Sets Shopify user and session cookies and refreshes the expiry time.
import * as React from 'react';
import {useShopifyCookies} from '@shopify/hydrogen-react';
export default function App({Component, pageProps}) {
useShopifyCookies({hasUserConsent: false});
return <Component {...pageProps} />;
import * as React from 'react';
import {useShopifyCookies} from '@shopify/hydrogen-react';
export default function App({Component, pageProps}) {
useShopifyCookies({hasUserConsent: false});
return <Component {...pageProps} />;
Manages Shopify cookies. If `hasUserConsent` option is false, Shopify cookies will be removed.
options: UseShopifyCookiesOptions
export function useShopifyCookies(options?: UseShopifyCookiesOptions): void { const { hasUserConsent = false, domain = '', checkoutDomain = '', } = options || {}; useEffect(() => { const cookies = getShopifyCookies(document.cookie); /** * Setting cookie with domain * * If no domain is provided, the cookie will be set for the current host. * For Shopify, we need to ensure this domain is set with a leading dot. */ // Use override domain or current host let currentDomain = domain ||; if (checkoutDomain) { const checkoutDomainParts = checkoutDomain.split('.').reverse(); const currentDomainParts = currentDomain.split('.').reverse(); const sameDomainParts: Array<string> = []; checkoutDomainParts.forEach((part, index) => { if (part === currentDomainParts[index]) { sameDomainParts.push(part); } }); currentDomain = sameDomainParts.reverse().join('.'); } // Reset domain if localhost if (/^localhost/.test(currentDomain)) currentDomain = ''; // Shopify checkout only consumes cookies set with leading dot domain const domainWithLeadingDot = currentDomain ? /^\./.test(currentDomain) ? currentDomain : `.${currentDomain}` : ''; /** * Set user and session cookies and refresh the expiry time */ if (hasUserConsent) { setCookie( SHOPIFY_Y, cookies[SHOPIFY_Y] || buildUUID(), longTermLength, domainWithLeadingDot, ); setCookie( SHOPIFY_S, cookies[SHOPIFY_S] || buildUUID(), shortTermLength, domainWithLeadingDot, ); } else { setCookie(SHOPIFY_Y, '', 0, domainWithLeadingDot); setCookie(SHOPIFY_S, '', 0, domainWithLeadingDot); } }, [options, hasUserConsent, domain, checkoutDomain]); }
The checkout domain of the shop. Defaults to empty string. If set, the cookie domain will check if it can be set with the checkout domain.
The domain scope of the cookie. Defaults to empty string.
If set to `false`, Shopify cookies will be removed. If set to `true`, Shopify unique user token cookie will have cookie expiry of 1 year. Defaults to false.