FunctionResult object

The run target result. In API versions 2023-10 and beyond, this type is deprecated in favor of FunctionRunResult.


  • operations ([Operation!]!) Required

    The fulfillment constraints determined by the function.

The run target result. In API versions 2023-10 and beyond, this type is deprecated in favor of FunctionRunResult.


  • operations ([Operation!]!) Required

    The fulfillment constraints determined by the function.

The run target result. In API versions 2023-10 and beyond, this type is deprecated in favor of FunctionRunResult.


  • operations ([Operation!]!) Required

    The fulfillment constraints determined by the function.

The run target result. In API versions 2023-10 and beyond, this type is deprecated in favor of FunctionRunResult.


  • operations ([Operation!]!) Required

    The fulfillment constraints determined by the function.

The run target result. In API versions 2023-10 and beyond, this type is deprecated in favor of FunctionRunResult.


  • operations ([Operation!]!) Required

    The fulfillment constraints determined by the function.

The run target result. In API versions 2023-10 and beyond, this type is deprecated in favor of FunctionRunResult.


  • operations ([Operation!]!) Required

    The fulfillment constraints determined by the function.