Use ShopifyQL to access the dataset to analyze data about product performance. This dataset combines sales and sessions data at a product_id grain to provide a holistic view of product performance.

This page outlines the definition, type, and utility of each ShopifyQL column including numeric values, aggregates, and dimensional attributes.

## Notes about this dataset

Each row of this dataset represents either a sale or a session associated with a product in a 15 minute span, per currency. Sales events will have the currency code populated, but session events will have `NULL` currency, so sales data and sessions data are aggregated to distinct rows. As such, each row represents a 15 minute rollup of either sessions data or sales data. Further, sales data is also aggregated at the currency grain, so there might be multiple sales rows per 15 minute span if there are sales in multiple currencies during that span.

### Unintuitive row filtering

Since sales and sessions exist on different rows in the underlying dataset, filtering on one will remove all rows belonging to the other. For example, the following query will result in `sum(gross_sales) = 0` because all sale lines will be removed by the `WHERE view_sessions > 0` filter.

FROM products
WHERE view_sessions > 0

### Important difference between the following fields:
- `view_purchase_sessions`: The count of sessions with a product page view and purchase
- `view_cart_checkout_purchase_sessions`: The count of sessions with a product page view, cart addition, checkout started and purchase

`view_cart_checkout_purchase_sessions` can be zero when `view_purchase_sessions` isn't zero, if the cart addition or the checkout being started wasn't captured by the session. This can happen because some stores don’t have carts. Similarly, some stores don’t have product pages, so the first step in their conversion funnels is always zero.

## Numeric values

Numeric values are the base numbers in the dataset. They’re typically aggregated using ShopifyQL functions like `sum`.

| Name | Type | Definition|
| `view_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product was viewed |
| `cart_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product was added to cart |
| `checkout_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product reached checkout |
| `purchase_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product was purchased |
| `view_cart_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product was viewed and added to cart |
| `view_cart_checkout_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product was viewed, added to cart, and reached checkout |
| `view_cart_checkout_purchase_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product was viewed, added to cart, reached checkout, and purchased |
| `checkout_purchase_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product reached checkout and was purchased |
| `view_purchase_sessions` | number | The sessions where the product was viewed and purchased |
| `quantity_added_to_cart` | number | The number of items added to the cart from online store sessions |
| `quantity_purchased` | number | The number of items purchased from online store sessions |
| `gross_sales` | price | The value of sales before factoring in discounts, returns, shipping, or taxes |
| `ordered_product_quantity` | number | The number of items ordered |
| `returned_product_quantity` | number | The number of items returned |
| `net_product_quantity` | number | The items ordered, less the number of items returned |
| `discounts` | price | The amount taken off a product's regular price |
| `returns` | price | The value of returned products |
| `net_sales` | price | The value of sales after factoring in discounts and returns, but before taxes |
| `taxes` | price | The total amount of taxes charged |
| `product_price` | price | The price the product sold for before discounts |
| `product_price_after_discounts` | price | The price the product sold for after discounts |

## Aggregates

Aggregates are predefined calculations of numeric values, to replicate metrics that are available throughout Shopify. Aggregates can be grouped or filtered by any of the dimensional attributes.

| Name | Type | Definition|
| `view_to_cart_rate` | rate | The ratio of sessions added to cart after viewing <br />Formula: `SUM(view_and_cart_sessions)/SUM(view_sessions)` |
| `view_cart_to_checkout_rate` | rate | The ratio of sessions which reached checkout after viewing and adding to cart <br />Formula: `SUM(view_cart_checkout_sessions)/SUM(view_cart_sessions))` |
| `view_cart_checkout_to_purchase_rate` | rate | The ratio of sessions purchased after viewing, adding to cart and reaching checkout <br />Formula: `SUM(view_cart_checkout_purchase_sessions)/SUM(view_cart_checkout_sessions)` |
| `checkout_to_purchase_rate` | rate | The ratio of sessions purchased after reaching checkout <br />Formula: `SUM(checkout_purchase_sessions)/SUM(checkout_sessions)` |
| `view_to_purchase_rate` | rate | The ratio of sessions purchased after viewing <br />Formula: `SUM(view_purchase_sessions)/SUM(view_sessions)` |

## Dimensional attributes

| Name | Type | Definition|
| `product_title` | string | The name of a product |
| `product_type` | string | The label describing the nature of the product |
| `product_id` | number | The product identifier used in Shopify |

## Sample Queries

| 1. Show top selling products
FROM products
VISUALIZE sum(net_sales) AS product_sales
GROUP BY product_title
SINCE last_month UNTIL yesterday
ORDER BY product_sales DESC

| 2. Return rate of top selling products
FROM products
sum(returned_product_quantity) AS total_returns,
sum(ordered_product_quantity) AS total_orders,
sum(returned_product_quantity) / sum(ordered_product_quantity) AS rate_of_return
GROUP BY product_title
SINCE last_month UNTIL yesterday
ORDER BY total_orders DESC