Track with Shop

Track with Shop is a universal link available to you to provide the user with a direct path to see their order details in the Shop App. It is constructable for all orders you place with the Shop Pay Wallet API. This link should be provided to the user at the end of the flow, after any purchase is completed.

The link is constructable with tokens you already have: your Shop Pay API client_id (same one used for authorization) and the order_id (same one used to retrieve payment details for the order).

Those two tokens are concatenated with a :: delimiter and encoded in URL-safe Base64 encoding.

Specifically, our library implementation of URL-safe Base64 returns the Base64-encoded version of the string. This method complies with Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet in RFC 4648. The alphabet uses - instead of + and _ instead of /. Padding characters, =, are removed.

Take, for example, client_id as client1234 and order_id as order1234, the link you would provide to the buyer would be constructed as follows (ruby):

So in this example the link you would send the buyer is