## ActionItem
The `ActionItem` provides a tappable surface on the specified extension target as an entry point to an extension. Note that the text displayed on this `ActionItem` is dependent on the description of the extension.
[View ActionItem](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/actionitem)
## Badge
Badges are used to inform merchants of the status of an item or action that’s been taken.
[View Badge](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/badge)
## Banner
A banner informs merchants about important changes or persistent conditions. Use if you need to communicate to merchants in a prominent way, without blocking other actions.
[View Banner](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/banner)
## Button
Buttons enable the merchant to initiate actions, like "add", "save", or "next".
[View Button](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/button)
## CameraScanner
The camera scanner uses the devices camera to scan and decode barcodes or QR codes. It displays a live feed with guidance markers for alignment and triggers actions within the app upon successful recognition.
[View CameraScanner](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/camerascanner)
## DateField
A component that enables users to open a dialog and select a date through a text input.
[View DateField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/datefield)
## DatePicker
A component used to select a date through a dialog.
[View DatePicker](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/datepicker)
## Dialog
A dialog is a high-priority, intentionally disruptive message that requires action from the merchant before they can continue using POS.
[View Dialog](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/dialog)
## EmailField
Use an email field to conveniently and accurately capture merchant email addresses.
[View EmailField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/emailfield)
## FormattedTextField
Use a formatted text field when you require additional functionality such as the text field input type or a custom validator.
[View FormattedTextField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/formattedtextfield)
## Icon
A component that renders an icon from the POS asset catalog.
[View Icon](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/icon)
## Image
The image component displays an image to a merchant in Shopify POS.
[View Image](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/image)
## List
The list is a scrollable component in which the list rows are rendered.
[View List](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/list)
## Navigator
A component used to navigate between different screens.
[View Navigator](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/navigator)
## NumberField
Use a number field to conveniently and accurately capture numerical values.
[View NumberField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/numberfield)
## PinPad
A component used to authenticate or identify individuals through a standarized number pad.
[View PinPad](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/pinpad)
## RadioButtonList
A radio button list lets merchants select from a given set of options.
[View RadioButtonList](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/radiobuttonlist)
## Screen
A component used in the root of a modal extension to define a screen.
[View Screen](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/screen)
## ScrollView
The ScrollView component allows content that doesn’t fully fit on screen to scroll. Typically, the ScrollView component serves as the root component of a Screen.
[View ScrollView](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/scrollview)
## SearchBar
The search bar lets merchants enter search queries for objects throughout the app.
[View SearchBar](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/searchbar)
## Section
A component used to group other components together in a card-like UI. Usually, sections will be used inside a ScrollView.
[View Section](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/section)
## SegmentedControl
The segmented control lets the merchant easily switch between different lists or views on the same page.
[View SegmentedControl](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/segmentedcontrol)
## Selectable
The selectable component allows you to wrap any non-interactive UI component to make it selectable.
[View Selectable](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/selectable)
## Spacing
Set of spacing constants to be used in the UI Extensions components library.
[View Spacing](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/spacing)
## Stack
A container for other components that allows them to be stacked horizontally or vertically. When building complex UIs, this will be your primary building block.
[View Stack](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/stack)
## Stepper
A component used for increasing or decreasing quantities.
[View Stepper](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/stepper)
## Text
Text can be rendered in different sizes and colors in order to structure content.
[View Text](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/text)
## TextArea
Use a text input to allow merchants to input or modify multiline text.
[View TextArea](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/textarea)
## TextField
Use a text field to allow merchants to enter or edit text. If you want to specify the kind of input, then use a formatted text field.
[View TextField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/textfield)
## Tile
Tiles are customizable buttons that allow staff to complete actions quickly. Think of them as shortcuts--adding a 10% discount to an order, for example. Tiles provide contextual information and let merchants quickly access workflows, actions, and information from the smart grid and the top of detail pages. They’re dynamic and can change based on surrounding context, such as what’s in the cart.
[View Tile](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/tile)
## TimeField
A component that enables users to open a dialog and select a time through a text input.
[View TimeField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/timefield)
## TimePicker
A component used to select a time through a dialog.
[View TimePicker](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/2024-04/components/timepicker)