POS UI Extensions versions. Contains the changelog for each version as well as the information on which versions are currently supported.
- Added in POS version: 9.19 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 10/1/2024. ### Features - Added support for iOS debugging with the Safari dev tools. - On iOS, modals now appear in windowed mode. - Introduced a [POSBlock component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/POSBlock). It's the required parent component for block extension targets. - Introduced a [POSBlockRow component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/POSBlockRow). It's the required child component for POSBlock, and can be used to wrap other components. - Added support for the [pos.product-details.block.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/product-details/pos-product-details-block-render) target. - Added support for the [pos.purchase.post.block.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/post-purchase/pos-purchase-post-block-render) target. - Added support for the [pos.order-details.block.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/order-details/pos-order-details-block-render) target. - Added support for the [pos.customer-details.block.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/customer-details/pos-customer-details-block-render) target. - Deprecated the [ActionItem component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/ActionItem). Please use the [Button component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/Button) instead.
- Added in POS version: 9.15 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 08/14/2024. ### Features - Introduced a [SectionHeader component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/sectionheader). It can be used to title sections and structure content. - Removed `subtitle` property to the [FormattedTextField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/formatted-text-field) component. - Removed `subtitle` property to the [TextField](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/text-field) component. - Renamed the `OrderAPIContent` interface to `OrderApiContent`. - Added support for the [pos.product-details.action.menu-item.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/product-details/pos-product-details-action-menu-item-render) and [pos.product-details.action.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/product-details/pos-product-details-action-render) targets. - Added support for the [pos.order-details.action.menu-item.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/order-details/pos-order-details-action-menu-item-render) and [pos.order-details.action.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/order-details/pos-order-details-action-render) targets. - Added support for the [pos.draft-order-details.action.menu-item.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/draft-order-details/pos-draft-order-details-action-menu-item-render) and [pos.draft-order-details.action.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/draft-order-details/pos-draft-order-details-action-render) targets. - Added support for the [pos.customer-details.action.menu-item.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/customer-details/pos-customer-details-action-menu-item-render) and [pos.customer-details.action.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/customer-details/pos-customer-details-action-render) targets.
- Added in POS version: 9.11 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 06/10/2024. ### Features - Added support for the [pos.purchase.post.action.menu-item.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/post-purchase/pos-purchase-post-action-menu-item-render) and [pos.purchase.post.action.render](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/targets/post-purchase/pos-purchase-post-action-render) targets.
- Added in POS version: 9.4.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 03/13/2024. ### Features - Added `discounts` property to the [Cart](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/cart-api) object in the Cart API. - Added `addCartCodeDiscount` function to the [Cart API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/cart-api#cartapi-propertydetail-addcartcodediscount). - Added `removeAllDiscounts` function to the [Cart API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/cart-api#cartapi-propertydetail-removealldiscounts). - Added `listHeaderComponent` property to the [List](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/list#list-propertydetail-listheadercomponent) component.
- Added in POS version: 9.2.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 02/15/2024. ### Features - Added `bannerProps` prop to [CameraScanner](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/camerascanner#camerascanner-propertydetail-bannerprops). - Added `fetchPaginatedProductVariantsWithProductId` to [ProductSearch](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/api/productsearch-api#productsearchapi-propertydetail-fetchpaginatedproductvariantswithproductid).
- Added in POS version: 8.22.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 11/13/2023. ### Features - Added `isGiftCard` prop to [lineItem](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/cart-api) in the Cart API. - Deprecated `DiscountType` and introduced `CartDiscountType` and `LineItemDiscountType` in the Cart API.
- Added in POS version: 8.21.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 10/30/2023. ### Features - Added `bulkAddLineItemProperties` to the [Cart API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/cart-api), which allows updating multiple line item properties in one call. - Added `bulkSetLineItemDiscounts` to the [Cart API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/cart-api), which allows updating multiple line item discounts in one call.
- Added in POS version: 8.18.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 9/27/2023. ### Features - Added optional `BadgeStatus` prop to the [Badge component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/badge). - Added `isDevice` function to the [Device API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/device-api). - Introduced a [`Connectivity API`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/connectivity-api). The Connectivity API gives the UI extension access to the information about the device connectivity. - Added optional `overrideNavigateBack` prop to the [Screen component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/screen).
- Added in POS version: 8.15.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 8/16/2023. ### Features Introduced the following components: - [`DatePicker`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/datepicker): Used to select dates. - [`TimePicker`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/timepicker): Used to select times. - [`DateField`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/datefield): Used to select dates using a text input. - [`TimeField`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/timefield): Used to select times using a text input. - [`TextArea`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/textarea): A text field to allow merchants to input or modify multiline text. - [`NumberField`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/numberfield): A text field to capture numerical values. - [`EmailField`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/emailfield): A text field to capture email addresses. - [`TextField`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/textfield): A updated text field supporting text input. - [`Tile component`](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/tile): Updated to support `badgeValue`. The `enabled` and `onPress` properties are now optional.
- Added in POS version: 8.12.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 6/26/2023. ### Features - Introduced a [PinPad component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/pinpad). It can be used to authenticate or identify individuals through a standardized number pad. - Introduced [Product Search API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/productsearch-api). The Product Search API gives the UI Extension access to the native product search and fetching functionality of Shopify POS. - Added a function for setting an attributed staff to the cart and line items to [Cart API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/api/cart-api). - The [Navigator component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/navigator) now supports a new prop called `initialScreenName`. It can be used to set the name of the `Screen` to initialize to. - Introduced a [Device API](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/apis/device-api). The Device API gives the UI Extension access to the information about the device that the extension is running on. - The [List component](/docs/api/pos-ui-extensions/components/list) was updated to support `badge` property for `leftSide` image, and `toggleSwitch` property for `rightSide`.
- Added in POS version: 8.9.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 5/15/2023. ### Features - Introduces new `CameraScanner` component. - Introduces new `Scanner` API.
- Added in POS version: 8.8.1 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 5/3/2023. ### Fixes - Addresses a problem where certain published extensions could not be launched on POS.
- Added in POS version: 8.8.0 - Removed in POS version: N/A - Release day: 5/1/2023. ### Features - The `Banner` component now can hide the action button. - The `Stepper` component now has `minimumValue`, `maximumValue`, and `value` props. ### Fixes - An unremovable scanning icon was removed from `SearchBar`. - Icon sizes were adjusted for `SearchBar` to avoid cropping. - `FormattedTextField` now doesn't crash on `currency` value for `inputType`. - Removed multiple broken `inputType` values for `FormattedTextField`. - Resolved multiple path issues with the package.