# appCreditCreate - partner - MUTATION Version: 2024-10 ## Description Allows an app to create a credit for a shop that can be used towards future app purchases. This mutation is only available to Partner API clients that have been granted the `View financials` permission. ### Access Scopes ## Arguments * [amount](/docs/api/partner/2024-10/input-objects/MoneyInput): MoneyInput! - The amount that can be used towards future app purchases in Shopify. * [appId](/docs/api/partner/2024-10/scalars/ID): ID! - The id of the app to associate the credit with. Example value: `gid://partners/App/123`. * [description](/docs/api/partner/2024-10/scalars/String): String! - The description of the app credit. * [shopId](/docs/api/partner/2024-10/scalars/ID): ID! - The id of the shop to be credited. Example value: `gid://partners/Shop/456`. * [test](/docs/api/partner/2024-10/scalars/Boolean): Boolean - Specifies whether the app credit is a test transaction. ## Returns * [appCredit](/docs/api/partner/2024-10/objects/AppCredit): AppCredit The app credit that was created. * [userErrors](/docs/api/partner/2024-10/objects/UserError): UserError Errors when creating the application credit. ## Examples