A [target](/docs/apps/app-extensions/configuration#targets) represents where your customer account UI extension will appear. You register for targets in your [configuration file](/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/configuration), and you include a JavaScript function that will run at that location in customer accounts.
Static extension targets render immediately before or after most core customer account features. When a core customer account feature isn't rendered, neither are the static extension targets tied to it. Choose static extension targets when your content and functionality is closely related to a core customer account feature.
Block extension targets render between core customer account features. Block extensions are always rendered, regardless of what other elements of the customer account are present. Block extension targets always support multiple placements. Each placement has an associated placement reference that represents its location on the page. For example, the block extension target `customer-account.order-status.block.render` supports seven placements. The placement references include `PAGE_TITLE`, `ORDER_SUMMARY1`, and more. You can use placement references as URL parameters to [test block extensions](/docs/apps/build/customer-accounts/test#block-targets) in all supported placements on a page. You can also use placement references to [define the default placement](/docs/apps/build/app-extensions/configure-app-extensions#customer-account-ui-extensions) of an extension for merchants.
The page contains one block extension that merchants can place above the page title or below the order list. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Actions available on specific order See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
The **Order index** page is where customers can view and manage all their past and current orders.
For tracking order statuses, and any updates regarding the delivery, pickup, or return of items. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Customer, shipping, and billing information associated with the order. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Depending on the payment status of the order, relevant payment information and action items may be displayed here. For example, for orders with payment terms, the amount due, the due data, and a **Pay now** button is displayed. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Summary of the items, discounts, and order total. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Actions available on a specific order. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
The **Order status** page is where customers can view, track, and manage a specific order.
The customer's name and contact information. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
The customer's personal addresses. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
The **Profile** page is where customers view and edit their personal information.
The customer's name and contact information. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
The company name. This extension target can be used to add more information about the company. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
The shipping address, billing address, and payment details associated with each specific company location. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
For B2B customers, the **Profile** page includes information about the customer, company, and the company location(s) the customer has access to. Learn more about the differences between the [default and B2B experiences](/docs/apps/customer-accounts#default-and-b2b-experiences).
Where customers can view and manage all their past and current orders. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Where customers can view, track, and manage a specific order. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
A modal that can rendered to complete an order action flow. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Order-related actions that customers can access from both the **Order index** and **Order status** page.
This full-page extension target is for building pages that are **not** tied to a specific order. For example, a Wishlist page. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
This full-page extension target is for building pages that are tied to a specific order. For example, a Request Return page. See all [extension targets](/docs/api/customer-account-ui-extensions/targets).
Build new pages for customer accounts. Full-page extensions render in the main content area—below the header, and above the footer.