Liquid objects Liquid objects represent variables that you can use to build your theme. # Objects Liquid objects represent variables that you can use to build your theme. Object types include store resources, standard Shopify content, and functional elements that help you to build interactivity. Objects might represent a single data point, or contain multiple properties. Some properties might represent a related object, such as a product in a collection. > **Note:** > Liquid objects are also often referred to as Liquid variables. ## Creating You can also create your own variables using [variable tags](/docs/api/liquid/tags/variable-tags). Variables are treated like objects syntactically. ## Object access The way that you access an object depends on the object and the context in which you want to access it. An object might be accessed in the following ways: * **Globally**: The object can be accessed directly in any Liquid theme file, excluding [checkout.liquid](/themes/architecture/layouts/checkout-liquid) and [Liquid asset files](/themes/architecture#assets) * **In a template**: The object can be accessed directly in specific templates, or in sections or blocks included in the template. For example, you can access the [product](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product) object directly in a [product template](/themes/architecture/templates/product), or a section referenced in a product template * **Through a parent object**: Many objects are returned by another object, or as a property of a parent object. For example, you can access [article](/docs/api/liquid/objects/article) objects through the global [articles](/docs/api/liquid/objects/articles) object, or through the articles property of the [blog](/docs/api/liquid/objects/blog) object Refer to each object to learn about how it can be accessed. ## Usage Objects, along with their properties, are wrapped in curly brace delimiters `{{ }}`. For example, the `product` object contains a property called `title` that can be used to output the title of a product. ### additional_checkout_buttons Deprecated: false Returns `true` if a store has any payment providers with offsite checkouts, such as PayPal Express Checkout. #### Properties #### Examples ### address Deprecated: false An address, such as a customer address or order shipping address. #### Properties **address1** Deprecated: false The first line of the address. **address2** Deprecated: false The second line of the address. **city** Deprecated: false The city of the address. **company** Deprecated: false The company of the address. **country** Deprecated: false The country of the address. **country_code** Deprecated: false The country of the address in [ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2) format]( **first_name** Deprecated: false The first name of the address. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the address. **last_name** Deprecated: false The last name of the address. **name** Deprecated: false A combination of the first and last names of the address. **phone** Deprecated: false The phone number of the address. **province** Deprecated: false The province of the address. **province_code** Deprecated: false The province of the address in [ISO 3166-2 (alpha 2) format]( **street** Deprecated: false A combination of the first and second lines of the address. **summary** Deprecated: false A summary of the address, including the following properties: - First and last name - First and second lines - City - Province - Country **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL for the address. **zip** Deprecated: false The zip or postal code of the address. #### Examples ### all_country_option_tags Deprecated: false Creates an `<option>` tag for each country. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can wrap the `all_country_option_tags` object in `<select>` tags to build a country option selector. ```liquid <select name="country"> {{ all_country_option_tags }} </select> ``` code: ### all_products Deprecated: false All of the products on a store. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can use `all_products` to access a product by its [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles). This returns the [`product`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product) object for the specified product. If the product isn't found, then `empty` is returned. code: {{ all_products['love-potion'].title }} ### app Deprecated: false An app. This object is usually used to access app-specific information for use with [theme app extensions](/apps/online-store/theme-app-extensions). #### Properties **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) that are [owned by the app](/apps/metafields/app-owned). #### Examples ### article Deprecated: false An article, or [blog post](, in a blog. #### Properties **author** Deprecated: false The full name of the author of the article. **comment_post_url** Deprecated: false The relative URL where POST requests are sent when creating new comments. **comments** Deprecated: false The published comments for the article. **comments_count** Deprecated: false The number of published comments for the article. **comments_enabled?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if comments are enabled. Returns `false` if not. **content** Deprecated: false The content of the article. **created_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the article was created. **excerpt** Deprecated: false The excerpt of the article. **excerpt_or_content** Deprecated: false Returns the article [excerpt](/docs/api/liquid/objects/article#article-excerpt) if it exists. Returns the article [content](/docs/api/liquid/objects/article#article-content) if no excerpt exists. **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the article. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the article. **image** Deprecated: false The featured image for the article. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the article. **moderated?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the blog that the article belongs to is set to [moderate comments]( Returns `false` if not. **published_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the article was published. **tags** Deprecated: false The tags applied to the article. **template_suffix** Deprecated: false The name of the [custom template](/themes/architecture/templates#alternate-templates) assigned to the article. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the article. **updated_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the article was updated. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the article. **user** Deprecated: false The user associated with the author of the article. #### Examples ### articles Deprecated: false All of the articles across the blogs in the store. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can use `articles` to access an article by its [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles). code: {% assign article = articles['potion-notions/new-potions-for-spring'] %} {{ article.title | link_to: article.url }} ### block Deprecated: false The content and settings of a [section block](/themes/architecture/sections/section-schema#blocks). #### Properties **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the block. **settings** Deprecated: false The [settings](/themes/architecture/sections/section-schema#blocks) of the block. **shopify_attributes** Deprecated: false The data attributes for the block for use in the theme editor. **type** Deprecated: false The type of the block. #### Examples ### blog Deprecated: false Information about a specific [blog]( in the store. #### Properties **all_tags** Deprecated: false All of the tags on the articles in the blog. **articles** Deprecated: false The articles in the blog. **articles_count** Deprecated: false The total number of articles in the blog. This total doesn't include hidden articles. **comments_enabled?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if comments are enabled for the blog. Returns `false` if not. **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the blog. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the blog. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the blog. **moderated?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the blog is set to [moderate comments]( Returns `false` if not. **next_article** Deprecated: false The next (older) article in the blog. **previous_article** Deprecated: false The previous (newer) article in the blog. **tags** Deprecated: false A list of all of the tags on all of the articles in the blog. Unlike [`blog.all_tags`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/blog#blog-all_tags), this property only returns tags of articles that are in the filtered view. **template_suffix** Deprecated: false The name of the [custom template](/themes/architecture/templates#alternate-templates) assigned to the blog. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the blog. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the blog. #### Examples ### blogs Deprecated: false All of the blogs in the store. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can use `blogs` to access a blog by its [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles). code: {% for article in blogs.potion-notions.articles %} {{- article.title | link_to: article.url }} {% endfor %} ### brand Deprecated: false The [brand assets]( for the store. #### Properties **colors** Deprecated: false The brand's colors. **cover_image** Deprecated: false The square logo for the brand, resized to 32x32 px. **favicon_url** Deprecated: false The square logo for the brand, resized to 32x32 px. **logo** Deprecated: false The default logo for the brand. **metafields** Deprecated: false The social links for the brand. **short_description** Deprecated: false A short description of the brand. **slogan** Deprecated: false The slogan for the brand. **square_logo** Deprecated: false The square logo for the brand. #### Examples ### brand_color Deprecated: false The colors defined as part of a store's [brand assets]( #### Properties #### Examples data: To access a brand color, specify the following: - The brand color group: either `primary` or `secondary` - The color role: Whether the color is a `background` or `foreground` (contrasting) color - The 0-based index of the color within the group and role code: {{ shop.brand.colors.primary[0].background }} {{ shop.brand.colors.primary[0].foreground }} {{ shop.brand.colors.secondary[0].background }} {{ shop.brand.colors.secondary[1].background }} {{ shop.brand.colors.secondary[0].foreground }} ### canonical_url Deprecated: false The canonical URL for the current page. #### Properties #### Examples ### cart Deprecated: false A customer’s cart. #### Properties **attributes** Deprecated: false Additional attributes entered by the customer with the cart. **cart_level_discount_applications** Deprecated: false The cart-specific discount applications for the cart. **checkout_charge_amount** Deprecated: false The amount that the customer will be charged at checkout in the currency's subunit. **currency** Deprecated: false The currency of the cart. **discount_applications** Deprecated: false The discount applications for the cart. **discounts** Deprecated: true The discounts applied to the cart. **duties_included** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if duties are included in the prices of products in the cart. Returns `false` if not. **empty?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if there are no items in the cart. Return's `false` if there are. **item_count** Deprecated: false The number of items in the cart. **items** Deprecated: false The line items in the cart. **items_subtotal_price** Deprecated: false The total price of all of the items in the cart in the currency's subunit, after any line item discounts. This doesn't include taxes (unless taxes are included in the prices), cart discounts, or shipping costs. **note** Deprecated: false Additional information captured with the cart. **original_total_price** Deprecated: false The total price of all of the items in the cart in the currency's subunit, before discounts have been applied. **requires_shipping** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if any of the products in the cart require shipping. Returns `false` if not. **taxes_included** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if taxes are included in the prices of products in the cart. Returns `false` if not. **total_discount** Deprecated: false The total amount of all discounts (the amount saved) for the cart in the currency's subunit. **total_price** Deprecated: false The total price of all of the items in the cart in the currency's subunit, after discounts have been applied. **total_weight** Deprecated: false The total weight of all of the items in the cart in grams. #### Examples ### checkout Deprecated: false A customer's checkout. #### Properties **applied_gift_cards** Deprecated: false The gift cards applied to the checkout. **attributes** Deprecated: false Additional attributes entered by the customer with the [cart](/docs/api/liquid/objects/cart#cart-attributes). **billing_address** Deprecated: false The billing address entered at checkout. **buyer_accepts_marketing** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the customer checks the email marketing subscription checkbox. Returns `false` if not. **cancelled** Deprecated: true Returns `true` if the checkout has been cancelled. Returns `false` if not. **cart_level_discount_applications** Deprecated: false The cart-specific discount applications for the checkout. **currency** Deprecated: false The [ISO code]( of the currency of the checkout. **customer** Deprecated: false The customer associated with the checkout. > Note: > The [`customer` object](/docs/api/liquid/objects/customer) is directly accessible globally when a customer is logged in to their account. **discount** Deprecated: true A discount applied to the checkout without being saved. **discount_applications** Deprecated: false The discount applications for the checkout. **discounts** Deprecated: true The discounts applied to the checkout. **discounts_amount** Deprecated: false The total amount of the discounts applied to the checkout in the currency's subunit. **discounts_savings** Deprecated: false The total amount of the discounts applied to the checkout in the currency's subunit, as a negative value. **email** Deprecated: false The email associated with the checkout. **financial_status** Deprecated: true The financial status of the checkout. **fulfilled_at** Deprecated: true A timestamp for the fulfullment of the checkout. **fulfilled_line_items** Deprecated: true The fulfilled line items from the checkout. **fulfillment_status** Deprecated: true The fulfillment status of the checkout. **gift_cards_amount** Deprecated: false The amount of the checkout price paid in gift cards. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the checkout. **item_count** Deprecated: false The number of items in the checkout. **line_items** Deprecated: false The line items of the checkout. **line_items_subtotal_price** Deprecated: false The sum of the prices of all of the line items of the checkout in the currency's subunit, after any line item discounts. have been applied. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the checkout. **note** Deprecated: false Additional information entered by the customer with the [cart](/docs/api/liquid/objects/cart#cart-note). **order** Deprecated: false The order created by the checkout. **order_id** Deprecated: false The ID of the order created by the checkout. **order_name** Deprecated: false The name of the order created by the checkout. **order_number** Deprecated: false An integer representation of the name of the order created by the checkout. **requires_shipping** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if any of the line items of the checkout require shipping. Returns `false` if not. **shipping_address** Deprecated: false The shipping address of the checkout. **shipping_method** Deprecated: false The shipping method of the checkout. **shipping_price** Deprecated: false The shipping price of the checkout in the currency's subunit. **tax_lines** Deprecated: false The tax lines for the checkout. **tax_price** Deprecated: false The total tax amount of the checkout in the currency's subunit. **total_price** Deprecated: false The total price of the checkout in the currency's subunit. **transactions** Deprecated: false The transactions of the checkout. **unavailable_line_items** Deprecated: true The unavailable line items of the checkout. **unfulfilled_line_items** Deprecated: true The unfulfilled line items of the checkout. #### Examples ### closest Deprecated: false A drop that holds resources of different types that are the closest to the current context #### Properties **article** Deprecated: false Closest article resource **blog** Deprecated: false Closest blog resource **collection** Deprecated: false Closest collection resource **metaobject** Deprecated: false Closest metaobject resources **page** Deprecated: false Closest page resource **product** Deprecated: false Closest product resource #### Examples ### collection Deprecated: false A [collection]( in a store. #### Properties **all_products_count** Deprecated: false The total number of products in a collection. **all_tags** Deprecated: false All of the tags applied to the products in the collection. **all_types** Deprecated: false All of the product types in a collection. **all_vendors** Deprecated: false All of the product vendors in a collection. **current_type** Deprecated: false The product type on a product type collection page. **current_vendor** Deprecated: false The vendor name on a vendor collection page. **default_sort_by** Deprecated: false manual best-selling title-ascending price-ascending price-descending created-ascending created-descending The default sort order of the collection. **description** Deprecated: false The description of the collection. **featured_image** Deprecated: false The featured image for the collection. **filters** Deprecated: false The [storefront filters]( that have been set up on the collection. **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the collection. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the collection. **image** Deprecated: false The image for the collection. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the collection. **next_product** Deprecated: false The next product in the collection. Returns `nil` if there's no next product. **previous_product** Deprecated: false The previous product in the collection. Returns `nil` if there's no previous product. **products** Deprecated: false All of the products in the collection. **products_count** Deprecated: false The total number of products in the current view of the collection. **published_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the collection was published. **sort_by** Deprecated: false The sort order applied to the collection by the `sort_by` URL parameter. **sort_options** Deprecated: false The available sorting options for the collection. **tags** Deprecated: false The tags that are currently applied to the collection. **template_suffix** Deprecated: false The name of the [custom template](/themes/architecture/templates#alternate-templates) assigned to the collection. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the collection. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the collection. #### Examples ### collections Deprecated: false All of the [collections](/docs/api/liquid/objects/collection) on a store. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can iterate over `collections` to build a collection list. code: {% for collection in collections %} {{- collection.title | link_to: collection.url }} {% endfor %} data: You can use `collections` to access a collection by its [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles). code: {% for product in collections['sale-potions'].products %} {{- product.title | link_to: product.url }} {% endfor %} ### color Deprecated: false A color from a [`color` setting](/themes/architecture/settings/input-settings#color). #### Properties **alpha** Deprecated: false The alpha component of the color, which is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. **blue** Deprecated: false The blue component of the color, which is a number between 0 and 255. **chroma** Deprecated: false The chroma component of the color, which is a decimal number between 0.0 and 0.5. **color_space** Deprecated: false The color space of the color. Returns 'srgb' or 'oklch' **green** Deprecated: false The green component of the color, which is a number between 0 and 255. **hue** Deprecated: false The hue component of the color, which is a number between 0 and 360. **lightness** Deprecated: false The lightness component of the color, which is a number between 0 and 100. **oklch** Deprecated: false The lightness, chroma, and hue values of the color, represented as a space-separated string. **oklcha** Deprecated: false The lightness, chroma, hue and alpha values of the color, represented as a space-separated string, with a slash before the alpha channel. **red** Deprecated: false The red component of the color, which is a number between 0 and 255. **rgb** Deprecated: false The red, green, and blue values of the color, represented as a space-separated string. **rgba** Deprecated: false The red, green, blue, and alpha values of the color, represented as a space-separated string, with a slash before the alpha channel. **saturation** Deprecated: false The saturation component of the color, which is a number between 0 and 100. #### Examples data: When a color setting is referenced directly, the hexidecimal color code is returned. code: {{ settings.colors_accent_2 }} ### color_scheme Deprecated: false A color_scheme from a [`color_scheme` setting](/themes/architecture/settings/input-settings#color_scheme). #### Properties **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the color_scheme **settings** Deprecated: false The [settings]( of the color_scheme. #### Examples data: When a color_scheme setting is referenced directly, the color scheme ID is returned. code: {{ settings.card_color_scheme }} ### color_scheme_group Deprecated: false A color_scheme_group from a [`color_scheme_group` setting](/themes/architecture/settings/input-settings#color_scheme_group). #### Properties #### Examples data: code: {% for scheme in settings.color_schemes %} .color-{{ }} { --color-background: {{ scheme.settings.background }}; --color-text: {{ scheme.settings.text }}; } {% endfor %} ### comment Deprecated: false An article comment. #### Properties **author** Deprecated: false The full name of the author of the comment. **content** Deprecated: false The content of the comment. **created_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the comment was created. **email** Deprecated: false The email of he author of the comment. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the comment. **status** Deprecated: false The status of the comment. Always returns `published`. **updated_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the status of the comment was last updated. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the article that the comment is associated with, with [``](/docs/api/liquid/objects/comment#comment-id) appended. #### Examples ### company Deprecated: false A company that a [customer](/docs/api/liquid/objects/customer) is purchasing for. #### Properties **available_locations** Deprecated: false The company locations that the current customer has access to, or can interact with. **available_locations_count** Deprecated: false The number of company locations associated with the customer's company. **external_id** Deprecated: false The external ID of the company. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the company. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the company. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the company. #### Examples ### company_address Deprecated: false The address of a company location. #### Properties **address1** Deprecated: false The first line of the address. **address2** Deprecated: false The second line of the address. **attention** Deprecated: false The attention line of the address. **city** Deprecated: false The city of the address. **country** Deprecated: false The country of the address. **country_code** Deprecated: false The country of the address in [ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2) format]( **first_name** Deprecated: false The first name of the address. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the address. **last_name** Deprecated: false The last name of the address. **province** Deprecated: false The province of the address. **province_code** Deprecated: false The province of the address in [ISO 3166-2 (alpha 2) format]( **street** Deprecated: false A combination of the first and second lines of the address. **zip** Deprecated: false The zip or postal code of the address. #### Examples ### company_location Deprecated: false A location of the [company](/docs/api/liquid/objects/company) that a [customer](/docs/api/liquid/objects/customer) is purchasing for. #### Properties **company** Deprecated: false The company that the location is associated with. **current?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the location is currently selected. Returns `false` if not. **external_id** Deprecated: false The external ID of the location. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the location. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the company location. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the location. **shipping_address** Deprecated: false The address of the location. **tax_registration_id** Deprecated: false The tax ID of the location. **url_to_set_as_current** Deprecated: false The URL to set the location as the current location for the customer. #### Examples ### content_for_additional_checkout_buttons Deprecated: false Returns checkout buttons for any active payment providers with offsite checkouts. #### Properties #### Examples ### content_for_header Deprecated: false Dynamically returns all scripts required by Shopify. #### Properties #### Examples ### content_for_index Deprecated: false Dynamically returns the content of [sections](/themes/architecture/sections) to be rendered on the home page. #### Properties #### Examples ### content_for_layout Deprecated: false Dynamically returns content based on the current [template](/themes/architecture/templates). #### Properties #### Examples ### country Deprecated: false A country supported by the store's localization options. #### Properties **available_languages** Deprecated: false The languages that have been added to the market that this country belongs to. **continent** Deprecated: false The continent that the country is in. **currency** Deprecated: false The currency used in the country. **iso_code** Deprecated: false The ISO code of the country in [ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2) format]( **market** Deprecated: false The market that includes this country. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the country. **popular?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the country is popular for this shop. Otherwise, returns `false`. This can be useful for sorting countries in a country selector. **unit_system** Deprecated: false imperial metric The unit system of the country. #### Examples data: When the country object is referenced directly, `` is returned. code: {% for country in localization.available_countries -%} {{ country }} {%- endfor %} data: When the country object is passed to the [`image_url`](/docs/api/liquid/filters#image_url) filter, a [CDN URL](/themes/best-practices/performance/platform#shopify-cdn) for that country’s flag is returned. All country’s flags are SVGs, normalized to an aspect ratio of 4:3. code: {{ | image_url: width: 32 | image_tag }} ### country_option_tags Deprecated: false Creates an `<option>` tag for each country and region that's included in a shipping zone on the [Shipping]( page of the Shopify admin. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can wrap the `country_option_tags` object in `<select>` tags to build a country option selector. code: <select name="country"> {{ country_option_tags }} </select> ### currency Deprecated: false Information about a currency, like the ISO code and symbol. #### Properties **iso_code** Deprecated: false The [ISO code]( of the currency. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the currency. **symbol** Deprecated: false The symbol of the currency. #### Examples ### current_page Deprecated: false The current page number. #### Properties #### Examples data: code: {{ page_title }}{% unless current_page == 1 %} - Page {{ current_page }}{% endunless %} ### current_tags Deprecated: false The currently applied tags. #### Properties #### Examples ### customer Deprecated: false A [customer]( of the store. #### Properties **accepts_marketing** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the customer accepts marketing. Returns `false` if not. **addresses** Deprecated: false All of the addresses associated with the customer. **addresses_count** Deprecated: false The number of addresses associated with the customer. **b2b?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the customer is a B2B customer. Returns `false` if not. **company_available_locations** Deprecated: false The company locations that the customer has access to, or can interact with. **company_available_locations_count** Deprecated: false The number of company locations associated with the customer. **current_company** Deprecated: false The company that the customer is purchasing for. **current_location** Deprecated: false The currently selected company location. **default_address** Deprecated: false The default address of the customer. **email** Deprecated: false The email of the customer. **first_name** Deprecated: false The first name of the customer. **has_account** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the email associated with the customer is tied to a [customer account]( Returns `false` if not. **has_avatar?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if an avatar is associated with a customer. Returns `false` if not. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the customer. **last_name** Deprecated: false The last name of the customer. **last_order** Deprecated: false The last order placed by the customer, not including test orders. **name** Deprecated: false The full name of the customer. **orders** Deprecated: false All of the orders placed by the customer. **orders_count** Deprecated: false The total number of orders that the customer has placed. **payment_methods** Deprecated: false The customer's saved payment methods. **phone** Deprecated: false The phone number of the customer. **tags** Deprecated: false The tags associated with the customer. **tax_exempt** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the customer is exempt from taxes. Returns `false` if not. **total_spent** Deprecated: false The total amount that the customer has spent on all orders in the currency's subunit. #### Examples data: When using the `customer` object outside of customer-specific templates or objects that specifically return a customer, you should check whether the `customer` object is defined. code: {% if customer %} Hello, {{ customer.first_name }}! {% endif %} ### customer_payment_method Deprecated: false A customer's saved payment method. #### Properties **payment_instrument_type** Deprecated: false The instrument type of the payment method (e.g credit_card). **token** Deprecated: false The identifier for the payment method. #### Examples ### discount Deprecated: true A discount applied to a cart, line item, or order. #### Properties **amount** Deprecated: false The amount of the discount in the currency's subunit. **code** Deprecated: false The customer-facing name of the discount. **savings** Deprecated: false The amount of the discount as a negative value, in the currency's subunit. **title** Deprecated: false The customer-facing name of the discount. **total_amount** Deprecated: false The amount of the discount in the currency's subunit. **total_savings** Deprecated: false The amount of the discount as a negative value, in the currency's subunit. **type** Deprecated: false FixedAmountDiscount PercentageDiscount ShippingDiscount The type of the discount. #### Examples ### discount_allocation Deprecated: false Information about how a discount affects an item. #### Properties **amount** Deprecated: false The amount that the item is discounted by in the currency's subunit. **discount_application** Deprecated: false The discount application that applies the discount to the item. #### Examples ### discount_application Deprecated: false Information about the intent of a discount. #### Properties **target_selection** Deprecated: false all entitled explicit The selection method for line items or shipping lines to be discounted. **target_type** Deprecated: false line_item shipping_line The type of item that the discount applies to. **title** Deprecated: false The customer-facing name of the discount. **total_allocated_amount** Deprecated: false The total amount of the discount in the currency's subunit. **type** Deprecated: false automatic discount_code manual script The type of the discount. **value** Deprecated: false The value of the discount. **value_type** Deprecated: false fixed_amount percentage The value type of the discount. #### Examples ### external_video Deprecated: false Information about an external video from YouTube or Vimeo. #### Properties **alt** Deprecated: false The alt text of the external video. **aspect_ratio** Deprecated: false The aspect ratio of the video as a decimal. **external_id** Deprecated: false The ID of the video from its external source. **host** Deprecated: false youtube vimeo The service that hosts the video. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the external video. **media_type** Deprecated: false The media type of the external video. Always returns `external_video`. **position** Deprecated: false The position of the external video in the [``](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-media) array. **preview_image** Deprecated: false A preview image of the media. #### Examples ### filter Deprecated: false A [storefront filter]( #### Properties **active_values** Deprecated: false The values of the filter that are currently active. The array can have values only for `boolean` and `list` type filters. **false_value** Deprecated: false The `false` filter value. Returns a value for `boolean` type filters if the unfiltered view has at least one result with the `false` filter value. Otherwise, it returns `nil`. **inactive_values** Deprecated: false The values of the filter that are currently inactive. **label** Deprecated: false The customer-facing label for the filter. **max_value** Deprecated: false The highest filter value. Returns a value only for `price_range` type filters. Returns `nil` for other types. **min_value** Deprecated: false The lowest filter value. Returns a value only for `price_range` type filters. Returns `nil` for other types. **operator** Deprecated: false AND OR The logical operator used by the filter. Returns a value only for `boolean` and `list` type filters. Returns `nil` for other types. **param_name** Deprecated: false The URL parameter for the filter. For example, `filter.v.option.color`. **presentation** Deprecated: false image swatch text Describes how to present the filter values. Returns a value only for `list` type filters. Returns `nil` for other types. **range_max** Deprecated: false The highest product price within the collection or search results. Returns a value only for `price_range` type filters. Returns `nil` for other types. **true_value** Deprecated: false The `true` filter value. Returns a value for `boolean` type filters if the unfiltered view has at least one result with the `true` filter value. Otherwise, it returns `nil`. **type** Deprecated: false boolean list price_range The type of the filter. **url_to_remove** Deprecated: false The current page URL with the URL parameter related to the filter removed. **values** Deprecated: false The values of the filter. The array can have values only for `boolean` and `list` type filters. #### Examples ### filter_value Deprecated: false A specific value of a filter. #### Properties **active** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the value is currently active. Returns `false` if not. Can only return `true` for filters of type `boolean` or `list`. **count** Deprecated: false The number of results related to the filter value. Returns a value only for `boolean` and `list` type filters. Returns `nil` for `price_range` type filters. **display** Deprecated: true The visual representation of the filter value. **image** Deprecated: false The visual representation of the filter value when an image is used. **label** Deprecated: false The customer-facing label for the filter value. For example, `Red` or `Rouge`. Returns a value only for `boolean` and `list` type filters. Returns `nil` for `price_range` type filters. **param_name** Deprecated: false The URL parameter for the parent filter of the filter value. **swatch** Deprecated: false The visual representation of the filter value when a swatch is used. **url_to_add** Deprecated: false The current page URL with the filter value parameter added. **url_to_remove** Deprecated: false The current page URL with the filter value parameter removed. **value** Deprecated: false The value for the URL parameter. The `value` is paired with the [`param_name`](#filter_value-param_name) property. #### Examples ### filter_value_display Deprecated: true The visual representation of a filter value. #### Properties **type** Deprecated: false colors image The type of visual representation. **value** Deprecated: false The visual representation. #### Examples ### focal_point Deprecated: false The focal point for an image. #### Properties **x** Deprecated: false The horizontal position of the focal point, as a percent of the image width. Returns `50` if no focal point is set. **y** Deprecated: false The vertical position of the focal point, as a percent of the image height. Returns `50` if no focal point is set. #### Examples data: When a `focal_point` object is referenced directly, the coordinates are returned as a string, in the format `X% Y%`. code: {{ images['potions-header.png'].presentation.focal_point }} ### font Deprecated: false A font from a [`font_picker` setting](/themes/architecture/settings/input-settings#font_picker). #### Properties **baseline_ratio** Deprecated: false The baseline ratio of the font as a decimal. **fallback_families** Deprecated: false The fallback families of the font. **family** Deprecated: false The family name of the font. **style** Deprecated: false The style of the font. **system?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the font is a system font. Returns `false` if not. **variants** Deprecated: false The variants in the family of the font. **weight** Deprecated: false The weight of the font. #### Examples ### forloop Deprecated: false Information about a parent [`for` loop](/docs/api/liquid/tags/for). #### Properties **first** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the current iteration is the first. Returns `false` if not. **index** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the current iteration. **index0** Deprecated: false The 0-based index of the current iteration. **last** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the current iteration is the last. Returns `false` if not. **length** Deprecated: false The total number of iterations in the loop. **parentloop** Deprecated: false The parent `forloop` object. **rindex** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the current iteration, in reverse order. **rindex0** Deprecated: false The 0-based index of the current iteration, in reverse order. #### Examples data: code: {% for page in pages -%} {%- if forloop.length > 0 -%} {{ page.title }}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless -%} {%- endif -%} {% endfor %} ### form Deprecated: false Information about a form created by a [`form` tag](/docs/api/liquid/tags/form). #### Properties **address1** Deprecated: false The first address line associated with the address. **address2** Deprecated: false The second address line associated with the address. **author** Deprecated: false The name of the author of the article comment. **body** Deprecated: false The content of the contact submission or article comment. **city** Deprecated: false The city associated with the address. **company** Deprecated: false The company associated with the address. **country** Deprecated: false The country associated with the address. **email** Deprecated: false The email associated with the form. **errors** Deprecated: false Any errors from the form. **first_name** Deprecated: false The first name associated with the customer or address. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the form. **last_name** Deprecated: false The last name associated with the customer or address. **message** Deprecated: false The personalized message intended for the recipient. **name** Deprecated: false The nickname of the gift card recipient. **password_needed** Deprecated: false Returns `true`. **phone** Deprecated: false The phone number associated with the address. **posted_successfully?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the form was submitted successfully. Returns `false` if there were errors. **province** Deprecated: false The province associated with the address. **set_as_default_checkbox** Deprecated: false Renders an HTML checkbox that can submit the address as the customer's default address. **zip** Deprecated: false The zip or postal code associated with the address. #### Examples ### form_errors Deprecated: false The error category strings for errors from a form created by a [`form` tag](/docs/api/liquid/tags/form). #### Properties **messages** Deprecated: false The translated error messages for each value in the `form_errors` array. **translated_fields** Deprecated: false The translated names for each value in the `form_errors` array. #### Examples data: You can output the name of the field related to the error, and the error message, by using the error as a key to access the `translated_fields` and `messages` properties. ```liquid <ul> {% for error in form.errors %} <li> {% if error == 'form' %} {{ form.errors.messages[error] }} {% else %} {{ form.errors.translated_fields[error] }} - {{ form.errors.messages[error] }} {% endif %} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> ``` code: ### fulfillment Deprecated: false An order [fulfillment](, which includes information like the line items being fulfilled and shipment tracking. #### Properties **created_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the fulfillment was created. **fulfillment_line_items** Deprecated: false The line items in the fulfillment. **item_count** Deprecated: false The number of items in the fulfillment. **tracking_company** Deprecated: false The name of the fulfillment service. **tracking_number** Deprecated: false The fulfillment's tracking number. **tracking_numbers** Deprecated: false An array of the fulfillment's tracking numbers. **tracking_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the fulfillment's tracking number. #### Examples ### generic_file Deprecated: false A file from a `file_reference` type [metafield](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) that is neither an image or video. #### Properties **alt** Deprecated: false The alt text of the media. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the file. **media_type** Deprecated: false The media type of the model. Always returns `generic_file`. **position** Deprecated: false The position of the media in the [`` array](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-media). **preview_image** Deprecated: false A preview image for the file. **url** Deprecated: false The [CDN URL](/themes/best-practices/performance/platform#shopify-cdn) for the file. #### Examples ### gift_card Deprecated: false A [gift card]( that's been issued to a customer or a recipient. #### Properties **balance** Deprecated: false The remaining balance of the gift card in the currency's subunit. **code** Deprecated: false The code used to redeem the gift card. **currency** Deprecated: false The [ISO code]( of the currency that the gift card was issued in. **customer** Deprecated: false The customer associated with the gift card. **enabled** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the gift card is enabled. Returns `false` if not. **expired** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the gift card is expired. Returns `false` if not. **expires_on** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the gift card expires. **initial_value** Deprecated: false The initial balance of the gift card in the currency's subunit. **last_four_characters** Deprecated: false The last 4 characters of the code used to redeem the gift card. **message** Deprecated: false The personalized message intended for the recipient. **pass_url** Deprecated: false The URL to download the gift card as an Apple Wallet Pass. **product** Deprecated: false The product associated with the gift card. **properties** Deprecated: false The [line item properties](/docs/api/liquid/objects/line_item#line_item-properties) assigned to the gift card. **qr_identifier** Deprecated: false A string used to generate a QR code for the gift card. **recipient** Deprecated: false The recipient associated with the gift card. **send_on** Deprecated: false The scheduled date on which the gift card will be sent to the recipient. **template_suffix** Deprecated: false The name of the [custom template](/themes/architecture/templates#alternate-templates) assigned to the gift card. **url** Deprecated: false The URL to view the gift card. This URL is on the `` domain. #### Examples ### group Deprecated: false A group of rules for the `robots.txt` file. #### Properties **rules** Deprecated: false The rules in the group. **sitemap** Deprecated: false The sitemap for the group. **user_agent** Deprecated: false The user agent for the group. #### Examples ### handle Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the resource associated with the current template. #### Properties #### Examples ### image Deprecated: false An image, such as a product or collection image. #### Properties **alt** Deprecated: false The alt text of the image. **aspect_ratio** Deprecated: false The aspect ratio of the image as a decimal. **attached_to_variant?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the image is associated with a variant. Returns `false` if not. **height** Deprecated: false The height of the image in pixels. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the image. **media_type** Deprecated: false The media type of the image. Always returns `image`. **position** Deprecated: false The position of the image in the [`product.images`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-images) or [``](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-media) array. **presentation** Deprecated: false The presentation settings for the image. **preview_image** Deprecated: false A preview image for the image. **product_id** Deprecated: false The ID of the product that the image is associated with. **src** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the image. **variants** Deprecated: false The product variants that the image is associated with. **width** Deprecated: false The width of the image in pixels. #### Examples data: When an `image` object is referenced directly, the image's relative URL path is returned. code: {{ product.featured_image }} ### image_presentation Deprecated: false The presentation settings for an image. #### Properties **focal_point** Deprecated: false The focal point for the image. #### Examples ### images Deprecated: false All of the [images](/docs/api/liquid/objects/image) that have been [uploaded]( to a store. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can access images from the `images` array by their filename. code: {{ images['potions-header.png'] | image_url: width: 300 | image_tag }} ### line_item Deprecated: false A line in a cart, checkout, or order. Each line item represents a product variant. #### Properties **discount_allocations** Deprecated: false The discount allocations that apply to the line item. **discounts** Deprecated: true The discounts applied to the line item. **error_message** Deprecated: false An informational error message about the status of the line item in the buyer's chosen language. **final_line_price** Deprecated: false The combined price, in the currency's subunit, of all of the items in the line item. This includes any line-level discounts. **final_price** Deprecated: false The price of the line item in the currency's subunit. This includes any line-level discounts. **fulfillment** Deprecated: false The fulfillment of the line item. **fulfillment_service** Deprecated: false The [fulfillment service]( for the vartiant associated with the line item. If there's no fulfillment service, then `manual` is returned. **gift_card** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the product associated with the line item is a gift card. Returns `false` if not. **grams** Deprecated: false The weight of the line item in the store's [default weight unit]( **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the line item. **image** Deprecated: false The image of the line item. **item_components** Deprecated: false The components of a line item. **key** Deprecated: false The key of the line item. **line_level_discount_allocations** Deprecated: false The discount allocations that apply directly to the line item. **line_level_total_discount** Deprecated: false The total amount of any discounts applied to the line item in the currency's subunit. **line_price** Deprecated: true The combined price, in the currency's subunit, of all of the items in a line item. This includes any discounts from [Shopify Scripts]( **message** Deprecated: false Information about the discounts that have affected the line item. **options_with_values** Deprecated: false The name and value pairs for each option of the variant associated with the line item. **original_line_price** Deprecated: false The combined price of all of the items in a line item in the currency's subunit, before any discounts have been applied. **original_price** Deprecated: false The price of the line item in the currency's subunit, before discounts have been applied. **price** Deprecated: true The price of the line item in the currency's subunit. This includes any discounts from [Shopify Scripts]( **product** Deprecated: false The product associated with the line item. **product_id** Deprecated: false The [ID](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-id) of the line item's product. **properties** Deprecated: false The properties of the line item. **quantity** Deprecated: false The quantity of the line item. **requires_shipping** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant associated with the line item requires shipping. Returns `false` if not. **selling_plan_allocation** Deprecated: false The selling plan allocation of the line item. If the line item doesn't have a selling plan allocation, then `nil` is returned. **sku** Deprecated: false The [sku](/docs/api/liquid/objects/variant#variant-sku) of the variant associated with the line item. **successfully_fulfilled_quantity** Deprecated: false The number of items from the line item that have been successfully fulfilled. **tax_lines** Deprecated: false The tax lines for the line item. **taxable** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if taxes should be charged on the line item. Returns `false` if not. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the line item. The title is a combination of `line_item.product.title` and `line_item.variant.title`, separated by a hyphen. **total_discount** Deprecated: true The total amount, in the currency's subunit, of any discounts applied to the line item by [Shopify Scripts]( **unit_price** Deprecated: false The [unit price]( of the line item in the currency's subunit. **unit_price_measurement** Deprecated: false The unit price measurement of the line item. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the variant associated with the line item. **url_to_remove** Deprecated: false A URL to remove the line item from the cart. **variant** Deprecated: false The variant associated with the line item. **variant_id** Deprecated: false The [ID](/docs/api/liquid/objects/variant#variant-id) of the line item's variant. **vendor** Deprecated: false The vendor of the variant associated with the line item. #### Examples ### link Deprecated: false A link in a [menu]( #### Properties **active** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the link is active. Returns `false` if not. **child_active** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if a link's child link is active. Returns `false` if not. **child_current** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if current URL path matches a link's child link [URL](/docs/api/liquid/objects/link#link-url). Returns `false` if not. **current** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the current URL path matches the [URL](/docs/api/liquid/objects/link#link-url) of the link. Returns `false` if not. **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the link. **levels** Deprecated: false The number of nested levels under the link. **links** Deprecated: false The child links of the link. **object** Deprecated: false The object associated with the link. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the link. **type** Deprecated: false article_link blog_link catalog_link collection_link collections_link customer_account_page_link frontpage_link http_link metaobject_link page_link policy_link product_link search_link The type of the link. **url** Deprecated: false The URL of the link. #### Examples ### linklist Deprecated: false A [menu]( in a store. #### Properties **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the menu. **levels** Deprecated: false The number of nested levels in the menu. **links** Deprecated: false The links in the menu. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the menu. #### Examples ### linklists Deprecated: false All of the [menus]( in a store. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can access a specific menu through the `linklists` object using the menu's [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles). code: <!-- Main menu --> {% for link in linklists.main-menu.links -%} {{ link.title | link_to: link.url }} {%- endfor %} <!-- Footer menu --> {% for link in linklists['footer'].links -%} {{ link.title | link_to: link.url }} {%- endfor %} ### localization Deprecated: false Information about the countries and languages that are available on a store. #### Properties **available_countries** Deprecated: false The countries that are available on the store. **available_languages** Deprecated: false The languages that are available on the store. **country** Deprecated: false The currently selected country on the storefront. **language** Deprecated: false The currently selected language on the storefront. **market** Deprecated: false The currently selected market on the storefront. #### Examples ### location Deprecated: false A store [location]( #### Properties **address** Deprecated: false The location's address. **id** Deprecated: false The location's ID. **latitude** Deprecated: false The latitude of the location's address. **longitude** Deprecated: false The longitude of the location's address. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the location. **name** Deprecated: false The location's name. #### Examples ### market Deprecated: false A group of one or more regions of the world that a merchant is targeting for sales. #### Properties **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the market. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the market. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the market. #### Examples ### measurement Deprecated: false A measurement from one of the following metafield types: - `dimension` - `volume` - `weight` #### Properties **type** Deprecated: false dimension volume weight The measurement type. **unit** Deprecated: false The measurement unit. **value** Deprecated: false The measurement value. #### Examples ### media Deprecated: false An abstract media object that can represent the following object types: - [`image`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/image) - [`model`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/model) - [`video`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/video) - [`external_video`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/external_video) #### Properties **alt** Deprecated: false The alt text of the media. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the media. **media_type** Deprecated: false image model video external_video The media type. **position** Deprecated: false The position of the media in the [`` array](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-media). **preview_image** Deprecated: false A preview image of the media. #### Examples ### metafield Deprecated: false A [metafield](/apps/metafields) attached to a parent object. #### Properties **list?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the metafield is a list type. Returns `false` if not. **type** Deprecated: false single_line_text_field multi_line_text_field rich_text_field product_reference collection_reference variant_reference page_reference file_reference number_integer number_decimal date date_time url_reference json boolean color weight volume dimension rating money The [type](/apps/metafields/types) of the metafield. **value** Deprecated: false The value of the metafield. #### Examples data: The access path for metafields consists of two layers: - namespace - A grouping of metafields to prevent conflicts. - key - The metafield name. Given this, you can access the metafield object with the following syntax: ```liquid {{ resource.metafields.namespace.key }} ``` code: Type: {{ product.metafields.information.directions.type }} Value: {{ product.metafields.information.directions.value }} data: The `value` property of metafields of type `json` returns a [JSON object]( You can access the properties of this object directly in Liquid, either by name or 0-based index. You can also iterate through the properties. code: Temperature: {{ product.metafields.information.burn_temperature.value.temperature }} Unit: {{ product.metafields.information.burn_temperature.value['unit'] }} {% for property in product.metafields.information.burn_temperature.value -%} {{ property.first | capitalize }}: {{ property.last }} {%- endfor %} data: The `value` property of metafields of type `list` returns an array. You can iterate through the array to access the values. code: {% for item in product.metafields.information.combine_with.value -%} {{ item.product.title }} {%- endfor %} data: <br><br> If the list is of type `single_line_text_field`, then you can access the items in the array directly in Liquid using a 0-based index. code: First item in list: {{ product.metafields.information.pickup_locations.value[0] }} Last item in list: {{ product.metafields.information.pickup_locations.value.last }} data: The way that you determine the length of a list metafield depends on its type: - **[Reference types](/docs/apps/custom-data/metafields/types#reference-types)**: Use the `count` property to determine the list length. - **Non-reference types**: These lists are rendered as arrays. Use the [`size`](/docs/api/liquid/filters/size) filter to determine the number of items in the array. code: # list.product_reference Number of similar products: {{ product.metafields.information.similar_products.value.count }} # list.single_line_text_field Number of pickup locations: {{ product.metafields.information.pickup_locations.value.size }} data: Deprecated metafields are older metafield types with limited functionality. The following metafield types are deprecated: - `integer` - `json_string` - `string` These metafield types don't have the same metafield object properties mentioned in the previous sections. Instead, they return the metafield value directly. The following table outlines the value type for each deprecated metafield type: | Metafield type | Value type | | --- | --- | | `integer` | [An integer](/docs/api/liquid/basics#number) | | `json_string` | [A JSON object]( | | `string` | [A string](/docs/api/liquid/basics#string) | code: ### metaobject Deprecated: false A metaobject entry, which includes the values for a set of [fields](/docs/api/liquid/objects#metafield). The set is defined by the parent [`metaobject_definition`](/docs/api/liquid/objects#metaobject_definition). #### Properties **system** Deprecated: false Basic information about the metaobject. These properties are grouped under the `system` object to avoid collisions between system property names and user-defined metaobject fields. #### Examples data: The access path for a metaobject consists of two layers: - type - The type of the parent metaobject definition. - handle - The unique [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the metaobject. Given this, you can access a metaobject with the following syntax: ```liquid {{ metaobjects.type.handle }} ``` You can also use square bracket notation: ```liquid {{ metaobjects['type']['handle'] }} ``` A metaobjects's field values can be accessed using the key of the desired field: ```liquid {{ metaobjects.testimonials.homepage.title }} {{ metaobjects['highlights']['washable'].image.value }} ``` > Note: > When the [`publishable` capability](/apps/data-extensions/metaobjects/capabilities) is enabled, a metaobject can only be accessed if its status is `active`. If its status is `draft`, then the return value is `nil`. code: data: Within a metaobject template, the `metaobject` Liquid object represents the metaobject drop being rendered by the template. You can access it directly as `{{ metaobject }}`. Here's a basic example of accessing a field within the associated metaobject template: ```liquid {{ metaobject.title.value }} ``` In this example, replace `title` with the key of the field you want to access. This will output the value of that field for the current metaobject. code: ### metaobject_definition Deprecated: false A `metaobject_definition` defines the structure of a metaobject type for the store, which consists of a merchant-defined set of [field definitions]( #### Properties **values** Deprecated: false The [metaobjects](/docs/api/liquid/objects#metaobject) that follow the definition. **values_count** Deprecated: false The total number of entries for the metaobject definition. #### Examples data: If a metaobject definition has multiple metaobject entries, then you can loop over them using the `values` property. You can loop over a maximum of 50 entries in a metaobject definition. For example, you can display the field `author` for each metaobject using the following `forloop`: ```liquid {% for testimonial in metaobjects.testimonials.values %} {{ }} {% endfor %} ``` > Note: > When the [`publishable` capability](/apps/data-extensions/metaobjects/capabilities) is enabled, loops return only metaobjects with a status of `active`. Metaobjects with a status of `draft` are skipped. code: ### metaobject_system Deprecated: false Basic information about a [`metaobject`](/api/liquid/objects#metaobject). These properties are grouped under the `system` object to avoid collisions between system property names and user-defined metaobject fields. #### Properties **handle** Deprecated: false The unique [handle](/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the metaobject. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the metaobject. **type** Deprecated: false The type of the metaobject definition. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the metaobject. #### Examples data: You can access the `metaobject_system` object and its properties through the metaobject's `system` property. You can use the following syntax: ```liquid {{ metaobjects.testimonials["home_page"] }} ``` You can also access `metaobject_system` properties when iterating over a list of metaobjects: ```liquid {% for metaobject in product.metafields.custom.mixed_metaobject_list.value %} {% if metaobject.system.type == "testimonial" %} {% render 'testimonial' with metaobject as testimonial %} {% else %} {{ metaobject.system.handle }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ``` code: ### metaobjects Deprecated: false All of the [metaobjects](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metaobject) of the store. #### Properties #### Examples ### model Deprecated: false A 3D model uploaded as product media. #### Properties **alt** Deprecated: false The alt text of the model. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the model. **media_type** Deprecated: false The media type of the model. Always returns `model`. **position** Deprecated: false The position of the model in the [``](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-media) array. **preview_image** Deprecated: false A preview image for the model. **sources** Deprecated: false The source files for the model. #### Examples ### model_source Deprecated: false A model source file. #### Properties **format** Deprecated: false The format of the model source file. **mime_type** Deprecated: false The [MIME type]( of the model source file. **url** Deprecated: false The [CDN URL](/themes/best-practices/performance/platform#shopify-cdn) of the model source file. #### Examples ### money Deprecated: false A money value, in the the customer's local (presentment) currency. #### Properties **currency** Deprecated: false The customer's local (presentment) currency. #### Examples data: When a money object is referenced directly, the money value in cents is returned. code: {{ product.metafields.details.price_per_100g.value }} ### order Deprecated: false An [order]( #### Properties **attributes** Deprecated: false The attributes on the order. **billing_address** Deprecated: false The billing address of the order. **cancel_reason** Deprecated: false customer declined fraud inventory staff other The reason that the order was cancelled. **cancel_reason_label** Deprecated: false The localized version of the [cancellation reason](/docs/api/liquid/objects/order#order-cancel_reason) for the order. **cancelled** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the order was cancelled. Returns `false` if not. **cancelled_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the order was cancelled. **cart_level_discount_applications** Deprecated: false The discount applications that apply at the order level. **confirmation_number** Deprecated: false A randomly generated alpha-numeric identifier for the order that may be shown to the customer instead of the sequential order name. For example, "XPAV284CT", "R50KELTJP" or "35PKUN0UJ". This value isn't guaranteed to be unique. **created_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the order was created. **customer** Deprecated: false The customer that placed the order. **customer_order_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the new order details page. **customer_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the customer to view the order in their account. **discount_applications** Deprecated: false All of the discount applications for the order and its line items. **discounts** Deprecated: true The discounts on the order. **email** Deprecated: false The email that's associated with the order. **financial_status** Deprecated: false authorized expired paid partially_paid partially_refunded pending refunded unpaid voided The order's financial status. **financial_status_label** Deprecated: false The localized version of the [financial status](/docs/api/liquid/objects/order#order-financial_status) of the order. **fulfillment_status** Deprecated: false The fulfillment status of the order. **fulfillment_status_label** Deprecated: false complete fulfilled partial restocked unfulfilled The localized version of the [fulfillment status](/docs/api/liquid/objects/order#order-fulfillment_status) of the order. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the order. **item_count** Deprecated: false The number of items in the order. **line_items** Deprecated: false The line items in the order. **line_items_subtotal_price** Deprecated: false The sum of the prices of all of the line items in the order in the currency's subunit, after any line item discounts have been applied. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the order. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the order. **note** Deprecated: false The note on the order. **order_number** Deprecated: false The integer representation of the order [name](/docs/api/liquid/objects/order#order-name). **order_status_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the [**Order status** page]( for the order. **phone** Deprecated: false The phone number associated with the order. **pickup_in_store?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the order is a store pickup order. **shipping_address** Deprecated: false The shipping address of the order. **shipping_methods** Deprecated: false The shipping methods for the order. **shipping_price** Deprecated: false The shipping price of the order in the currency's subunit. **subtotal_line_items** Deprecated: false The non-tip line items in the order. **subtotal_price** Deprecated: false The sum of the prices of the [subtotal line items](/docs/api/liquid/objects/order#order-subtotal_line_items) in the currency's subunit, after any line item or cart discounts have been applied. **tags** Deprecated: false The [tags]( on the order. **tax_lines** Deprecated: false The tax lines on the order. **tax_price** Deprecated: false The total amount of taxes applied to the order in the currency's subunit. **total_discounts** Deprecated: false The total amount of all discounts applied to the order in the currency's subunit. **total_duties** Deprecated: false The sum of all duties applied to the line items in the order in the currency's subunit. **total_net_amount** Deprecated: false The net amount of the order in the currency's subunit. **total_price** Deprecated: false The total price of the order in the currency's subunit. **total_refunded_amount** Deprecated: false The total amount that's been refunded from the order in the currency's subunit. **transactions** Deprecated: false The transactions of the order. #### Examples ### page Deprecated: false A [page]( on a store. #### Properties **author** Deprecated: false The author of the page. **content** Deprecated: false The content of the page. **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the page. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the page. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the page. **published_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the page was published. **template_suffix** Deprecated: false The name of the [custom template](/themes/architecture/templates#alternate-templates) assigned to the page. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the page. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the page. #### Examples ### page_description Deprecated: false The meta description of the current page. #### Properties #### Examples ### page_image Deprecated: false An image to be shown in search engine listings and social media previews for the current page. #### Properties #### Examples ### page_title Deprecated: false The page title of the current page. #### Properties #### Examples ### pages Deprecated: false All of the [pages](/docs/api/liquid/objects/page) on a store. #### Properties #### Examples data: You can access a specific page through the `pages` object using the page's [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles). code: {{ }} {{ pages['about-us'].title }} data: You can [paginate](/docs/api/liquid/tags/paginate) the `pages` object, allowing you to iterate over up to 50 pages at a time. code: {% paginate pages by 2 -%} {% for page in pages -%} {{ page.title | link_to: page.url }} {%- endfor %} {{- paginate | default_pagination }} {%- endpaginate %} ### paginate Deprecated: false Information about the pagination inside a set of [`paginate` tags](/docs/api/liquid/tags/paginate). #### Properties **current_offset** Deprecated: false The total number of items on pages previous to the current page. **current_page** Deprecated: false The page number of the current page. **items** Deprecated: false The total number of items to be paginated. **next** Deprecated: false The pagination part to go to the next page. **page_param** Deprecated: false The URL parameter denoting the pagination. **page_size** Deprecated: false The number of items displayed per page. **pages** Deprecated: false The total number of pages. **parts** Deprecated: false The pagination parts. **previous** Deprecated: false The pagination part to go to the previous page. #### Examples ### part Deprecated: false A part in the navigation for pagination. #### Properties **is_link** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the part is a link. Returns `false` if not. **title** Deprecated: false The page number associated with the part. **url** Deprecated: false The URL of the part. #### Examples data: You can create a pagination navigation by iterating over each `part` of a [`paginate` object](/docs/api/liquid/objects/paginate). code: {% paginate collection.products by 5 -%} {% for part in -%} {% if part.is_link -%} {{ part.title | link_to: part.url}} {%- else -%} <span>{{ part.title }}</span> {% endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endpaginate %} ### pending_payment_instruction_input Deprecated: false Header-value pairs that make up the list of payment information specific to the payment method. This information can be be used by the customer to complete the transaction offline. #### Properties **header** Deprecated: false The header of the payment instruction. These are payment method-specific. Example: "Entity" and "Reference" for Multibanco **value** Deprecated: false Contains the corresponding values to the headers of the payment instruction. #### Examples ### policy Deprecated: false A [store policy](, such as a privacy or return policy. #### Properties **body** Deprecated: false The content of the policy. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the policy. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the policy. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the policy. #### Examples ### powered_by_link Deprecated: false Creates an HTML link element that links to a localized version of ``, based on the locale of the store. #### Properties #### Examples data: code: {{ powered_by_link }} ### predictive_search Deprecated: false Information about the results from a predictive search query through the [Predictive Search API](/api/ajax/reference/predictive-search#get-locale-search-suggest). #### Properties **performed** Deprecated: false Returns `true` when being referenced inside a section that's been rendered using the Predictive Search API and the Section Rendering API. Returns `false` if not. **resources** Deprecated: false The resources associated with the query. **terms** Deprecated: false The entered search terms. **types** Deprecated: false The object types that the search was performed on. #### Examples ### predictive_search_resources Deprecated: false Contains arrays of objects for each resource type that can be returned by a [predictive search query](/api/ajax/reference/predictive-search#get-locale-search-suggest). #### Properties **articles** Deprecated: false The articles associated with the query. **collections** Deprecated: false The collections associated with the query. **pages** Deprecated: false The pages associated with the query. **products** Deprecated: false The products associated with the query. #### Examples ### product Deprecated: false A [product]( in the store. #### Properties **available** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if at least one of the variants of the product is available. Returns `false` if not. **category** Deprecated: false The taxonomy category for the product **collections** Deprecated: false The collections that the product belongs to. **compare_at_price** Deprecated: false The lowest **compare at** price of any variants of the product in the currency's subunit. **compare_at_price_max** Deprecated: false The highest **compare at** price of any variants of the product in the currency's subunit. **compare_at_price_min** Deprecated: false The lowest **compare at** price of any variants of the product in the currency's subunit. This is the same as `product.compare_at_price`. **compare_at_price_varies** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant **compare at** prices of the product vary. Returns `false` if not. **content** Deprecated: false The description of the product. **created_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the product was created. **description** Deprecated: false The description of the product. **featured_image** Deprecated: false The first (featured) image attached to the product. **featured_media** Deprecated: false The first (featured) media attached to the product. **first_available_variant** Deprecated: false The first available variant of the product. **gift_card?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the product is a gift card. Returns `false` if not. **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the product. **has_only_default_variant** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the product doesn't have any options. Returns `false` if not. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the product. **images** Deprecated: false The images attached to the product. **media** Deprecated: false The media attached to the product, sorted by the date it was added to the product. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the product. **options** Deprecated: false The option names of the product. **options_by_name** Deprecated: false Allows you to access a specific [product option](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product_option) by its name. **options_with_values** Deprecated: false The options on the product. **price** Deprecated: false The lowest price of any variants of the product in the currency's subunit. **price_max** Deprecated: false The highest price of any variants of the product in the currency's subunit. **price_min** Deprecated: false The lowest price of any variants of the product in the currency's subunit. **price_varies** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the product's variant prices vary. Returns `false` if not. **published_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp for when the product was published. **quantity_price_breaks_configured?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the product has at least one variant with quantity price breaks in the current customer context. Returns `false` if not. **requires_selling_plan** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if all of the variants of the product require a selling plan. Returns `false` if not. **selected_or_first_available_selling_plan_allocation** Deprecated: false The currently selected, or first available, selling plan allocation. **selected_or_first_available_variant** Deprecated: false The currently selected or first available variant of the product. **selected_selling_plan** Deprecated: false The currently selected selling plan. **selected_selling_plan_allocation** Deprecated: false The currently selected selling plan allocation for the currently selected variant. **selected_variant** Deprecated: false The currently selected variant of the product. **selling_plan_groups** Deprecated: false The selling plan groups that the variants of the product are included in. **tags** Deprecated: false The [tags]( of the product. **template_suffix** Deprecated: false The name of the [custom template](/themes/architecture/templates#alternate-templates) of the product. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the product. **type** Deprecated: false The type of the product. **url** Deprecated: false The relative URL of the product. **variants** Deprecated: false The variants of the product. **variants_count** Deprecated: false The total number of variants for the product. **vendor** Deprecated: false The vendor of the product. #### Examples ### product_option Deprecated: false A product option, such as size or color. #### Properties **name** Deprecated: false The name of the product option. **position** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the product option in the [`product.options_with_values` array](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-options_with_values). **selected_value** Deprecated: false The currently selected product option value. **values** Deprecated: false The possible values for the product option. #### Examples ### product_option_value Deprecated: false A product option value, such as "red" for the option "color". #### Properties **available** Deprecated: false Whether or not the option value is available. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the product option value. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the product option value. **product_url** Deprecated: false Returns a URL if the option value may be associated with another product, nil otherwise. **selected** Deprecated: false Whether or not the option value is selected. **swatch** Deprecated: false Returns a [swatch](/docs/api/liquid/objects/swatch) drop for the product option value. If there is no saved `color` or `image` content for the swatch, then the return value is `nil`. **variant** Deprecated: false The variant associated with this option value combined with the other currently selected option values, if one exists. #### Examples ### quantity_price_break Deprecated: false The per-unit price of a variant when purchasing the minimum quantity or more. #### Properties **minimum_quantity** Deprecated: false The minimum quantity required to qualify for the price break. **price** Deprecated: false The price for the quantity price break once the minimum quantity is met. #### Examples ### quantity_rule Deprecated: false A variant order quantity rule. #### Properties **increment** Deprecated: false The number the order quantity can be incremented by. The default value is `1`. **max** Deprecated: false The maximum order quantity. **min** Deprecated: false The minimum order quantity. The default value is `1`. #### Examples data: code: {{ product.variants.first.quantity_rule }} ### rating Deprecated: false Information for a [`rating` type](/apps/metafields/types) metafield. #### Properties **rating** Deprecated: false The rating value. **scale_max** Deprecated: false The maximum value of the rating scale. **scale_min** Deprecated: false The minimum value of the rating scale. #### Examples ### recipient Deprecated: false A recipient that is associated with a [gift card]( #### Properties **email** Deprecated: false The email of the recipient. **name** Deprecated: false The full name of the recipient. **nickname** Deprecated: false The nickname of the recipient. #### Examples ### recommendations Deprecated: false Product recommendations for a specific product based on sales data, product descriptions, and collection relationships. #### Properties **intent** Deprecated: false The recommendation intent. **performed?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` when being referenced inside a section that's been rendered using the Product Recommendations API and the Section Rendering API. Returns `false` if not. **products** Deprecated: false The recommended products. **products_count** Deprecated: false The number of recommended products. #### Examples ### request Deprecated: false Information about the current URL and the associated page. #### Properties **design_mode** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the request is being made from within the theme editor. Returns `false` if not. **host** Deprecated: false The domain that the request is hosted on. **locale** Deprecated: false The locale of the request. **origin** Deprecated: false The protocol and host of the request. **page_type** Deprecated: false 404 article blog captcha cart collection list-collections customers/account customers/activate_account customers/addresses customers/login customers/order customers/register customers/reset_password gift_card index metaobject page password policy product search The type of page being requested. **path** Deprecated: false The path of the request. **visual_preview_mode** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the request is being made from within the theme editor's visual section preview. Returns `false` if not. #### Examples ### robots Deprecated: false The default rule groups for the `robots.txt` file. #### Properties **default_groups** Deprecated: false The rule groups. #### Examples ### routes Deprecated: false Allows you to generate standard URLs for the storefront. #### Properties **account_addresses_url** Deprecated: false The [account addresses page](/themes/architecture/templates/customers-addresses) URL. Redirects to [new customer accounts]( when enabled. **account_login_url** Deprecated: false The [account login page](/themes/architecture/templates/customers-login) URL. Redirects to [new customer accounts]( when enabled. **account_logout_url** Deprecated: false The URL to log a customer out of their account. Redirects to [new customer accounts]( when enabled. **account_recover_url** Deprecated: false The [password recovery page](/themes/architecture/templates/customers-reset-password) URL. Redirects to [new customer accounts]( when enabled. **account_register_url** Deprecated: false The [account registration page](/themes/architecture/templates/customers-register) URL. **account_url** Deprecated: false The [account page]( URL. Redirects to [new customer accounts]( when enabled. **all_products_collection_url** Deprecated: false The all-products collection page URL. **cart_add_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the [`/cart/add` Cart API endpoint](/api/ajax/reference/cart#post-locale-cart-add-js). **cart_change_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the [`/cart/change` Cart API endpoint](/api/ajax/reference/cart#post-locale-cart-change-js). **cart_clear_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the [`/cart/clear` Cart API endpoint](/api/ajax/reference/cart#post-locale-cart-clear-js). **cart_update_url** Deprecated: false The URL for the [`/cart/update` Cart API endpoint](/api/ajax/reference/cart#post-locale-cart-update-js). **cart_url** Deprecated: false The [cart page](/themes/architecture/templates/cart) URL. **collections_url** Deprecated: false The [collection list page](/themes/architecture/templates/list-collections) URL. **predictive_search_url** Deprecated: false The [Predictive Search API](/api/ajax/reference/predictive-search) URL. **product_recommendations_url** Deprecated: false The [Product Recommendations API]( URL. **root_url** Deprecated: false The index (home page) URL. **search_url** Deprecated: false The [search page](/themes/architecture/templates/search) URL. **storefront_login_url** Deprecated: false [New customer accounts]( login page. Redirects to the storefront page the customer was on before visiting the login page. #### Examples ### rule Deprecated: false A rule for the `robots.txt` file, which tells crawlers which pages can, or can't, be accessed. #### Properties **directive** Deprecated: false The directive of the rule. **value** Deprecated: false The value of the rule. #### Examples ### script Deprecated: false Information about a Shopify Script. > Caution: > Shopify Scripts will be sunset on August 28, 2025. Migrate your existing scripts to [Shopify Functions](/docs/api/functions) before this date. #### Properties **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the script. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the script. #### Examples ### scripts Deprecated: false The active scripts, of each script type, on the store. > Caution: > Shopify Scripts will be sunset on August 28, 2025. Migrate your existing scripts to [Shopify Functions](/docs/api/functions) before this date. #### Properties **cart_calculate_line_items** Deprecated: false The active line item script. #### Examples ### search Deprecated: false Information about a storefront search query. #### Properties **default_sort_by** Deprecated: false The default sort order of the search results, which is `relevance`. **filters** Deprecated: false The filters that have been set up on the search page. **performed** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if a search was successfully performed. Returns `false` if not. **results** Deprecated: false The search result items. **results_count** Deprecated: false The number of results. **sort_by** Deprecated: false The sort order of the search results. This is determined by the `sort_by` URL parameter. **sort_options** Deprecated: false The available sorting options for the search results. **terms** Deprecated: false The entered search terms. **types** Deprecated: false The object types that the search was performed on. #### Examples ### section Deprecated: false The properties and settings of a section. #### Properties **blocks** Deprecated: false The blocks of the section. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the section. **index** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the current section within its location. **index0** Deprecated: false The 0-based index of the current section within its location. **location** Deprecated: false The scope or context of the section (template, section group, or global). **settings** Deprecated: false The [settings]( of the section. #### Examples ### selling_plan Deprecated: false Information about the intent of how a specific [selling plan](/apps/subscriptions/selling-plans) affects a line item. #### Properties **checkout_charge** Deprecated: false The checkout charge of the selling plan. **description** Deprecated: false The description of the selling plan. **group_id** Deprecated: false The ID of the [`selling_plan_group`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_group) that the selling plan belongs to. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the selling plan. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the selling plan. **options** Deprecated: false The selling plan options. **price_adjustments** Deprecated: false The selling plan price adjustments. **recurring_deliveries** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the selling plan includes multiple deliveries. Returns `false` if not. **selected** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the selling plan is currently selected. Returns `false` if not. #### Examples ### selling_plan_allocation Deprecated: false Information about how a specific [selling plan](/apps/subscriptions/selling-plans) affects a line item. #### Properties **checkout_charge_amount** Deprecated: false The amount that the customer will be charged at checkout in the currency's subunit. **compare_at_price** Deprecated: false The **compare at** price of the selling plan allocation in the currency's subunit. **per_delivery_price** Deprecated: false The price for each delivery in the selling plan in the currency's subunit. **price** Deprecated: false The price of the selling plan allocation in the currency's subunit. **price_adjustments** Deprecated: false The selling plan allocation price adjustments. **remaining_balance_charge_amount** Deprecated: false The remaining amount for the customer to pay, in the currency's subunit. **selling_plan** Deprecated: false The selling plan that created the allocation. **selling_plan_group_id** Deprecated: false The ID of the [`selling_plan_group`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_group) that the selling plan of the allocation belongs to. **unit_price** Deprecated: false The [unit price](/docs/api/liquid/objects/variant#variant-unit_price) of the variant associated with the selling plan, in the currency's subunit. #### Examples ### selling_plan_allocation_price_adjustment Deprecated: false The resulting price from the intent of the associated [`selling_plan_price_adjustment`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_price_adjustment). #### Properties **position** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the price adjustment in the [`selling_plan_allocation.price_adjustments` array](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_allocation#selling_plan_allocation-price_adjustments). **price** Deprecated: false The price that will be charged for the price adjustment's lifetime, in the currency's subunit. #### Examples ### selling_plan_checkout_charge Deprecated: false Information about how a specific [selling plan](/apps/subscriptions/selling-plans) affects the amount that a customer needs to pay for a line item at checkout. #### Properties **value** Deprecated: false The value of the checkout charge. **value_type** Deprecated: false percentage price The value type of the checkout charge. #### Examples ### selling_plan_group Deprecated: false Information about a specific group of [selling plans](/apps/subscriptions/selling-plans) that include any of a product's variants. #### Properties **app_id** Deprecated: false An optional string provided by an app to identify selling plan groups created by that app. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the selling plan group. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the selling plan group. **options** Deprecated: false The selling plan group options. **selling_plan_selected** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the currently selected selling plan is part of the selling plan group. Returns `false` if not. **selling_plans** Deprecated: false The selling plans in the group. #### Examples ### selling_plan_group_option Deprecated: false Information about a specific option in a [selling plan group](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_group). #### Properties **name** Deprecated: false The name of the option. **position** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the option in the [`selling_plan_group.options` array](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_group#selling_plan_group-options). **selected_value** Deprecated: false The option value of the currently selected selling plan. **values** Deprecated: false The values of the option. #### Examples ### selling_plan_option Deprecated: false Information about a selling plan's value for a specific [`selling_plan_group_option`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_group_option). #### Properties **name** Deprecated: false The name of the associated `selling_plan_group_option`. **position** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the selling plan option in the associated [`selling_plan_group.options` array](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan_group#selling_plan_group-options). **value** Deprecated: false The value of the selling plan option. #### Examples ### selling_plan_price_adjustment Deprecated: false Information about how a selling plan changes the price of a variant for a given period of time. #### Properties **order_count** Deprecated: false The number of orders that the price adjustment applies to. **position** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the price adjustment in the [`selling_plan.price_adjustments` array](/docs/api/liquid/objects/selling_plan#selling_plan-price_adjustments). **value** Deprecated: false The value of the price adjustment as a decimal. **value_type** Deprecated: false percentage fixed_amount price The type of price adjustment. #### Examples ### settings Deprecated: false Allows you to access all of the theme's settings from the [`settings_schema.json` file](/themes/architecture/config/settings-schema-json). #### Properties #### Examples data: code: {% if settings.favicon != blank %} <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ settings.favicon | image_url: width: 32, height: 32 }}"> {% endif %} ### shipping_method Deprecated: false Information about the shipping method for an order. #### Properties **discount_allocations** Deprecated: false The discount allocations that apply to the shipping method. **handle** Deprecated: false The [handle](/docs/api/liquid/basics#handles) of the shipping method. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the shipping method. **original_price** Deprecated: false The price of the shipping method in the currency's subunit, before discounts have been applied. **price** Deprecated: true The price of the shipping method in the currency's subunit, after discounts have been applied. **price_with_discounts** Deprecated: false The price of the shipping method in the currency's subunit, after discounts have been applied, including order level discounts. **tax_lines** Deprecated: false The tax lines for the shipping method. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the shipping method. #### Examples ### shop Deprecated: false Information about the store, such as the store address, the total number of products, and various settings. #### Properties **accepts_gift_cards** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the store accepts gift cards. Returns `false` if not. **address** Deprecated: false The address of the store. **brand** Deprecated: false The [brand assets]( for the store. **collections_count** Deprecated: false The number of collections in the store. **currency** Deprecated: false The currency of the store. **customer_accounts_enabled** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if customer accounts are required to complete checkout. Returns `false` if not. **customer_accounts_optional** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if customer accounts are optional to complete checkout. Returns `false` if not. **description** Deprecated: false The [description]( of the store. **domain** Deprecated: false The primary domain of the store. **email** Deprecated: false The [sender email]( of the store. **enabled_currencies** Deprecated: false The currencies that the store accepts. **enabled_locales** Deprecated: true The locales (languages) that are published on the store. **enabled_payment_types** Deprecated: false The accepted payment types on the store. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the store. **locale** Deprecated: true The currently active locale (language). **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the store. **metaobjects** Deprecated: true All of the [metaobjects](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metaobject) of the store. **money_format** Deprecated: false The money format of the store. **money_with_currency_format** Deprecated: false The money format of the store with the currency included. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the store. **password_message** Deprecated: false The password page message of the store. **permanent_domain** Deprecated: false The `` domain of the store. **phone** Deprecated: false The phone number of the store. **policies** Deprecated: false The policies for the store. **privacy_policy** Deprecated: false The privacy policy for the store. **products_count** Deprecated: false The number of products in the store. **published_locales** Deprecated: false The locales (languages) that are published on the store. **refund_policy** Deprecated: false The refund policy for the store. **secure_url** Deprecated: false The full URL of the store, with an `https` protocol. **shipping_policy** Deprecated: false The shipping policy for the store. **subscription_policy** Deprecated: false The subscription policy for the store. **taxes_included** Deprecated: true Returns `true` if prices include taxes. Returns `false` if not. **terms_of_service** Deprecated: false The terms of service for the store. **types** Deprecated: false All of the product types in the store. **url** Deprecated: false The full URL of the store. **vendors** Deprecated: false All of the product vendors for the store. #### Examples ### shop_locale Deprecated: false A language in a store. #### Properties **endonym_name** Deprecated: false The name of the locale in the locale itself. **iso_code** Deprecated: false The ISO code of the locale in [IETF language tag format]( **name** Deprecated: false The name of the locale in the store's primary locale. **primary** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the locale is the store's primary locale. Returns `false` if not. **root_url** Deprecated: false The relative root URL of the locale. #### Examples ### sitemap Deprecated: false The sitemap for a specific group in the [`robots.txt` file](/themes/architecture/templates/robots-txt-liquid). #### Properties **directive** Deprecated: false Returns `Sitemap`. **value** Deprecated: false The URL that the sitemap is hosted at. #### Examples ### sort_option Deprecated: false A sort option for a collection or search results page. #### Properties **name** Deprecated: false The customer-facing name of the sort option. **value** Deprecated: false The value of the sort option. #### Examples ### store_availability Deprecated: false A variant's inventory information for a physical store location. #### Properties **available** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant has available inventory at the location. Returns `false` if not. **location** Deprecated: false The location that the variant is stocked at. **pick_up_enabled** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the location has pickup enabled. Returns `false` if not. **pick_up_time** Deprecated: false The amount of time that it takes for pickup orders to be ready at the location. #### Examples ### swatch Deprecated: false Color and image for visual representation. Available for [product option values](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product_option_value) and [filter values](/docs/api/liquid/objects/filter_value). #### Properties **color** Deprecated: false The swatch color. **image** Deprecated: false The swatch image. #### Examples ### tablerowloop Deprecated: false Information about a parent [`tablerow` loop](/docs/api/liquid/tags/tablerow). #### Properties **col** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the current column. **col0** Deprecated: false The 0-based index of the current column. **col_first** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the current column is the first in the row. Returns `false` if not. **col_last** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the current column is the last in the row. Returns `false` if not. **first** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the current iteration is the first. Returns `false` if not. **index** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the current iteration. **index0** Deprecated: false The 0-based index of the current iteration. **last** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the current iteration is the last. Returns `false` if not. **length** Deprecated: false The total number of iterations in the loop. **rindex** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of the current iteration, in reverse order. **rindex0** Deprecated: false The 0-based index of the current iteration, in reverse order. **row** Deprecated: false The 1-based index of current row. #### Examples ### tax_line Deprecated: false Information about a tax line of a checkout or order. #### Properties **price** Deprecated: false The tax amount in the currency's subunit. **rate** Deprecated: false The decimal value of the tax rate. **rate_percentage** Deprecated: false The decimal value of the tax rate, as a percentage. **title** Deprecated: false The title of the tax. #### Examples ### taxonomy_category Deprecated: false The taxonomy category for a product #### Properties **ancestors** Deprecated: false All parent nodes of the current taxonomy category. **gid** Deprecated: false The public node ID for the category, formatted as a Shopify GID. **id** Deprecated: false The public node ID for the category **name** Deprecated: false The localized category name #### Examples ### template Deprecated: false Information about the current [template](/docs/themes/architecture/templates). #### Properties **directory** Deprecated: false The name of the template's parent directory. **name** Deprecated: false 404 article blog cart collection list-collections customers/account customers/activate_account customers/addresses customers/login customers/order customers/register customers/reset_password gift_card index page password product search The name of the template's [type](/docs/themes/architecture/templates#template-types). **suffix** Deprecated: false The custom name of an [alternate template](/themes/architecture/templates#alternate-templates). #### Examples ### theme Deprecated: true Information about the current theme. #### Properties **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the theme. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the theme. **role** Deprecated: false main unpublished demo development The role of the theme. #### Examples ### transaction Deprecated: false A transaction associated with a checkout or order. #### Properties **amount** Deprecated: false The amount of the transaction in the currency's subunit. **buyer_pending_payment_instructions** Deprecated: false A list of `pending_payment_instruction_input` header-value pairs, with payment method-specific details. The customer can use these details to complete their purchase offline. If the payment method doesn’t support pending payment instructions, then an empty array is returned. | Supported payment method | Expected Values | | --- | ----------- | | ShopifyPayments - Multibanco | [{header="Entity", value="12345"}, {header="Reference", value="999999999"}] | **buyer_pending_payment_notice** Deprecated: false A notice that contains instructions for the customer on how to complete their payment. The messages are specific to the payment method used. **created_at** Deprecated: false A timestamp of when the transaction was created. **gateway** Deprecated: false The [handleized](/docs/api/liquid/basics#modifying-handles) name of the payment provider used for the transaction. **gateway_display_name** Deprecated: false The name of the payment provider used for the transaction. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the transaction. **kind** Deprecated: false authorization capture sale void refund The type of transaction. **name** Deprecated: false The name of the transaction. **payment_details** Deprecated: false The transaction payment details. **receipt** Deprecated: false Information from the payment provider about the payment receipt. **show_buyer_pending_payment_instructions?** Deprecated: false Whether the transaction is pending, and whether additional customer info is required to process the payment. **status** Deprecated: false success pending failure error The status of the transaction. **status_label** Deprecated: false The status of the transaction, translated based on the current locale. #### Examples ### transaction_payment_details Deprecated: false Information about the payment methods used for a transaction. #### Properties **credit_card_company** Deprecated: false The name of the company that issued the credit card used for the transaction. **credit_card_last_four_digits** Deprecated: false The last four digits of the credit card number of the credit card used for the transaction. **credit_card_number** Deprecated: false The credit card number of the credit card used for the transaction. **gift_card** Deprecated: false The gift card used for the transaction. #### Examples ### unit_price_measurement Deprecated: false Information about how units of a product variant are measured. It's used to calculate [unit prices]( #### Properties **measured_type** Deprecated: false volume weight dimension The type of unit measurement. **quantity_unit** Deprecated: false The unit of measurement used to measure the [`quantity_value`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/unit_price_measurement#unit_price_measurement-quantity_value). **quantity_value** Deprecated: false The quantity of the unit. **reference_unit** Deprecated: false The unit of measurement used to measure the [`reference_value`](/docs/api/liquid/objects/unit_price_measurement#unit_price_measurement-reference_value). **reference_value** Deprecated: false The quantity of the unit for the base unit price. #### Examples ### user Deprecated: false The author of a blog article. #### Properties **account_owner** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the author is the account owner of the store. Returns `false` if not. **bio** Deprecated: false The bio associated with the author's account. **email** Deprecated: false The email associated with the author's account. **first_name** Deprecated: false The first name associated with the author's account. **homepage** Deprecated: false The URL for the personal website associated with the author's account. **image** Deprecated: false The image associated with the author's account. **last_name** Deprecated: false The last name associated with the author's account. **name** Deprecated: false The first and last name associated with the author's account. #### Examples ### user_agent Deprecated: false The user-agent, which is the name of the crawler, for a specific group in the [`robots.txt` file](/themes/architecture/templates/robots-txt-liquid). #### Properties **directive** Deprecated: false Returns `User-agent`. **value** Deprecated: false The name of the user-agent. #### Examples ### variant Deprecated: false A [product variant]( #### Properties **available** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant is available. Returns `false` if not. **barcode** Deprecated: false The barcode of the variant. **compare_at_price** Deprecated: false The **compare at** price of the variant in the currency's subunit. **featured_image** Deprecated: false The image attached to the variant. **featured_media** Deprecated: false The first media object attached to the variant. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the variant. **image** Deprecated: false The image attached to the variant. **incoming** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant has incoming inventory. Returns `false` if not. **inventory_management** Deprecated: false The inventory management service of the variant. **inventory_policy** Deprecated: false continue deny Whether the variant should continue to be sold when it's out of stock. **inventory_quantity** Deprecated: false The inventory quantity of the variant. **matched** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant has been matched by a [storefront filter]( or no filters are applied. Returns `false` if it hasn't. **metafields** Deprecated: false The [metafields](/docs/api/liquid/objects/metafield) applied to the variant. **next_incoming_date** Deprecated: false The arrival date for the next incoming inventory of the variant. **option1** Deprecated: true The value of the variant for the first product option. **option2** Deprecated: true The value of the variant for the second product option. **option3** Deprecated: true The value of the variant for the third product option. **options** Deprecated: false The values of the variant for each [product option](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product_option). **price** Deprecated: false The price of the variant in the currency's subunit. **product** Deprecated: false The parent product of the variant. **quantity_price_breaks** Deprecated: false Returns `quantity_price_break` objects for the variant in the current customer context. **quantity_price_breaks_configured?** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant has any quantity price breaks available in the current customer context. Returns `false` if it doesn't. **quantity_rule** Deprecated: false The quantity rule for the variant. **requires_selling_plan** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant's product is set to require a `selling_plan` when being added to the cart. Returns `false` if not. **requires_shipping** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant requires shipping. Returns `false` if it doesn't. **selected** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if the variant is currently selected. Returns `false` if it's not. **selected_selling_plan_allocation** Deprecated: false The selected `selling_plan_allocation`. **selling_plan_allocations** Deprecated: false The `selling_plan_allocation` objects for the variant. **sku** Deprecated: false The SKU of the variant. **store_availabilities** Deprecated: false The store availabilities for the variant. **taxable** Deprecated: false Returns `true` if taxes should be charged on the variant. Returns `false` if not. **title** Deprecated: false A concatenation of each variant option, separated by a `/`. **unit_price** Deprecated: false The [unit price]( of the variant in the currency's subunit. **unit_price_measurement** Deprecated: false The unit price measurement of the variant. **url** Deprecated: false The URL of the variant. **weight** Deprecated: false The weight of the variant in grams. **weight_in_unit** Deprecated: false The weight of the variant in the unit specified by `variant.weight_unit`. **weight_unit** Deprecated: false The unit for the weight of the variant. #### Examples ### video Deprecated: false Information about a video uploaded as [product media](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product-media) or a [`file_reference` metafield](/apps/metafields/types). #### Properties **alt** Deprecated: false The alt text of the video. **aspect_ratio** Deprecated: false The aspect ratio of the video as a decimal. **duration** Deprecated: false The duration of the video in milliseconds. **id** Deprecated: false The ID of the video. **media_type** Deprecated: false The media type of the model. Always returns `video`. **position** Deprecated: false The position of the video in the [``](/docs/api/liquid/objects/product#product-media) array. **preview_image** Deprecated: false A preview image for the video. **sources** Deprecated: false The source files for the video. #### Examples ### video_source Deprecated: false Information about the source files for a video. #### Properties **format** Deprecated: false mov mp4 m3u8 The format of the video source file. **height** Deprecated: false The height of the video source file. **mime_type** Deprecated: false The [MIME type]( of the video source file. **url** Deprecated: false The [CDN URL](/themes/best-practices/performance/platform#shopify-cdn) of the video source file. **width** Deprecated: false The width of the video source file. #### Examples