# hydrogen deploy Builds and deploys your Hydrogen storefront to Oxygen. Requires an Oxygen deployment token to be set with the `--token` flag or an environment variable (`SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN`). If the storefront is [linked](/docs/api/shopify-cli/hydrogen/hydrogen-link) then the Oxygen deployment token for the linked storefront will be used automatically. ### hydrogen deploy ```bash shopify hydrogen deploy [flags] ``` ## Flags The following flags are available for the `hydrogen deploy` command: ### hydrogendeploy ### --auth-bypass-token env: AUTH_BYPASS_TOKEN Generate an authentication bypass token, which can be used to perform end-to-end tests against the deployment. ### --auth-bypass-token-duration <value> env: AUTH_BYPASS_TOKEN_DURATION Specify the duration (in hours) up to 12 hours for the authentication bypass token. Defaults to `2` ### --build-command <value> Specify a build command to run before deploying. If not specified, `shopify hydrogen build` will be used. ### --entry <value> env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_FLAG_ENTRY Entry file for the worker. Defaults to `./server`. ### --env <value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its handle. Fetch the handle using the `env list` command. ### --env-branch <value> env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its Git branch name. ### --env-file <value> Path to an environment file to override existing environment variables for the deployment. ### --json-output Create a JSON file containing the deployment details in CI environments. Defaults to true, use `--no-json-output` to disable. ### --lockfile-check env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_FLAG_LOCKFILE_CHECK Checks that there is exactly one valid lockfile in the project. Defaults to `true`. Deactivate with `--no-lockfile-check`. ### --metadata-description <value> env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_FLAG_METADATA_DESCRIPTION Description of the changes in the deployment. Defaults to the commit message of the latest commit if there are no uncommited changes. ### --metadata-user <value> env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_FLAG_METADATA_USER User that initiated the deployment. Will be saved and displayed in the Shopify admin ### --no-verify Skip the routability verification step after deployment. ### --path <value> env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_FLAG_PATH The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the command is run. ### --preview Deploys to the Preview environment. ### -f, --force env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_FLAG_FORCE Forces a deployment to proceed if there are uncommited changes in its Git repository. ### -s, --shop <value> env: SHOPIFY_SHOP Shop URL. It can be the shop prefix (janes-apparel) or the full myshopify.com URL (janes-apparel.myshopify.com, https://janes-apparel.myshopify.com). ### -t, --token <value> env: SHOPIFY_HYDROGEN_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN Oxygen deployment token. Defaults to the linked storefront's token if available.