Contains methods for authenticating and interacting with the Admin API. This function can handle requests for apps embedded in the Admin, Admin extensions, or non-embedded apps.
import {type ActionFunctionArgs, json} from '@remix-run/node';
import {GraphqlQueryError} from '@shopify/shopify-api';
import {authenticate} from '../shopify.server';
export const action = async ({request}: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const {admin, redirect} = await authenticate.admin(request);
try {
await admin.graphql(
mutation updateProductTitle($input: ProductInput!) {
productUpdate(input: $input) {
product {
variables: {
input: {id: '123', title: 'New title'},
return redirect('/app/product-updated');
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof GraphqlQueryError) {
return json({errors: error.body?.errors}, {status: 500});
return new Response('Failed to update product title', {status: 500});
Authenticates requests coming from the Shopify admin. The shape of the returned object changes depending on the `isEmbeddedApp` config.
request: Request
export type AuthenticateAdmin< Config extends AppConfigArg, Resources extends ShopifyRestResources = ShopifyRestResources, > = (request: Request) => Promise<AdminContext<Config, Resources>>;
EmbeddedTypedAdminContext<Config, Resources> & ScopesContext
Config['isEmbeddedApp'] extends false ? NonEmbeddedAdminContext<Config, Resources> : EmbeddedAdminContext<Config, Resources>
Methods for interacting with the GraphQL / REST Admin APIs for the store that made the request.
Billing methods for this store, based on the plans defined in the `billing` config option.
A function that ensures the CORS headers are set correctly for the response.
The session for the user who made the request. This comes from the session storage which `shopifyApp` uses to store sessions in your database of choice. Use this to get shop or user-specific data.
Cancels an ongoing subscription, given its ID.
Checks if the shop has an active payment for any plan defined in the `billing` config option.
Creates a usage record for an app subscription.
Requests payment for the plan.
Checks if the shop has an active payment for any plan defined in the `billing` config option.
Updates the capped amount for a usage billing plan.
Whether to use the test mode. This prevents the credit card from being charged.
Whether to issue prorated credits for the unused portion of the app subscription. There will be a corresponding deduction (based on revenue share) to your Partner account. For example, if a $10.00 app subscription (with 0% revenue share) is cancelled and prorated half way through the billing cycle, then the merchant will be credited $5.00 and that amount will be deducted from your Partner account.
The ID of the subscription to cancel.
Whether to include charges that were created on test mode. Test shops and demo shops cannot be charged.
The plans to check for. Must be one of the values defined in the `billing` config option.
The description of the app usage record.
Whether to use the test mode. This prevents the credit card from being charged.
The price of the app usage record.
Whether to use the test mode. This prevents the credit card from being charged. Test shops and demo shops cannot be charged.
The plan to request. Must be one of the values defined in the `billing` config option.
The URL to return to after the merchant approves the payment.
Whether to include charges that were created on test mode. Test shops and demo shops cannot be charged.
How to handle the request if the shop doesn't have an active payment for any plan.
The plans to check for. Must be one of the values defined in the `billing` config option.
The maximum charge for the usage billing plan.
The subscription line item ID to update.
export interface EnsureCORSFunction { (response: Response): Response; }
Methods for interacting with the GraphQL / REST Admin APIs for the store that made the request.
Billing methods for this store, based on the plans defined in the `billing` config option.
A function that ensures the CORS headers are set correctly for the response.
A function that redirects the user to a new page, ensuring that the appropriate parameters are set for embedded apps. Returned only if `isEmbeddedApp` is `true`.
The session for the user who made the request. This comes from the session storage which `shopifyApp` uses to store sessions in your database of choice. Use this to get shop or user-specific data.
The decoded and validated session token for the request. Returned only if `isEmbeddedApp` is `true`.
url: string
init: RedirectInit
export type RedirectFunction = ( url: string, init?: RedirectInit, ) => TypedResponse<never>;
number | (ResponseInit & {target?: RedirectTarget})
'_self' | '_parent' | '_top' | '_blank'
Methods to manage scopes for the store that made the request.
The Scopes API enables embedded apps and extensions to request merchant consent for access scopes.
Queries Shopify for the scopes for this app on this shop
Requests the merchant to grant the provided scopes for this app on this shop Warning: This method performs a server-side redirect.
Revokes the provided scopes from this app on this shop Warning: This method throws an [error]( if the provided optional scopes contains a required scope.
The scopes that have been granted on the shop for this app
The optional scopes that the app has declared in its configuration
The required scopes that the app has declared in its configuration
The scopes that have been revoked on the shop for this app
Contains methods for authenticating and interacting with the Admin API. This function can handle requests for apps embedded in the Admin, Admin extensions, or non-embedded apps.
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import { getMyAppData } from "~/db/model.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { session, cors } = await authenticate.admin(request);
return cors(json(await getMyAppData({user: session.onlineAccessInfo!.id})));
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { session, redirect } = await authenticate.admin(request);
return redirect("/");
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { session, redirect } = await authenticate.admin(request);
return redirect("/", { target: '_parent' });
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import { getMyAppData } from "~/db/model.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { session } = await authenticate.admin(request);
return json(await getMyAppData({shop:;
import { shopifyApp } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import { getMyAppData } from "~/db/model.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { session } = await authenticate.admin(request);
return json(await getMyAppData({user: session.onlineAccessInfo!.id}));
import { shopifyApp } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
useOnlineTokens: true,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import { getMyAppData } from "~/db/model.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { sessionToken } = await authenticate.admin(
return json(await getMyAppData({user: sessionToken.sub}));
import { shopifyApp } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
useOnlineTokens: true,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const billingCheck = await billing.require({
plans: [MONTHLY_PLAN],
onFailure: async () => billing.request({ plan: MONTHLY_PLAN }),
const subscription = billingCheck.appSubscriptions[0];
const cancelledSubscription = await billing.cancel({
isTest: true,
prorate: true,
// App logic
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const MONTHLY_PLAN = 'Monthly subscription';
export const ANNUAL_PLAN = 'Annual subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
lineItems: [
amount: 50,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Annual,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const { hasActivePayment, appSubscriptions } = await billing.check({
plans: [MONTHLY_PLAN],
isTest: false,
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const MONTHLY_PLAN = 'Monthly subscription';
export const ANNUAL_PLAN = 'Annual subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
lineItems: [
amount: 50,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Annual,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const { hasActivePayment, appSubscriptions } = await billing.check();
// This will be true if any payment is found
import { ActionFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const chargeBilling = await billing.createUsageRecord({
description: "Usage record for product creation",
price: {
amount: 1,
currencyCode: "USD",
isTest: true,
// App logic
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const USAGE_PLAN = 'Usage subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Usage,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
await billing.require({
plans: [MONTHLY_PLAN],
onFailure: async () => billing.request({
isTest: true,
returnUrl: '',
// App logic
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const MONTHLY_PLAN = 'Monthly subscription';
export const ANNUAL_PLAN = 'Annual subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
lineItems: [
amount: 50,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Annual,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
await billing.require({
plans: [MONTHLY_PLAN],
onFailure: async () => billing.request({
isTest: true,
trialDays: 14,
lineItems: [
interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
discount: { value: { percentage: 0.1 } },
// App logic
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const MONTHLY_PLAN = 'Monthly subscription';
export const ANNUAL_PLAN = 'Annual subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
lineItems: [
amount: 50,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Annual,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
await billing.require({
plans: [MONTHLY_PLAN],
isTest: true,
onFailure: async () => billing.request({ plan: MONTHLY_PLAN }),
// App logic
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const MONTHLY_PLAN = 'Monthly subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, redirect } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate, MONTHLY_PLAN, ANNUAL_PLAN } from "../shopify.server";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const billingCheck = await billing.require({
isTest: true,
onFailure: () => redirect('/select-plan'),
const subscription = billingCheck.appSubscriptions[0];
console.log(`Shop is on ${} (id ${})`);
// App logic
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const MONTHLY_PLAN = 'Monthly subscription';
export const ANNUAL_PLAN = 'Annual subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
lineItems: [
amount: 50,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Annual,
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import { ActionFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const { billing } = await authenticate.admin(request);
await billing.updateUsageCappedAmount({
subscriptionLineItemId: "gid://shopify/AppSubscriptionLineItem/12345?v=1&index=1",
cappedAmount: {
amount: 10,
currencyCode: "USD"
// App logic
import { shopifyApp, BillingInterval } from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
export const USAGE_PLAN = 'Usage subscription';
const shopify = shopifyApp({
// ...etc
billing: {
lineItems: [
amount: 5,
currencyCode: 'USD',
interval: BillingInterval.Usage,
terms: "Usage based"
export default shopify;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { scopes } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const scopesDetail = await scopes.query();
return json({
hasWriteProducts: scopesDetail.granted.includes('write_products'),
export default function Index() {
const {hasWriteProducts} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
import type { ActionFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useFetcher } from "@remix-run/react";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
// Example of an action to POST a request to for optional scopes
export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const { scopes } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const body = await request.formData();
const scopesToRequest = body.getAll("scopes") as string[];
// If the scopes are not already granted, a full page redirect to the request URL occurs
await scopes.request(scopesToRequest);
// otherwise return an empty response
return json({});
export default function Index() {
const fetcher = useFetcher<typeof action>();
const handleRequest = () => {
fetcher.submit({scopes: ["write_products"]}, {
method: "POST",
import type { ActionFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useFetcher } from "@remix-run/react";
import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server";
import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
// Example of an action to POST optional scopes to revoke
export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const { scopes } = await authenticate.admin(request);
const body = await request.formData();
const scopesToRevoke = body.getAll("scopes") as string[];
const revokedResponse = await scopes.revoke(scopesToRevoke);
return json(revokedResponse);
export default function Index() {
const fetcher = useFetcher<typeof action>();
const handleRevoke = () => {
fetcher.submit({scopes: ["write_products"]}, {
method: "POST",