# DeliveryAddressInput - storefront - INPUT_OBJECT Version: 2024-04 ## Description The input fields for delivery address preferences. ### Access Scopes ## Fields * [customerAddressId](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/ID): ID - The ID of a customer address that is associated with the buyer that is interacting with the cart. * [deliveryAddress](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/input-objects/MailingAddressInput): MailingAddressInput - A delivery address preference of a buyer that is interacting with the cart. * [deliveryAddressValidationStrategy](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/enums/DeliveryAddressValidationStrategy): DeliveryAddressValidationStrategy - Defines what kind of address validation is requested. ## Input objects with this input object * [CartBuyerIdentityInput](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/input-objects/CartBuyerIdentityInput) ## Examples