# PaymentSessionRedirectUserError - payments-apps - OBJECT Version: 2024-10 ## Description An error that occurs during the execution of `PaymentSessionRedirect`. ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [code](/docs/api/payments-apps/2024-10/enums/PaymentSessionRedirectUserErrorCode): PaymentSessionRedirectUserErrorCode - The error code. * [field](/docs/api/payments-apps/2024-10/scalars/String): String - The path to the input field that caused the error. * [message](/docs/api/payments-apps/2024-10/scalars/String): String! - The error message. ## Connections ## Related queries ## Related mutations * [paymentSessionRedirect](/docs/api/payments-apps/2024-10/mutations/paymentSessionRedirect) Redirects the buyer to the given URL for the payment session. For example, Shopify will redirect the buyer to the URL where the 3DS authentication will take place for onsite payment with `credit_card` payment method. ## Related Unions ## Examples