Requires unauthenticated_read_product_listings access scope.

A product variant represents a different version of a product, such as differing sizes or differing colors.

Indicates if the product variant is available for sale.

The barcode (for example, ISBN, UPC, or GTIN) associated with the variant.

The compare at price of the variant. This can be used to mark a variant as on sale, when compareAtPrice is higher than price.

Field results may vary based on the @inContext directive values for:

List of bundles components included in the variant considering only fixed bundles.

Whether a product is out of stock but still available for purchase (used for backorders).

List of bundles that include this variant considering only fixed bundles.

A globally-unique ID.

Image associated with the product variant. This field falls back to the product image if no image is available.

Returns a metafield found by namespace and key.

The metafields associated with the resource matching the supplied list of namespaces and keys.

The product variant’s price.

Field results may vary based on the @inContext directive values for:

The product object that the product variant belongs to.

Anchor to ProductVariant.quantityAvailable
Access requirements

The total sellable quantity of the variant for online sales channels.

A list of quantity breaks for the product variant.

Field results may vary based on the @inContext directive values for:

The quantity rule for the product variant in a given context.

Field results may vary based on the @inContext directive values for:

Whether a product variant requires components. The default value is false. If true, then the product variant can only be purchased as a parent bundle with components.

Whether a customer needs to provide a shipping address when placing an order for the product variant.

List of product options applied to the variant.

Anchor to ProductVariant.sellingPlanAllocations
Access requirements

Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe which selling plans are available for each variant, and what their impact is on pricing.

The SKU (stock keeping unit) associated with the variant.

Anchor to ProductVariant.storeAvailability
Access requirements

The in-store pickup availability of this variant by location.

Whether tax is charged when the product variant is sold.

The product variant’s title.

The unit price value for the variant based on the variant's measurement.

Field results may vary based on the @inContext directive values for:

The unit price measurement for the variant.

The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit.

Unit of measurement for weight.

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Fields and connections from


ProductVariant Implements