PurchasingCompany object

Represents information about the buyer that is interacting with the cart.


  • company (Company!)

    The company associated to the order or draft order.

  • contact (CompanyContact)

    The company contact associated to the order or draft order.

  • location (CompanyLocation!)

    The company location associated to the order or draft order.

Types that return PurchasingCompany

Represents information about the buyer that is interacting with the cart.


  • company (Company!)

    The company associated to the order or draft order.

  • contact (CompanyContact)

    The company contact associated to the order or draft order.

  • location (CompanyLocation!)

    The company location associated to the order or draft order.

Types that return PurchasingCompany

Represents information about the buyer that is interacting with the cart.


  • company (Company!)

    The company associated to the order or draft order.

  • contact (CompanyContact)

    The company contact associated to the order or draft order.

  • location (CompanyLocation!)

    The company location associated to the order or draft order.

Types that return PurchasingCompany

Represents information about the buyer that is interacting with the cart.


  • company (Company!)

    The company associated to the order or draft order.

  • contact (CompanyContact)

    The company contact associated to the order or draft order.

  • location (CompanyLocation!)

    The company location associated to the order or draft order.

Types that return PurchasingCompany

Represents information about the buyer that is interacting with the cart.


  • company (Company!)

    The company associated to the order or draft order.

  • contact (CompanyContact)

    The company contact associated to the order or draft order.

  • location (CompanyLocation!)

    The company location associated to the order or draft order.

Types that return PurchasingCompany