# customer - customer - QUERY Version: 2024-10 ## Description Returns the Customer resource. Apps using the Customer Account API must meet the protected customer data [requirements](https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/launch/protected-customer-data). ### Access Scopes ## Arguments ## Returns * [creationDate](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/scalars/DateTime): DateTime! The date and time when the customer was created. * [defaultAddress](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/objects/CustomerAddress): CustomerAddress The default address of the customer. * [displayName](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/scalars/String): String! The full name of the customer, based on the first_name and last_name values. If these aren't available, it falls back to the customer's email address, and if that isn't available, the customer's phone number. * [emailAddress](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/objects/CustomerEmailAddress): CustomerEmailAddress The email address of the customer. * [firstName](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/scalars/String): String The first name of the customer. * [id](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/scalars/ID): ID! A globally-unique ID. * [imageUrl](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/scalars/URL): URL! The URL to the avatar image of the customer. * [lastIncompleteCheckout](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/objects/Checkout): Checkout The customer's most recently updated, incomplete checkout. * [lastName](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/scalars/String): String The last name of the customer. * [metafield](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/objects/Metafield): Metafield A metafield found by namespace and key. * [metafields](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/objects/Metafield): Metafield! The metafields associated with the resource matching the supplied list of namespaces and keys. * [phoneNumber](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/objects/CustomerPhoneNumber): CustomerPhoneNumber The phone number of the customer. * [subscriptionContract](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/objects/SubscriptionContract): SubscriptionContract A Subscription Contract resource identified by ID. * [tags](/docs/api/customer/2024-10/scalars/String): String! A comma-separated list of tags that have been added to the customer. ## Examples