# ## Avatar Avatar component is used to show a thumbnail representation of an individual or business in the interface. It can be a graphical representation or visual depiction, such as an image, initials, or an icon. [View Avatar](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/avatar) ## Card Group related content and functionality together in a familiar and consistent style, for customers to scan, read, and get things done. [View Card](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/card) ## CustomerAccountAction A modal to complete an order action flow. This component can only be used to populate the [customer-account.order.action.render](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/targets/order-action-menu/customer-account-order-action-render) extension target, which renders as a result of the customer clicking the order action button rendered via the [customer-account.order.action.menu-item.render](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/targets/order-action-menu/customer-account-order-action-menu-item-render) extension target. [View CustomerAccountAction](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/customeraccountaction) ## DropZone Dropzone allows file uploads through drag-and-drop functionality into a designated area on a page, or by activating a button. At present, Dropzone does not offer image upload preview capabilities. The use of object URLs directly in an image component is not possible due to the extension and host operating on separate domains. Any element focused within the Dropzone component, including child elements such as the 'Add file' button, will initiate the file selector when the Enter or Spacebar key is pressed. [View DropZone](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/dropzone) ## ImageGroup Display up to 4 images in a grid or stacked layout. For example, images of products in a wishlist or subscription. When there are more than 4 images, the component indicates how many more images are not displayed. [View ImageGroup](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/imagegroup) ## Menu Use a menu to display a list of actions in a popover. Actions can open a modal, trigger an event, or link to an external page. [View Menu](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/menu) ## Page The outer wrapper of the page—including the page title, subtitle, and page-level actions—displayed in a familiar and consistent style that sets expectations about the purpose of the page. [View Page](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/page) ## ResourceItem Use to represent a specific object within a collection, that a customer can take action on. For example, a list of active subscriptions or redeemable offers, in a style consistent with the order index page. [View ResourceItem](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/2024-10/components/resourceitem)