CompanyAddress - customer - OBJECT
Version: 2024-07
The address of a company location, either billing or shipping. Apps using the Customer Account API must meet the protected customer data [requirements](
Access Scopes
address1 :
String! -
The first line of the address. It is typically the street address or PO Box number.
address2 :
String -
The second line of the address. It is typically the apartment, suite, or unit number.
city :
String -
The city, district, village, or town.
companyName :
String! -
The name of the company.
country :
String -
The name of the country of the address.
countryCode :
CountryCode! -
The two-letter code for the country of the address, for example, US.
createdAt :
DateTime! -
The date and time (in [ISO 8601 format](
when the company address was created.
firstName :
String -
The first name of the recipient.
formattedAddress :
String! -
The formatted version of the address.
formattedArea :
String -
A comma-separated list of the city, province, and country values.
id :
ID! -
A globally-unique ID.
lastName :
String -
The last name of the recipient.
phone :
String -
The unique phone number of the customer, formatted using the E.164 standard, for example, _+16135551111_.
province :
String -
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district.
recipient :
String -
The identity of the recipient, for example, 'Receiving Department'.
updatedAt :
DateTime! -
The date and time (in [ISO 8601 format](
when the company address was last updated.
zip :
String -
The zip or postal code of the address.
zoneCode :
String -
The alphanumeric code for the region, for example, ON.
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Choose a version: Unstable 2025-04 release candidate 2025-01 latest 2024-10 2024-07 2024-04
The address of a company location, either billing or shipping. Apps using the Customer Account API must meet the protected customer data requirements .
The first line of the address. It is typically the street address or PO Box number.
The second line of the address. It is typically the apartment, suite, or unit number.
The city, district, village, or town.
The name of the country of the address.
The two-letter code for the country of the address, for example, US.
The date and time (in ISO 8601 format )
when the company address was created.
The first name of the recipient.
The formatted version of the address.
A comma-separated list of the city, province, and country values.
The last name of the recipient.
The unique phone number of the customer, formatted using the E.164 standard, for example, +16135551111 .
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district.
The identity of the recipient, for example, 'Receiving Department'.
The date and time (in ISO 8601 format )
when the company address was last updated.
The zip or postal code of the address.
The alphanumeric code for the region, for example, ON.
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Updates an address on a company location.
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<~> CompanyAddress Mutations
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||- CompanyAddress Implements
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