# DraftOrder - customer - OBJECT Version: 2025-01 ## Description A draft order for the customer. Any fields related to money are in the presentment currency. Apps using the Customer Account API must meet the protected customer data [requirements](https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/launch/protected-customer-data). ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [billingAddress](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/CustomerAddress): CustomerAddress - The billing address of the customer. * [createdAt](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime! - The date and time when the draft order was created in Shopify. * [currencyCode](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/enums/CurrencyCode): CurrencyCode! - The three-letter code for the currency of the store at the time that the invoice is sent. * [customer](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/Customer): Customer - The customer who placed the order. * [discountInformation](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/DraftOrderDiscountInformation): DraftOrderDiscountInformation! - The discount information for the draft order. * [email](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/String): String - The email address of the customer, which is used to send notifications to. * [id](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/ID): ID! - A globally-unique ID. * [inReview](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the draft order is created from the online store and is open. * [invoiceUrl](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/URL): URL - The link to the checkout, which is sent to the customer in the invoice email. * [lineItemsSummary](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/DraftOrderLineItemsSummary): DraftOrderLineItemsSummary - The summary of draft order line items quantity. * [name](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/String): String! - The unique identifier for the draft order, which is unique within the store. For example, _#D1223_. * [order](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/Order): Order - The order that was created from this draft order. * [phone](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/String): String - The phone number assigned to the draft order. * [purchasingEntity](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/unions/PurchasingEntity): PurchasingEntity - The purchasing entity for the draft order. * [requiresShipping](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the draft order requires shipping or not. * [shippingAddress](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/CustomerAddress): CustomerAddress - The shipping address of the customer. * [status](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/enums/DraftOrderStatus): DraftOrderStatus! - The status of the draft order. * [subtotalPrice](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The subtotal of the line items (doesn't include shipping charges, shipping discounts, or taxes). * [taxExempt](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Indicates whether the draft order is tax exempt. * [taxesIncluded](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the line item prices include taxes. * [totalLineItemsPrice](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The total price of line items for this draft order. * [totalPrice](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The total amount of the draft order (includes taxes, shipping charges, and discounts). * [totalShippingPrice](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The total shipping charge for the draft order. * [totalTax](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The total amount of taxes for the draft order. * [totalWeight](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/UnsignedInt64): UnsignedInt64! - The total weight (in grams) of the draft order. * [updatedAt](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime! - The date and time when the draft order was last changed. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (for example, 2016-02-05 17:04:01). ## Connections * [lineItems](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/connections/DraftOrderLineItemConnection): DraftOrderLineItemConnection! ## Related queries * [draftOrder](/docs/api/customer/2025-01/queries/draftOrder) Returns a draft order resource by ID. Apps using the Customer Account API must meet the protected customer data [requirements](https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/launch/protected-customer-data). ## Related mutations ## Related Unions ## Examples