## Addresses
The API for interacting with addresses.
[View Addresses](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/addresses)
## Analytics
The API for interacting with web pixels.
[View Analytics](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/analytics)
## Attributes
The API for interacting with cart and checkout attributes.
[View Attributes](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/attributes)
## Buyer Identity
The API for interacting with the buyer identity.
[View Buyer Identity](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/buyer-identity)
## Buyer Journey
The API for interacting with the buyer journey.
[View Buyer Journey](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/buyer-journey)
## Cart Instructions
Instructions used to create the checkout.
[View Cart Instructions](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/cart-instructions)
## Cart Lines
The API for interacting with the cart lines.
[View Cart Lines](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/cart-lines)
## Checkout Token
The API for interacting with the token of a checkout.
[View Checkout Token](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/checkout-token)
## Cost
The API for interacting with the cost of a checkout.
[View Cost](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/cost)
## Customer Privacy
The API for interacting with a customer's privacy consent. It is similar to the [Customer Privacy API in storefront](/docs/api/customer-privacy).
[View Customer Privacy](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/customer-privacy)
## Delivery

  The APIs for interacting with delivery and shipping options.

  > > Tip: Not all extension targets implement all APIs. Check the documentation for the extension target you are using to see which APIs are available.
[View Delivery](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/delivery)
## Discounts
The API for interacting with discounts.
[View Discounts](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/discounts)
## Extension
The API for interacting with the metadata of an extension.
[View Extension](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/extension)
## Gift Cards
The API for interacting with gift cards.
[View Gift Cards](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/gift-cards)
## Localization
The APIs for localizing your extension.
[View Localization](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/localization)
## Metafields
The API for interacting with metafields.
[View Metafields](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/metafields)
## Note
The API for interacting with the note applied to checkout.
[View Note](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/note)
## Order
The API for interacting with the order, available on the **Order status** page.
[View Order](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/order)
## Payments
The API for interacting with the payment options.
[View Payments](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/payments)
## Storefront API
Querying the Storefront API.
[View Storefront API](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/storefront-api)
## Session Token
The API for interacting with session tokens.
[View Session Token](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/session-token)
## Settings
The API for interacting with merchant settings.
[View Settings](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/settings)
## Shop
The API for interacting with shop.
[View Shop](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/shop)
## Storage
The API for interacting with local storage.
[View Storage](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/storage)
## useApi()
Returns the full API object that was passed in to your extension when it was created. Depending on the extension target, this object can contain different properties.

For example, the `purchase.checkout.cart-line-item.render-after` extension target will return the [CartLineDetailsApi](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/apis/cartlinedetailsapi) object. Other targets may only have access to the [StandardApi](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/apis/standardapi) object, which contains a basic set of properties about the checkout.

For a full list of the API available to each extension target, see the [ExtensionTargets type](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/apis/extensiontargets).
[View useApi()](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/useapi())
## useExtensionApi()
Returns the full API object that was passed in to your extension when it was created. Depending on the extension target, this object can contain different properties.

For example, the `purchase.checkout.cart-line-item.render-after` extension target will return the [CartLineDetailsApi](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/apis/cartlinedetailsapi) object. Other targets may only have access to the [StandardApi](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/apis/standardapi) object, which contains a basic set of properties about the checkout.

For a full list of the API available to each extension target, see the [ExtensionTargets type](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/apis/extensiontargets).

> Caution: This is deprecated, use `useApi` instead.
[View useExtensionApi()](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/useextensionapi())
## useSubscription()
Subscribes to the special wrapper type that all “changeable” values in the checkout use. This hook extracts the most recent value from that object, and subscribes to update the value when changes occur in the checkout.

> Note: > You generally shouldn’t need to use this directly, as there are dedicated hooks > for accessing the current value of each individual resource in the checkout.
[View useSubscription()](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/2024-07/apis/usesubscription())