API.
Fields to update in the shipping address. You only need to provide values for the fields you want to update — any fields you do not list will keep their current values.
The buyer's full name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's first name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's last name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's company name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 1 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The first line of the buyer's address, including street name and number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The second line of the buyer's address, like apartment number, suite, etc. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's city. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's postal or ZIP code. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format for the buyer's country. Refer to {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's province code, such as state, province, prefecture, or region. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's phone number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
'AC' | 'AD' | 'AE' | 'AF' | 'AG' | 'AI' | 'AL' | 'AM' | 'AN' | 'AO' | 'AR' | 'AT' | 'AU' | 'AW' | 'AX' | 'AZ' | 'BA' | 'BB' | 'BD' | 'BE' | 'BF' | 'BG' | 'BH' | 'BI' | 'BJ' | 'BL' | 'BM' | 'BN' | 'BO' | 'BQ' | 'BR' | 'BS' | 'BT' | 'BV' | 'BW' | 'BY' | 'BZ' | 'CA' | 'CC' | 'CD' | 'CF' | 'CG' | 'CH' | 'CI' | 'CK' | 'CL' | 'CM' | 'CN' | 'CO' | 'CR' | 'CU' | 'CV' | 'CW' | 'CX' | 'CY' | 'CZ' | 'DE' | 'DJ' | 'DK' | 'DM' | 'DO' | 'DZ' | 'EC' | 'EE' | 'EG' | 'EH' | 'ER' | 'ES' | 'ET' | 'FI' | 'FJ' | 'FK' | 'FO' | 'FR' | 'GA' | 'GB' | 'GD' | 'GE' | 'GF' | 'GG' | 'GH' | 'GI' | 'GL' | 'GM' | 'GN' | 'GP' | 'GQ' | 'GR' | 'GS' | 'GT' | 'GW' | 'GY' | 'HK' | 'HM' | 'HN' | 'HR' | 'HT' | 'HU' | 'ID' | 'IE' | 'IL' | 'IM' | 'IN' | 'IO' | 'IQ' | 'IR' | 'IS' | 'IT' | 'JE' | 'JM' | 'JO' | 'JP' | 'KE' | 'KG' | 'KH' | 'KI' | 'KM' | 'KN' | 'KP' | 'KR' | 'KW' | 'KY' | 'KZ' | 'LA' | 'LB' | 'LC' | 'LI' | 'LK' | 'LR' | 'LS' | 'LT' | 'LU' | 'LV' | 'LY' | 'MA' | 'MC' | 'MD' | 'ME' | 'MF' | 'MG' | 'MK' | 'ML' | 'MM' | 'MN' | 'MO' | 'MQ' | 'MR' | 'MS' | 'MT' | 'MU' | 'MV' | 'MW' | 'MX' | 'MY' | 'MZ' | 'NA' | 'NC' | 'NE' | 'NF' | 'NG' | 'NI' | 'NL' | 'NO' | 'NP' | 'NR' | 'NU' | 'NZ' | 'OM' | 'PA' | 'PE' | 'PF' | 'PG' | 'PH' | 'PK' | 'PL' | 'PM' | 'PN' | 'PS' | 'PT' | 'PY' | 'QA' | 'RE' | 'RO' | 'RS' | 'RU' | 'RW' | 'SA' | 'SB' | 'SC' | 'SD' | 'SE' | 'SG' | 'SH' | 'SI' | 'SJ' | 'SK' | 'SL' | 'SM' | 'SN' | 'SO' | 'SR' | 'SS' | 'ST' | 'SV' | 'SX' | 'SY' | 'SZ' | 'TA' | 'TC' | 'TD' | 'TF' | 'TG' | 'TH' | 'TJ' | 'TK' | 'TL' | 'TM' | 'TN' | 'TO' | 'TR' | 'TT' | 'TV' | 'TW' | 'TZ' | 'UA' | 'UG' | 'UM' | 'US' | 'UY' | 'UZ' | 'VA' | 'VC' | 'VE' | 'VG' | 'VN' | 'VU' | 'WF' | 'WS' | 'XK' | 'YE' | 'YT' | 'ZA' | 'ZM' | 'ZW' | 'ZZ'
ShippingAddressChangeResultSuccess | ShippingAddressChangeResultError
The returned result of a successful update to the shipping address.
The type of the `ShippingAddressChangeResultSuccess` API.
The returned result of an update to the shipping address with a messages detailing the type of errors that occurred.
The type of the `ShippingAddressChangeResultError` API.
The errors corresponding to particular fields from a given change
An error corresponding to a particular field from a given change
field key from MailingAddress where the error occurred
A message that explains the error. This message is useful for debugging. It is **not** localized, and therefore should not be presented directly to the buyer.
Returns the proposed `billingAddress` applied to the checkout.
Returns the proposed `billingAddress` applied to the checkout.
export function useBillingAddress< Target extends RenderExtensionTarget = RenderExtensionTarget, >(): MailingAddress | undefined { const billingAddress = useApi<Target>().billingAddress; if (!billingAddress) { throw new ScopeNotGrantedError( 'Using billing address requires having billing address permissions granted to your app.', ); } return useSubscription(billingAddress); }
The buyer's full name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's first name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's last name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's company name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 1 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The first line of the buyer's address, including street name and number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The second line of the buyer's address, like apartment number, suite, etc. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's city. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's postal or ZIP code. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format for the buyer's country. Refer to {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's province code, such as state, province, prefecture, or region. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's phone number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
'AC' | 'AD' | 'AE' | 'AF' | 'AG' | 'AI' | 'AL' | 'AM' | 'AN' | 'AO' | 'AR' | 'AT' | 'AU' | 'AW' | 'AX' | 'AZ' | 'BA' | 'BB' | 'BD' | 'BE' | 'BF' | 'BG' | 'BH' | 'BI' | 'BJ' | 'BL' | 'BM' | 'BN' | 'BO' | 'BQ' | 'BR' | 'BS' | 'BT' | 'BV' | 'BW' | 'BY' | 'BZ' | 'CA' | 'CC' | 'CD' | 'CF' | 'CG' | 'CH' | 'CI' | 'CK' | 'CL' | 'CM' | 'CN' | 'CO' | 'CR' | 'CU' | 'CV' | 'CW' | 'CX' | 'CY' | 'CZ' | 'DE' | 'DJ' | 'DK' | 'DM' | 'DO' | 'DZ' | 'EC' | 'EE' | 'EG' | 'EH' | 'ER' | 'ES' | 'ET' | 'FI' | 'FJ' | 'FK' | 'FO' | 'FR' | 'GA' | 'GB' | 'GD' | 'GE' | 'GF' | 'GG' | 'GH' | 'GI' | 'GL' | 'GM' | 'GN' | 'GP' | 'GQ' | 'GR' | 'GS' | 'GT' | 'GW' | 'GY' | 'HK' | 'HM' | 'HN' | 'HR' | 'HT' | 'HU' | 'ID' | 'IE' | 'IL' | 'IM' | 'IN' | 'IO' | 'IQ' | 'IR' | 'IS' | 'IT' | 'JE' | 'JM' | 'JO' | 'JP' | 'KE' | 'KG' | 'KH' | 'KI' | 'KM' | 'KN' | 'KP' | 'KR' | 'KW' | 'KY' | 'KZ' | 'LA' | 'LB' | 'LC' | 'LI' | 'LK' | 'LR' | 'LS' | 'LT' | 'LU' | 'LV' | 'LY' | 'MA' | 'MC' | 'MD' | 'ME' | 'MF' | 'MG' | 'MK' | 'ML' | 'MM' | 'MN' | 'MO' | 'MQ' | 'MR' | 'MS' | 'MT' | 'MU' | 'MV' | 'MW' | 'MX' | 'MY' | 'MZ' | 'NA' | 'NC' | 'NE' | 'NF' | 'NG' | 'NI' | 'NL' | 'NO' | 'NP' | 'NR' | 'NU' | 'NZ' | 'OM' | 'PA' | 'PE' | 'PF' | 'PG' | 'PH' | 'PK' | 'PL' | 'PM' | 'PN' | 'PS' | 'PT' | 'PY' | 'QA' | 'RE' | 'RO' | 'RS' | 'RU' | 'RW' | 'SA' | 'SB' | 'SC' | 'SD' | 'SE' | 'SG' | 'SH' | 'SI' | 'SJ' | 'SK' | 'SL' | 'SM' | 'SN' | 'SO' | 'SR' | 'SS' | 'ST' | 'SV' | 'SX' | 'SY' | 'SZ' | 'TA' | 'TC' | 'TD' | 'TF' | 'TG' | 'TH' | 'TJ' | 'TK' | 'TL' | 'TM' | 'TN' | 'TO' | 'TR' | 'TT' | 'TV' | 'TW' | 'TZ' | 'UA' | 'UG' | 'UM' | 'US' | 'UY' | 'UZ' | 'VA' | 'VC' | 'VE' | 'VG' | 'VN' | 'VU' | 'WF' | 'WS' | 'XK' | 'YE' | 'YT' | 'ZA' | 'ZM' | 'ZW' | 'ZZ'
Returns the proposed `shippingAddress` applied to the checkout.
Returns the proposed `shippingAddress` applied to the checkout.
export function useShippingAddress< Target extends RenderExtensionTarget = RenderExtensionTarget, >(): MailingAddress | undefined { const shippingAddress = useApi<Target>().shippingAddress; if (!shippingAddress) { throw new ScopeNotGrantedError( 'Using shipping address requires having shipping address permissions granted to your app.', ); } return useSubscription(shippingAddress); }
The buyer's full name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's first name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's last name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's company name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 1 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The first line of the buyer's address, including street name and number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The second line of the buyer's address, like apartment number, suite, etc. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's city. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's postal or ZIP code. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format for the buyer's country. Refer to {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's province code, such as state, province, prefecture, or region. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's phone number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
'AC' | 'AD' | 'AE' | 'AF' | 'AG' | 'AI' | 'AL' | 'AM' | 'AN' | 'AO' | 'AR' | 'AT' | 'AU' | 'AW' | 'AX' | 'AZ' | 'BA' | 'BB' | 'BD' | 'BE' | 'BF' | 'BG' | 'BH' | 'BI' | 'BJ' | 'BL' | 'BM' | 'BN' | 'BO' | 'BQ' | 'BR' | 'BS' | 'BT' | 'BV' | 'BW' | 'BY' | 'BZ' | 'CA' | 'CC' | 'CD' | 'CF' | 'CG' | 'CH' | 'CI' | 'CK' | 'CL' | 'CM' | 'CN' | 'CO' | 'CR' | 'CU' | 'CV' | 'CW' | 'CX' | 'CY' | 'CZ' | 'DE' | 'DJ' | 'DK' | 'DM' | 'DO' | 'DZ' | 'EC' | 'EE' | 'EG' | 'EH' | 'ER' | 'ES' | 'ET' | 'FI' | 'FJ' | 'FK' | 'FO' | 'FR' | 'GA' | 'GB' | 'GD' | 'GE' | 'GF' | 'GG' | 'GH' | 'GI' | 'GL' | 'GM' | 'GN' | 'GP' | 'GQ' | 'GR' | 'GS' | 'GT' | 'GW' | 'GY' | 'HK' | 'HM' | 'HN' | 'HR' | 'HT' | 'HU' | 'ID' | 'IE' | 'IL' | 'IM' | 'IN' | 'IO' | 'IQ' | 'IR' | 'IS' | 'IT' | 'JE' | 'JM' | 'JO' | 'JP' | 'KE' | 'KG' | 'KH' | 'KI' | 'KM' | 'KN' | 'KP' | 'KR' | 'KW' | 'KY' | 'KZ' | 'LA' | 'LB' | 'LC' | 'LI' | 'LK' | 'LR' | 'LS' | 'LT' | 'LU' | 'LV' | 'LY' | 'MA' | 'MC' | 'MD' | 'ME' | 'MF' | 'MG' | 'MK' | 'ML' | 'MM' | 'MN' | 'MO' | 'MQ' | 'MR' | 'MS' | 'MT' | 'MU' | 'MV' | 'MW' | 'MX' | 'MY' | 'MZ' | 'NA' | 'NC' | 'NE' | 'NF' | 'NG' | 'NI' | 'NL' | 'NO' | 'NP' | 'NR' | 'NU' | 'NZ' | 'OM' | 'PA' | 'PE' | 'PF' | 'PG' | 'PH' | 'PK' | 'PL' | 'PM' | 'PN' | 'PS' | 'PT' | 'PY' | 'QA' | 'RE' | 'RO' | 'RS' | 'RU' | 'RW' | 'SA' | 'SB' | 'SC' | 'SD' | 'SE' | 'SG' | 'SH' | 'SI' | 'SJ' | 'SK' | 'SL' | 'SM' | 'SN' | 'SO' | 'SR' | 'SS' | 'ST' | 'SV' | 'SX' | 'SY' | 'SZ' | 'TA' | 'TC' | 'TD' | 'TF' | 'TG' | 'TH' | 'TJ' | 'TK' | 'TL' | 'TM' | 'TN' | 'TO' | 'TR' | 'TT' | 'TV' | 'TW' | 'TZ' | 'UA' | 'UG' | 'UM' | 'US' | 'UY' | 'UZ' | 'VA' | 'VC' | 'VE' | 'VG' | 'VN' | 'VU' | 'WF' | 'WS' | 'XK' | 'YE' | 'YT' | 'ZA' | 'ZM' | 'ZW' | 'ZZ'
Returns a function to mutate the `shippingAddress` property of checkout.
Returns a function to mutate the `shippingAddress` property of checkout.
export function useApplyShippingAddressChange< Target extends RenderExtensionTarget = RenderExtensionTarget, >(): | ((change: ShippingAddressChange) => Promise<ShippingAddressChangeResult>) | undefined { const api = useApi<Target>(); if ('applyShippingAddressChange' in api) { return api.applyShippingAddressChange; } throw new ExtensionHasNoMethodError( 'applyCartLinesChange',, ); }
The type of the `ShippingAddressUpdateChange` API.
Fields to update in the shipping address. You only need to provide values for the fields you want to update — any fields you do not list will keep their current values.
The buyer's full name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's first name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's last name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's company name. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 1 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The first line of the buyer's address, including street name and number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The second line of the buyer's address, like apartment number, suite, etc. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's city. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's postal or ZIP code. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format for the buyer's country. Refer to {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's province code, such as state, province, prefecture, or region. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
The buyer's phone number. {% include /apps/checkout/ %} Requires level 2 access to [protected customer data](/docs/apps/store/data-protection/protected-customer-data).
'AC' | 'AD' | 'AE' | 'AF' | 'AG' | 'AI' | 'AL' | 'AM' | 'AN' | 'AO' | 'AR' | 'AT' | 'AU' | 'AW' | 'AX' | 'AZ' | 'BA' | 'BB' | 'BD' | 'BE' | 'BF' | 'BG' | 'BH' | 'BI' | 'BJ' | 'BL' | 'BM' | 'BN' | 'BO' | 'BQ' | 'BR' | 'BS' | 'BT' | 'BV' | 'BW' | 'BY' | 'BZ' | 'CA' | 'CC' | 'CD' | 'CF' | 'CG' | 'CH' | 'CI' | 'CK' | 'CL' | 'CM' | 'CN' | 'CO' | 'CR' | 'CU' | 'CV' | 'CW' | 'CX' | 'CY' | 'CZ' | 'DE' | 'DJ' | 'DK' | 'DM' | 'DO' | 'DZ' | 'EC' | 'EE' | 'EG' | 'EH' | 'ER' | 'ES' | 'ET' | 'FI' | 'FJ' | 'FK' | 'FO' | 'FR' | 'GA' | 'GB' | 'GD' | 'GE' | 'GF' | 'GG' | 'GH' | 'GI' | 'GL' | 'GM' | 'GN' | 'GP' | 'GQ' | 'GR' | 'GS' | 'GT' | 'GW' | 'GY' | 'HK' | 'HM' | 'HN' | 'HR' | 'HT' | 'HU' | 'ID' | 'IE' | 'IL' | 'IM' | 'IN' | 'IO' | 'IQ' | 'IR' | 'IS' | 'IT' | 'JE' | 'JM' | 'JO' | 'JP' | 'KE' | 'KG' | 'KH' | 'KI' | 'KM' | 'KN' | 'KP' | 'KR' | 'KW' | 'KY' | 'KZ' | 'LA' | 'LB' | 'LC' | 'LI' | 'LK' | 'LR' | 'LS' | 'LT' | 'LU' | 'LV' | 'LY' | 'MA' | 'MC' | 'MD' | 'ME' | 'MF' | 'MG' | 'MK' | 'ML' | 'MM' | 'MN' | 'MO' | 'MQ' | 'MR' | 'MS' | 'MT' | 'MU' | 'MV' | 'MW' | 'MX' | 'MY' | 'MZ' | 'NA' | 'NC' | 'NE' | 'NF' | 'NG' | 'NI' | 'NL' | 'NO' | 'NP' | 'NR' | 'NU' | 'NZ' | 'OM' | 'PA' | 'PE' | 'PF' | 'PG' | 'PH' | 'PK' | 'PL' | 'PM' | 'PN' | 'PS' | 'PT' | 'PY' | 'QA' | 'RE' | 'RO' | 'RS' | 'RU' | 'RW' | 'SA' | 'SB' | 'SC' | 'SD' | 'SE' | 'SG' | 'SH' | 'SI' | 'SJ' | 'SK' | 'SL' | 'SM' | 'SN' | 'SO' | 'SR' | 'SS' | 'ST' | 'SV' | 'SX' | 'SY' | 'SZ' | 'TA' | 'TC' | 'TD' | 'TF' | 'TG' | 'TH' | 'TJ' | 'TK' | 'TL' | 'TM' | 'TN' | 'TO' | 'TR' | 'TT' | 'TV' | 'TW' | 'TZ' | 'UA' | 'UG' | 'UM' | 'US' | 'UY' | 'UZ' | 'VA' | 'VC' | 'VE' | 'VG' | 'VN' | 'VU' | 'WF' | 'WS' | 'XK' | 'YE' | 'YT' | 'ZA' | 'ZM' | 'ZW' | 'ZZ'
ShippingAddressChangeResultSuccess | ShippingAddressChangeResultError
The returned result of a successful update to the shipping address.
The type of the `ShippingAddressChangeResultSuccess` API.
The returned result of an update to the shipping address with a messages detailing the type of errors that occurred.
The type of the `ShippingAddressChangeResultError` API.
The errors corresponding to particular fields from a given change
An error corresponding to a particular field from a given change
field key from MailingAddress where the error occurred
A message that explains the error. This message is useful for debugging. It is **not** localized, and therefore should not be presented directly to the buyer.