# Shop - storefront - OBJECT
Version: 2024-04

## Description
Shop represents a collection of the general settings and information about the shop.

### Access Scopes
`unauthenticated_read_product_listings` access scope.

## Fields
* [brand](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/Brand): Brand - The shop's branding configuration.
* [description](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/String): String - A description of the shop.
* [id](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/ID): ID! - A globally-unique ID.
* [metafield](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/Metafield): Metafield - A [custom field](https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/build/custom-data), including its `namespace` and `key`, that's associated with a Shopify resource for the purposes of adding and storing additional information.
* [metafields](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/Metafield): Metafield! - A list of [custom fields](/docs/apps/build/custom-data) that a merchant associates with a Shopify resource.
* [moneyFormat](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/String): String! - A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency isn’t specified.
* [name](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/scalars/String): String! - The shop’s name.
* [paymentSettings](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/PaymentSettings): PaymentSettings! - Settings related to payments.
* [primaryDomain](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/Domain): Domain! - The primary domain of the shop’s Online Store.
* [privacyPolicy](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/ShopPolicy): ShopPolicy - The shop’s privacy policy.
* [refundPolicy](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/ShopPolicy): ShopPolicy - The shop’s refund policy.
* [shippingPolicy](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/ShopPolicy): ShopPolicy - The shop’s shipping policy.
* [shipsToCountries](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/enums/CountryCode): CountryCode! - Countries that the shop ships to.
* [subscriptionPolicy](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/ShopPolicyWithDefault): ShopPolicyWithDefault - The shop’s subscription policy.
* [termsOfService](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/objects/ShopPolicy): ShopPolicy - The shop’s terms of service.

## Connections

## Related queries
* [shop](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/queries/shop) The shop associated with the storefront access token.

## Related mutations

## Related Unions
* [MetafieldParentResource](/docs/api/storefront/2024-04/unions/MetafieldParentResource) A resource that the metafield belongs to.

## Examples