# storefrontRedirect
Queries the Storefront API to see if there is any redirect [created for the current route](https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/online-store/menus-and-links/url-redirect) and performs it. Otherwise, it returns the response passed in the parameters. Useful for conditionally redirecting after a 404 response.
### Example code

import {storefrontRedirect, createStorefrontClient} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
import * as remixBuild from '@remix-run/dev/server-build';
import {
} from '@shopify/remix-oxygen';

export default {
  async fetch(request, env, executionContext) {
    const {storefront} = createStorefrontClient({
      cache: await caches.open('hydrogen'),
      waitUntil: (p) => executionContext.waitUntil(p),
      privateStorefrontToken: env.PRIVATE_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN,
      publicStorefrontToken: env.PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN,
      storeDomain: env.PUBLIC_STORE_DOMAIN,
      storefrontHeaders: getStorefrontHeaders(request),

    const handleRequest = createRequestHandler({
      build: remixBuild,
      mode: process.env.NODE_ENV,

    const response = await handleRequest(request);

    if (response.status === 404) {
       * Check for redirects only when there's a 404 from
       * the app. If the redirect doesn't exist, then
       * `storefrontRedirect` will pass through the 404
       * response.
      return storefrontRedirect({request, response, storefront});

    return response;


import {storefrontRedirect, createStorefrontClient} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
import * as remixBuild from '@remix-run/dev/server-build';
import {
} from '@shopify/remix-oxygen';

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
    const {storefront} = createStorefrontClient({
      cache: await caches.open('hydrogen'),
      waitUntil: (p: Promise<unknown>) => executionContext.waitUntil(p),
      privateStorefrontToken: env.PRIVATE_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN,
      publicStorefrontToken: env.PUBLIC_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN,
      storeDomain: env.PUBLIC_STORE_DOMAIN,
      storefrontHeaders: getStorefrontHeaders(request),

    const handleRequest = createRequestHandler({
      build: remixBuild,
      mode: process.env.NODE_ENV,

    const response = await handleRequest(request);

    if (response.status === 404) {
       * Check for redirects only when there's a 404 from
       * the app. If the redirect doesn't exist, then
       * `storefrontRedirect` will pass through the 404
       * response.
      return storefrontRedirect({request, response, storefront});

    return response;


## Arguments

### StorefrontRedirectGeneratedType
Queries the Storefront API to see if there is any redirect
created for the current route and performs it. Otherwise,
it returns the response passed in the parameters. Useful for
conditionally redirecting after a 404 response.
#### Returns: Promise<Response>

#### Params:
- options: StorefrontRedirect
export async function storefrontRedirect(
  options: StorefrontRedirect,
): Promise<Response> {
  const {
    response = new Response('Not Found', {status: 404}),
  } = options;

  const {pathname, search} = new URL(request.url);
  const redirectFrom = pathname + search;

  if (pathname === '/admin' && !noAdminRedirect) {
    return redirect(`${storefront.getShopifyDomain()}/admin`);

  try {
    const {urlRedirects} = await storefront.query<{
      urlRedirects: UrlRedirectConnection;
      variables: {query: 'path:' + redirectFrom},

    const location = urlRedirects?.edges?.[0]?.node?.target;

    if (location) {
      return new Response(null, {status: 301, headers: {location}});

    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
    const redirectTo =
      searchParams.get('return_to') || searchParams.get('redirect');

    if (redirectTo) {
      if (isLocalPath(redirectTo)) {
        return redirect(redirectTo);
      } else {
          `Cross-domain redirects are not supported. Tried to redirect from ${redirectFrom} to ${redirectTo}`,
  } catch (error) {
      `Failed to fetch redirects from Storefront API for route ${redirectFrom}`,

  return response;
### StorefrontRedirect

### storefront
The [Storefront client](/docs/api/hydrogen/2023-04/utilities/createstorefrontclient) instance
### request
The [MDN Request](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request) object that was passed to the `server.ts` request handler.
### response
The [MDN Response](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response) object created by `handleRequest`
### noAdminRedirect
By default the `/admin` route is redirected to the Shopify Admin page for the current storefront. Disable this redirect by passing `true`.
### Storefront
Interface to interact with the Storefront API.
### query
The function to run a query on Storefront API.
### mutate
The function to run a mutation on Storefront API.
### cache
The cache instance passed in from the `createStorefrontClient` argument.
### CacheNone
Re-export of [`CacheNone`](/docs/api/hydrogen/2023-04/utilities/cachenone).
### CacheLong
Re-export of [`CacheLong`](/docs/api/hydrogen/2023-04/utilities/cachelong).
### CacheShort
Re-export of [`CacheShort`](/docs/api/hydrogen/2023-04/utilities/cacheshort).
### CacheCustom
Re-export of [`CacheCustom`](/docs/api/hydrogen/2023-04/utilities/cachecustom).
### generateCacheControlHeader
Re-export of [`generateCacheControlHeader`](/docs/api/hydrogen/2023-04/utilities/generatecachecontrolheader).
### getPublicTokenHeaders
Returns an object that contains headers that are needed for each query to Storefront API GraphQL endpoint. See [`getPublicTokenHeaders` in Hydrogen React](/docs/api/hydrogen-react/2023-04/utilities/createstorefrontclient#:~:text=%27graphql%27.-,getPublicTokenHeaders,-(props%3F%3A) for more details.
### getPrivateTokenHeaders
Returns an object that contains headers that are needed for each query to Storefront API GraphQL endpoint for API calls made from a server. See [`getPrivateTokenHeaders` in  Hydrogen React](/docs/api/hydrogen-react/2023-04/utilities/createstorefrontclient#:~:text=storefrontApiVersion-,getPrivateTokenHeaders,-(props%3F%3A) for more details.
### getShopifyDomain
Creates the fully-qualified URL to your myshopify.com domain. See [`getShopifyDomain` in  Hydrogen React](/docs/api/hydrogen-react/2023-04/utilities/createstorefrontclient#:~:text=StorefrontClientReturn-,getShopifyDomain,-(props%3F%3A) for more details.
### getApiUrl
Creates the fully-qualified URL to your store's GraphQL endpoint. See [`getStorefrontApiUrl` in  Hydrogen React](/docs/api/hydrogen-react/2023-04/utilities/createstorefrontclient#:~:text=storeDomain-,getStorefrontApiUrl,-(props%3F%3A) for more details.
### isApiError
Determines if the error is resulted from a Storefront API call.
### i18n
The `i18n` object passed in from the `createStorefrontClient` argument.
### IsOptionalVariables

> extends EmptyVariables
  ? true // No need to pass variables
  : GenericVariables extends OperationTypeValue['variables']
  ? true // We don't know what variables are needed
  : false
### AutoAddedVariableNames

'country' | 'language'
### EmptyVariables

{[key: string]: never}
### GenericVariables

### StorefrontQueries
Maps all the queries found in the project to variables and return types.
export interface StorefrontQueries {
  // Example of how a generated query type looks like:
  // '#graphql query q1 {...}': {return: Q1Query; variables: Q1QueryVariables};
### StorefrontQuerySecondParam

(RawGqlString extends keyof StorefrontQueries
  ? StorefrontCommonOptions<StorefrontQueries[RawGqlString]['variables']>
  : StorefrontCommonOptions<GenericVariables>) & {cache?: CachingStrategy}
### StorefrontCommonOptions

  headers?: HeadersInit;
  storefrontApiVersion?: string;
} & (IsOptionalVariables<{variables: Variables}> extends true
  ? {variables?: Variables}
  : {variables: Variables})
### CachingStrategy
Use the `CachingStrategy` to define a custom caching mechanism for your data. Or use one of the pre-defined caching strategies: CacheNone, CacheShort, CacheLong.
### mode
The caching mode, generally `public`, `private`, or `no-store`.
### maxAge
The maximum amount of time in seconds that a resource will be considered fresh. See `max-age` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#:~:text=Response%20Directives-,max%2Dage,-The%20max%2Dage).
### staleWhileRevalidate
Indicate that the cache should serve the stale response in the background while revalidating the cache. See `stale-while-revalidate` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#stale-while-revalidate).
### sMaxAge
Similar to `maxAge` but specific to shared caches. See `s-maxage` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#s-maxage).
### staleIfError
Indicate that the cache should serve the stale response if an error occurs while revalidating the cache. See `stale-if-error` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#stale-if-error).
### StorefrontMutations
Maps all the mutations found in the project to variables and return types.
export interface StorefrontMutations {
  // Example of how a generated mutation type looks like:
  // '#graphql mutation m1 {...}': {return: M1Mutation; variables: M1MutationVariables};
### StorefrontMutateSecondParam

RawGqlString extends keyof StorefrontMutations
  ? StorefrontCommonOptions<StorefrontMutations[RawGqlString]['variables']>
  : StorefrontCommonOptions<GenericVariables>
### NoStoreStrategy

### mode

### AllCacheOptions
Override options for a cache strategy.
### mode
The caching mode, generally `public`, `private`, or `no-store`.
### maxAge
The maximum amount of time in seconds that a resource will be considered fresh. See `max-age` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#:~:text=Response%20Directives-,max%2Dage,-The%20max%2Dage).
### staleWhileRevalidate
Indicate that the cache should serve the stale response in the background while revalidating the cache. See `stale-while-revalidate` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#stale-while-revalidate).
### sMaxAge
Similar to `maxAge` but specific to shared caches. See `s-maxage` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#s-maxage).
### staleIfError
Indicate that the cache should serve the stale response if an error occurs while revalidating the cache. See `stale-if-error` in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#stale-if-error).
### I18nBase

### language

### country