<div class="doc-version" data-version="unstable">
  <p>Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe the options offered for each variant, and the price of the variant when purchased with a selling plan.</p>
    <h2 id="on-this-page">On this page</h2>
        <a href="#fields-unstable">
        <a href="#types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-unstable">
          Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
<h2 id="fields-unstable">
  <ul class="fields">
        <div class="field" id="priceadjustments-unstable">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplanallocationpriceadjustment"><code>[SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment!]!</code></a>)
            <p>A list of price adjustments, with a maximum of two. When there are two, the first price adjustment goes into effect at the time of purchase, while the second one starts after a certain number of orders. A price adjustment represents how a selling plan affects pricing when a variant is purchased with a selling plan. Prices display in the customer's currency if the shop is configured for it.</p>
        <div class="field" id="sellingplan-unstable">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplan"><code>SellingPlan!</code></a>)
            <p>A representation of how products and variants can be sold and purchased. For example, an individual selling plan could be '6 weeks of prepaid granola, delivered weekly'.</p>
  <h2 id="types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-unstable">
    Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
      <a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/cartline#sellingplanallocation-unstable">
</div><div class="doc-version doc-version--rc" data-version="2025-04">
  <p>Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe the options offered for each variant, and the price of the variant when purchased with a selling plan.</p>
    <h2 id="on-this-page">On this page</h2>
        <a href="#fields-2025-04">
        <a href="#types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2025-04">
          Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
<h2 id="fields-2025-04">
  <ul class="fields">
        <div class="field" id="priceadjustments-2025-04">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplanallocationpriceadjustment"><code>[SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment!]!</code></a>)
            <p>A list of price adjustments, with a maximum of two. When there are two, the first price adjustment goes into effect at the time of purchase, while the second one starts after a certain number of orders. A price adjustment represents how a selling plan affects pricing when a variant is purchased with a selling plan. Prices display in the customer's currency if the shop is configured for it.</p>
        <div class="field" id="sellingplan-2025-04">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplan"><code>SellingPlan!</code></a>)
            <p>A representation of how products and variants can be sold and purchased. For example, an individual selling plan could be '6 weeks of prepaid granola, delivered weekly'.</p>
  <h2 id="types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2025-04">
    Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
      <a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/cartline#sellingplanallocation-2025-04">
</div><div class="doc-version doc-version--latest selected" data-version="2025-01">
  <p>Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe the options offered for each variant, and the price of the variant when purchased with a selling plan.</p>
    <h2 id="on-this-page">On this page</h2>
        <a href="#fields-2025-01">
        <a href="#types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2025-01">
          Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
<h2 id="fields-2025-01">
  <ul class="fields">
        <div class="field" id="priceadjustments-2025-01">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplanallocationpriceadjustment"><code>[SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment!]!</code></a>)
            <p>A list of price adjustments, with a maximum of two. When there are two, the first price adjustment goes into effect at the time of purchase, while the second one starts after a certain number of orders. A price adjustment represents how a selling plan affects pricing when a variant is purchased with a selling plan. Prices display in the customer's currency if the shop is configured for it.</p>
        <div class="field" id="sellingplan-2025-01">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplan"><code>SellingPlan!</code></a>)
            <p>A representation of how products and variants can be sold and purchased. For example, an individual selling plan could be '6 weeks of prepaid granola, delivered weekly'.</p>
  <h2 id="types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2025-01">
    Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
      <a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/cartline#sellingplanallocation-2025-01">
</div><div class="doc-version" data-version="2024-10">
  <p>Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe the options offered for each variant, and the price of the variant when purchased with a selling plan.</p>
    <h2 id="on-this-page">On this page</h2>
        <a href="#fields-2024-10">
        <a href="#types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2024-10">
          Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
<h2 id="fields-2024-10">
  <ul class="fields">
        <div class="field" id="priceadjustments-2024-10">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplanallocationpriceadjustment"><code>[SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment!]!</code></a>)
            <p>A list of price adjustments, with a maximum of two. When there are two, the first price adjustment goes into effect at the time of purchase, while the second one starts after a certain number of orders. A price adjustment represents how a selling plan affects pricing when a variant is purchased with a selling plan. Prices display in the customer's currency if the shop is configured for it.</p>
        <div class="field" id="sellingplan-2024-10">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplan"><code>SellingPlan!</code></a>)
            <p>A representation of how products and variants can be sold and purchased. For example, an individual selling plan could be '6 weeks of prepaid granola, delivered weekly'.</p>
  <h2 id="types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2024-10">
    Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
      <a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/cartline#sellingplanallocation-2024-10">
</div><div class="doc-version" data-version="2024-07">
  <p>Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe the options offered for each variant, and the price of the variant when purchased with a selling plan.</p>
    <h2 id="on-this-page">On this page</h2>
        <a href="#fields-2024-07">
        <a href="#types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2024-07">
          Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
<h2 id="fields-2024-07">
  <ul class="fields">
        <div class="field" id="priceadjustments-2024-07">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplanallocationpriceadjustment"><code>[SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment!]!</code></a>)
            <p>A list of price adjustments, with a maximum of two. When there are two, the first price adjustment goes into effect at the time of purchase, while the second one starts after a certain number of orders. A price adjustment represents how a selling plan affects pricing when a variant is purchased with a selling plan. Prices display in the customer's currency if the shop is configured for it.</p>
        <div class="field" id="sellingplan-2024-07">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplan"><code>SellingPlan!</code></a>)
            <p>A representation of how products and variants can be sold and purchased. For example, an individual selling plan could be '6 weeks of prepaid granola, delivered weekly'.</p>
  <h2 id="types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2024-07">
    Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
      <a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/cartline#sellingplanallocation-2024-07">
</div><div class="doc-version" data-version="2024-04">
  <p>Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe the options offered for each variant, and the price of the variant when purchased with a selling plan.</p>
    <h2 id="on-this-page">On this page</h2>
        <a href="#fields-2024-04">
        <a href="#types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2024-04">
          Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
<h2 id="fields-2024-04">
  <ul class="fields">
        <div class="field" id="priceadjustments-2024-04">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplanallocationpriceadjustment"><code>[SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment!]!</code></a>)
            <p>A list of price adjustments, with a maximum of two. When there are two, the first price adjustment goes into effect at the time of purchase, while the second one starts after a certain number of orders. A price adjustment represents how a selling plan affects pricing when a variant is purchased with a selling plan. Prices display in the customer's currency if the shop is configured for it.</p>
        <div class="field" id="sellingplan-2024-04">
          <div class="field-name">
            (<a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/sellingplan"><code>SellingPlan!</code></a>)
            <p>A representation of how products and variants can be sold and purchased. For example, an individual selling plan could be '6 weeks of prepaid granola, delivered weekly'.</p>
  <h2 id="types-that-return-sellingplanallocation-2024-04">
    Types that return SellingPlanAllocation
      <a href="/api/functions/reference/cart-checkout-validation/graphql/common-objects/cartline#sellingplanallocation-2024-04">