# Shopify CLI Theme commands
## theme check
Calls and runs [Theme Check](/docs/themes/tools/theme-check) to analyze your theme code for errors and to ensure that it follows theme and Liquid best practices. [Learn more about the checks that Theme Check runs.](/docs/themes/tools/theme-check/checks)
[View theme check](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-check)
## theme console
Starts the Shopify Liquid REPL (read-eval-print loop) tool. This tool provides an interactive terminal interface for evaluating Liquid code and exploring Liquid objects, filters, and tags using real store data.

  You can also provide context to the console using a URL, as some Liquid objects are context-specific
[View theme console](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-console)
## theme delete
Deletes a theme from your store.

  You can specify multiple themes by ID. If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme that you want to delete from the list of themes in your store.

  You're asked to confirm that you want to delete the specified themes before they are deleted. You can skip this confirmation using the `--force` flag.
[View theme delete](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-delete)
## theme dev

  Uploads the current theme as the specified theme, or a [development theme](/docs/themes/tools/cli#development-themes), to a store so you can preview it.

This command returns the following information:

- A link to your development theme at This URL can hot reload local changes to CSS and sections, or refresh the entire page when a file changes, enabling you to preview changes in real time using the store's data.

  You can specify a different network interface and port using `--host` and `--port`.

- A link to the [editor](/docs/themes/tools/online-editor) for the theme in the Shopify admin.

- A [preview link](https://help.shopify.com/manual/online-store/themes/adding-themes#share-a-theme-preview-with-others) that you can share with other developers.

If you already have a development theme for your current environment, then this command replaces the development theme with your local theme. You can override this using the `--theme-editor-sync` flag.

> Note: You can't preview checkout customizations using

Development themes are deleted when you run `shopify auth logout`. If you need a preview link that can be used after you log out, then you should [share](/docs/api/shopify-cli/theme/theme-share) your theme or [push](/docs/api/shopify-cli/theme/theme-push) to an unpublished theme on your store.

You can run this command only in a directory that matches the [default Shopify theme folder structure](/docs/themes/tools/cli#directory-structure).
[View theme dev](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-dev)
## theme info
Displays information about your theme environment, including your current store. Can also retrieve information about a specific theme.
[View theme info](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-info)
## theme init
Clones a Git repository to your local machine to use as the starting point for building a theme.

  If no Git repository is specified, then this command creates a copy of [Dawn](https://github.com/Shopify/dawn), Shopify's example theme, with the specified name in the current folder. If no name is provided, then you're prompted to enter one.

  > Caution: If you're building a theme for the Shopify Theme Store, then you can use Dawn as a starting point. However, the theme that you submit needs to be [substantively different from Dawn](/docs/themes/store/requirements#uniqueness) so that it provides added value for users. Learn about the [ways that you can use Dawn](/docs/themes/tools/dawn#ways-to-use-dawn).
[View theme init](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-init)
## theme language-server
Starts the [Language Server](/docs/themes/tools/cli/language-server).
[View theme language-server](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-language-server)
## theme list
Lists the themes in your store, along with their IDs and statuses.
[View theme list](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-list)
## theme metafields pull
Retrieves metafields from Shopify Admin.

If the metafields file already exists, it will be overwritten.
[View theme metafields pull](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-metafields-pull)
## theme open
Returns links that let you preview the specified theme. The following links are returned:

  - A link to the [editor](/docs/themes/tools/online-editor) for the theme in the Shopify admin.
  - A [preview link](https://help.shopify.com/manual/online-store/themes/adding-themes#share-a-theme-preview-with-others) that you can share with other developers.

  If you don't specify a theme, then you're prompted to select the theme to open from the list of the themes in your store.
[View theme open](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-open)
## theme package
Packages your local theme files into a ZIP file that can be uploaded to Shopify.

  Only folders that match the [default Shopify theme folder structure](/docs/themes/tools/cli#directory-structure) are included in the package.

  The ZIP file uses the name `theme_name-theme_version.zip`, based on parameters in your [settings_schema.json](/docs/themes/architecture/config/settings-schema-json) file.
[View theme package](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-package)
## theme profile
Profile the Shopify Liquid on a given page.

  This command will open a web page with the Speedscope profiler detailing the time spent executing Liquid on the given page.
[View theme profile](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-profile)
## theme publish
Publishes an unpublished theme from your theme library.

If no theme ID is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme that you want to publish from the list of themes in your store.

You can run this command only in a directory that matches the [default Shopify theme folder structure](/docs/themes/tools/cli#directory-structure).

If you want to publish your local theme, then you need to run `shopify theme push` first. You're asked to confirm that you want to publish the specified theme. You can skip this confirmation using the `--force` flag.
[View theme publish](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-publish)
## theme pull
Retrieves theme files from Shopify.

If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme to pull from the list of the themes in your store.
[View theme pull](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-pull)
## theme push
Uploads your local theme files to Shopify, overwriting the remote version if specified.

  If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme to overwrite from the list of the themes in your store.

  You can run this command only in a directory that matches the [default Shopify theme folder structure](/docs/themes/tools/cli#directory-structure).

  This command returns the following information:

  - A link to the [editor](/docs/themes/tools/online-editor) for the theme in the Shopify admin.
  - A [preview link](https://help.shopify.com/manual/online-store/themes/adding-themes#share-a-theme-preview-with-others) that you can share with others.

  If you use the `--json` flag, then theme information is returned in JSON format, which can be used as a machine-readable input for scripts or continuous integration.

  Sample output:

    "theme": {
      "id": 108267175958,
      "name": "MyTheme",
      "role": "unpublished",
      "shop": "mystore.myshopify.com",
      "editor_url": "https://mystore.myshopify.com/admin/themes/108267175958/editor",
      "preview_url": "https://mystore.myshopify.com/?preview_theme_id=108267175958"
[View theme push](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-push)
## theme rename
Renames a theme in your store.

  If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme that you want to rename from the list of themes in your store.
[View theme rename](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-rename)
## theme share
Uploads your theme as a new, unpublished theme in your theme library. The theme is given a randomized name.

  This command returns a [preview link](https://help.shopify.com/manual/online-store/themes/adding-themes#share-a-theme-preview-with-others) that you can share with others.
[View theme share](/docs/api/shopify-cli//theme/theme-share)